Should women be imprisoned.............

Women are for fucking! That's their whole purpose in life ....if they get pregnant, it's all their fault and they should get an abortion. If they don't, then it's still their fault and they should bear the burden of it.

Baron Max
Women are for fucking! That's their whole purpose in life ....if they get pregnant, it's all their fault and they should get an abortion. If they don't, then it's still their fault and they should bear the burden of it.

Baron Max

Let us know when you first get one that will fuck you, wont you.;)
He's all front, he's already said us lot should be cherished and worshipped blah blah. he can't take it back now. TOO late.

No, you're right, ToR, I can't take it back, and I can't change how I feel. But I can still advise others who are young enough to not make the same mistakes that I did. Women cause nothing but problems for men, and that's the honest truth ...and the marriage stats show it, the talk shows acknowledge it, women's magazines reveal it, .....and on and on. We all know it, but so few of us are willing to admit it.

Baron Max
What you are talking about is raping a man for his genetics, his sperm. Which you could argue is more exploitative than raping a person for their body, for a small peroid of time.

Should women face the same prison sentences for deliberate paternaty fraud as men do for rape? I believe so. That's raping a man of his fatherhood.

Anyone agree?
What you are talking about is raping a man for his genetics, his sperm. Which you could argue is more exploitative than raping a person for their body, for a small peroid of time.

Should women face the same prison sentences for deliberate paternaty fraud as men do for rape? I believe so. That's raping a man of his fatherhood.

Anyone agree?

I agree in principle, maybe not imprisonment but a penalty of sorts, perhaps enter them onto a 'paternity offender registry' instead?

What of married men who believe their spouse to be taking precautions and yet they are not? Perhaps the female has agreed before marriage not to have children. What then?
What of married men who believe their spouse to be taking precautions and yet they are not?
The man can't take precautions as well? So only she is responsible for not getting pregnant? You do know that men can buy condoms or get a vasectomy don't you?

Perhaps the female has agreed before marriage not to have children. What then?
So you think she should be fined or imprisoned? Precautions don't always work. Would the same apply if the condom broke or she fell into the 2% failure rate of the pill?

I was not meant to be able to have children when I met my husband and because of that, we'd agreed that we'd simply not have them as I did not enjoy the prospect of undergoing treatment or have operations to try to get pregnant. Now that was our 'agreement', no children ever. He did not want them and neither did I actually. But I then found out one day that I was pregnant. Now should I pay a fine or be imprisoned, or be placed on a 'paternity offender registry'? I'd broken our 'agreement' after all and got pregnant with our first born.

The mind boggles..
If men had to undergo nine months of pregnancy and horrendous labor pains, they'd take precautions to prevent it. Since men don't have to worry about any of that, they don't.

Women, on the other hand, do undergo all that shit, yet many don't take precautions to prevent it. So who's at fault for her predicament? What? ...say 90% the fault of the woman, 10% the fault of the man, or even less!

How many of y'all would intentionally swallow something that caused dire stomach aches and fever and pain? Ain't that exactly what women do? And yet they want to blame someone else because they were so freakin' stupid as to swallow the damned thing!?!

If I had a hole in my body, I'd be a little more careful what I allowed into that hole!!

Baron Max
The man can't take precautions as well? So only she is responsible for not getting pregnant? You do know that men can buy condoms or get a vasectomy don't you?

but if a girl tells you she is on the pill when she isnt,or puts a pin prick in your condom.what then?
then she's stealing sperm, and should go to jail for the same length of time as a convicted rapist, IMO.
Child meets 'fathers' son in later yrs, they get married (they do not know they are related or worse she marries her father)
Mother decides to tell child who 'father' is and he has to pay support
The DNA testing genie is out of the bottle and soon it will be so common we'll be sick of it, so I'm sure this type of problem will be eradicated.
Should men take more responsibility and make sure they use condoms?
Men should certainly use more condoms. In this era of HIV, I'm just aghast at the amount of unprotected casual sex going on. Sure, women lie about having hysterectomies and how many of us know what the scar should look like. But given that we fall for that one, or "I'm on the pill," it seems pretty clear that we could just as easily fall for, "I'm safe, you don't have to worry about HIV with me."
If not is whatever results due to their carelessness?
Normally I hold people responsible for their own carelessness, but in this case the result is a new person who will be fatherless. Yeah yeah, spare me the lecture about all the outstanding people who were raised by single parents. Somehow that doesn't convince me that it's something to be encouraged.
I find this entire thread fascinating. Baron your insight is amazing, especially since it's really what everyones thinking but won't admitt.

ToR, I like your curiousity concerning these things, it is indeed delightful.

I guess the question should be, if woman are nothing but trouble then what should men do about it? I personally wouldn't mind a girlfriend, but you all know my dealings with Carmen, things didn't turn out to well. I tried very hard to be nice, she just took advantage of it. I admitt I let her, but also I wanted to find out what she was like, giving her a feeling she was in control allowed me to see who she really is.

So Baron + ToR, what advice do you guys have on finding someone that's right for you?
I find this entire thread fascinating. Baron your insight is amazing, especially since it's really what everyones thinking but won't admitt.

ToR, I like your curiousity concerning these things, it is indeed delightful.

I guess the question should be, if woman are nothing but trouble then what should men do about it? I personally wouldn't mind a girlfriend, but you all know my dealings with Carmen, things didn't turn out to well. I tried very hard to be nice, she just took advantage of it. I admitt I let her, but also I wanted to find out what she was like, giving her a feeling she was in control allowed me to see who she really is.

So Baron + ToR, what advice do you guys have on finding someone that's right for you?

You're a total loser. The only reason a woman would ever have anything to do with you is either out of pity or greed.
If men had to undergo nine months of pregnancy and horrendous labor pains, they'd take precautions to prevent it. Since men don't have to worry about any of that, they don't.

Women, on the other hand, do undergo all that shit, yet many don't take precautions to prevent it. So who's at fault for her predicament? What? ...say 90% the fault of the woman, 10% the fault of the man, or even less!

How many of y'all would intentionally swallow something that caused dire stomach aches and fever and pain? Ain't that exactly what women do? And yet they want to blame someone else because they were so freakin' stupid as to swallow the damned thing!?!

If I had a hole in my body, I'd be a little more careful what I allowed into that hole!!

Baron Max

Men should use condoms anyway, regardless of whether she is meant to be using something or not. I'd have thought that safety would over-rule any belief that 'she's doing something so it's ok'. Considering the pill is not 100% effective, it'd stand to reason that he'd want to just make sure.

As for birth and pain.. epidural..

You supposedly have a 'thing' that plugs the "hole" in her body. One would assume you'd want to protect it and would want to be careful about where you do put it, non?

kenworth said:
but if a girl tells you she is on the pill when she isnt,or puts a pin prick in your condom.what then?
You sleep with a girl after having just met her and you'd automatically believe she's telling you the truth? You'd not use a condom to stop you from catching anything she might have regardless of what she says? You can't tell if your condom is leaking afterwards? If you suspect her of wrong doing, you can't check your condoms to make sure there are no holes in them? And why would you stay if you catch her out?

Huwy said:
then she's stealing sperm, and should go to jail for the same length of time as a convicted rapist, IMO.
I'd actually agree with you in regards to the theft of sperm. But a case in Chicago in 2005 held that once a man deposits his sperm in a woman, "it was a gift — an absolute and irrevocable transfer of title to property from a donor to a donee... There was no agreement that the original deposit would be returned upon request".. Link.

It's a scary thought actually. There are deceitful people out there. Women have pricked condoms and lied about the pill and men have pieced holes in women's cervical caps or their own condoms.. all to have a child. Women can opt out of pregnancy with an abortion, but men cannot opt out of paying child support if the child is proven to be his and he either did not want the child and did not know she had used deceit to get pregnant without his consent, did not know she'd fallen pregnant, assumed the protection they used was adequate and through an act of deceit, he falls pregnant, breaks up with him and then after the child is born he's wacked with a paternity suit.

Women can be deceived just as equally.. eg cervical cap or other forms of birth control tampered with, he could prick his own condom.. She's then left with the prospect of either having an abortion or going through with the pregnancy and altering her life long plans with a child to support and care for.

The law's a bit iffy on the subject as it stands at present. It's just a case of always being wary... if your partner starts saying they want children and you'd both agreed not to have any.. I don't know really.. just be wary of what can happen. Men can keep a secret stash of condoms if they suspect that their partner's could do such a thing, and the same with women.. and decide to stay regardless of the deceit... although if you suspect that your partner is plotting against you in such a way and you stay anyway after you find holes in your condoms or cervical cap, etc, then you're an idiot..
So Baron + ToR, what advice do you guys have on finding someone that's right for you?

Honest're much better off not seeking a female partner. I've had many, I've tried to be a nice as possible (so I could get laid regularly!), but it was nothing but problems, trouble, expensive, painful, (add other similar adjectives!).... Women just ain't worth it for men, and, I suspect, men just ain't worth it for women.

Find a nice, clean whore, escort or prostitute, and form and nice, happy relationship. She arrives when you want her, she fucks you in ways that you want, she don't complain, and she leaves when you're done, and she a helluva lot less costly than having a woman of your own. What the hell more could a man want???

Baron Max