should we fry doctors of death?


Registered Member
today in sociology, we were watching a documentary on the doctors of the eugenics era in germany. while some of the things they did to those poor people were horrible, the main argument against them was that they killed people because they were told to by their government and their obligation to the greater cause of humanity should have been superior to the call of the gov't. therefore they were guilty of crimes against humanity. couldn't you say the same of the doctors administering lethal injections in US prisons?
no, simply because the people who are on death row were givin defense in a trial in front of their own peers (randomly selected), and they were convicted of one heinous crime or another. or, at least that is how it is supposed to work.
This all depends on the point of view that you take, if you tink in an absoulte sence, then yes the doctors should be held accountable for their actions. However crimes against humainty would be a little steep for these doctors maby murder but then who would put them to death? Life in prison does not seem to work to well I personally do not like the idea of my family paying taxes for the treatment and care of the man who murdered me ( if I was murdered and I could think after death but that is another discussion). So until we can find a way to stop crime before it happens I say off with their heads.
Are your sure Doctors administer the drugs? They all take an oath to 'do no harm' so seems to me that maybe they let the screws push the button on the infusion pump and leave it up to the Docs to certify death.

Dee Cee
Originally posted by DeeCee
Are your sure Doctors administer the drugs? They all take an oath to 'do no harm' so seems to me that maybe they let the screws push the button on the infusion pump and leave it up to the Docs to certify death.

Dee Cee
*shrug* Dutch doctors murder the elderly (euthanasia). So much for the "do no harm" thing.
For fucks sake Jarrek you really don't like thinking too hard do you?.
Are you unable to appreciate how your average MD perceives the difference between execution and euthanasia?.
If your remotely interested in learning something about medical ethics you could do worse than check out the differences between the classical Hippocratic Oath (not so euthanasia friendly) and the touchy feely modern one which gives us all a little more leeway.

Stop acting like a dick kid, it's not the best way to impress.
Dee Cee
Who exactly is he trying to impress and why?
I'll agree that there is a difference between mercy killing and execution. personally, I think we should just give all the lifers guns and knives and let them go at it.