should their be any religions?


all shalt bow before me!
Registered Senior Member
I don't believe their should be religion. I'm sorry if this is going to offend people (it will). all the religions of old cultures, such as the greeks, or romans, are all viewed now as "unorthidox". back in those times, people really believed with their whole hearts that those "gods" did exist. we now "know" that these religions were wrong. but how can we say anything is wrong, when we don't know ourselves what is right? in another couple thousand years, people are going to look back and see all the wars religion caused, then they will come to the conclusion that religion makes things worse. of coarse, i don't believe anyone can predict the future, but back in the times of the Romans, no one thought that their religion was wrong. so how can we be so sure that any religion is the world is right, if we are uncertain that their even is a "god" in the first place? futhermore, doesn't history repeat itself? this being said, who are we to say that what happened to the Greek and Roman "gods" isn't going to happen to everyone else's "gods".

(pardon any mispellings, kinda tired ^^;; )
THE ROMAN GODS.... lost out...

Jehovah has taken over....

the mormons would say, jehovah is not the true god, but one of many gods... and that the true real god is Elohiem.

Elohiem, created all the other gods... including satan, and jehovah.

they also suggest, then that Jesus... was Jehovah manfested here on earth.

they also believe that man, can become gods... of a lesser degree, and may gain the honor of having our own planets, as jehovah has taken this one mostly...

but... the job is not done is it... jehovah has not won the world.
but in fact... only the west, the jews, and now the muslims....

but, the other gods, still persist, and are barking at the door.

you can hate religion... and you may hate all gods....

but since your cant prove they exist, you also, cannot prove they dont exist..... hence the reason for faith.

you can literally abolish all religions.....

but that... will only cause new ones to form.

destroying religion, cant be done.

because religion is nothing more than a theoretical belief system based around the mysteries of the cosmos which are un-answerable....

so unless, you can answer all questions, and thus, know everything... then you cannot destroy religion... in general.

you can however.... allow religion to evolve...

evolve into a science based faith... in this way, you take the dog out of the dogma... but you leave in the mysteries... and the wonder, and most importantly... the faith.

- MT