Should the aged/elderly be allowed to drive?


Registered Senior Member
do you think aged people should be taken off the road because they possibly are a danger to other motorists and to themselves?
please give me some points on this one I have a debate coming up on this topic :)
I think that after a certain age (perhaps 50ish), driving tests (written and behind the wheel) should be much more frequent (at east once a year).

The reflexes and senses start failing in enough people to warrant it for the safety of others.

If you just pull licenses based on age alone people will cry "age discrimination" and have every right to do so.

But if you test them, and they ARE well and fit enough to drive, then they have nothing to worry about, however if they AREN'T fit and well enough to drive, they have no right to complain.

It is not hard at all to kill innocent people with a car.
It happens all the time.

Like people tell you when you first get your license, "Driving is a privelage, not a right." That is as appropriate for the old as it is for the young.
I personally feel *no one* should be allowed to drive, other than a computer. Unfortunately that is not possible at the moment, but it may be in a year or 5.

I spent most of the time behind the wheel looking at my fellow drivers. I trust them about as far as I can throw'em: not far. I've been rear-ended on the freeway, slammed into while waiting for trafiic lights, and had a frontal collision with an idiot who was overtaking. All were in their thirties.

As far as I can tell, about 5% are assholes, about 20% is too fearfull of driving, and about 20% is not paying attention while driving, the rest has to look out for all aforementioned idiots.

Age is but a small influence, compared to all other errors that can be made.
Originally posted by one_raven
I think that after a certain age (perhaps 50ish), driving tests (written and behind the wheel) should be much more frequent (at east once a year).
That is the case here in the UK at least. My Grandad has to be retested and have a medical every few years I believe.
Women drivers, Muslims, and Chinese are some of the worst drivers!! I know this is politically incorrect but for some reason they never dissapoint when fitting that sterotype.

Oh yeah and old people.

Boy, I think im taking a risk on this one.
OK, first things first...


Women drivers, Muslims, and Chinese are some of the worst drivers!! I know this is politically incorrect but for some reason they never dissapoint when fitting that sterotype.

You are kidding right? I have seen more young male caucasian hoons cause more accidents than any women, Muslim or Chinese drivers combined. If you have problems in believing that, I suggest you ask any traffic police officer or ambulance paramedic.

Now as to "old people" driving. While we all groan when we see a volvo with a white haired driver in front of us on the freeway doing 50km's an hour instead of the 100kms, we should remember that will be us one day:(. And while I will now say that yes they should face regular testing in regards to their driving, I know that I would be resentful of such tests if/when I reach the testing age.

There's nothing wrong with "oldies" driving. The legal age for driving should be raised to 65, that should bring the accident rate down. :D
I think anyone who can pass the test should be allowed to drive. Tests should be administered more regularly however, especially when someone is gaining in age or just starting to drive. However, I believe that more accidents are caused by drunk drivers than by elderly people, don't quote me on that, but I think it's true. I'll try to get the stats. Maybe there should be a breathalizer (sp?) on the outside of car doors along with the locks. That way you can't get in without a sober person. Haha...j/k. But it would be a semi-solution. Alright, I'm off topic. Yes, they should be allowed to drive, they're not all terrible drivers.

You are kidding right? I have seen more young male caucasian hoons cause more accidents than any women, Muslim or Chinese drivers combined

No I wasnt.

I dont care what you've seen. I have a totally different perspective and you need to respect that. These statistics will help legitamize my views.

Here are the facts-

1995 Motor Vehicle Accident Report

Accident Rates by Race and Sex (per 100,000 population)

White Nonwhite Total
Males- 27.4 38.4 30.0
Females- 13.6 14.3 13.8
Total- 20.4 25.6 21.6

I can understand the females being less likely, males are far more aggresive in driving style. Just from my personal experience I've seen some really bad women drivers.
And I too have seen some pretty bad young male caucasian drivers, from my perspective of course. And as for you not caring what I have seen? Am I supposed to care what you have seen? Therefore, since I can see this argument going on and on about who does not care about what, lets just agree to disagree and only agree that there are some bad drivers out there.... period.:)


The health and general welfare of the population are more important than their luxury or driving .
Of course, they should be allowed if no medical condition is detected that will hinder thier performance.

I think that a better question would be

Should we allow the more careless, 16,17 year old drivers on the road who willingly, and deliberatly break laws and endanger other peoples lives?

I think that the elderly are mature enough to be responsible. Its the young-uns we need to worry about!