Should That Be There ?


Recovering christian
Registered Senior Member
A friend of mine bought some disposable nappies (diapers) some time ago and in one, found a flattened, dessicated frog stuck inside one of them.

(They were made in france but I don't think it's that significant! :D )
It's a good job she saw it before using the nappy can you imagine her face when she took it off ?:eek: :eek: :eek:

This was witnessed by myself so I know it's true.

Oh and my sister once bit an apple and a maggot in half with the one cruch. :rolleyes:

Any more for any more?
I once had a bottle with orange juice soda (or what yemecallit in English :bugeye: ) and there was a condom in it. And this no joke! It was disgusting!

A friend of mine worked at a factory where they put juices into cartons for the stores. He told my friend and me that they sometimes just pee-ed in it. Isn't that gross? From that time on I was always looking at the things with suspicion. Never trusted those cartons again. I bought it again, some later on, always the feeling stayed there might be something added to it...:eek:

Last time I was in work, there was a email print off in the engineering workshop office (where we take tea) which read thusly (or something like)

There was a lady in the US who decided to take her two kids to a restaurant, (global, begins with 'M'), could be any restaurant (for legal reasons).

She ordered, oh I dunno, say a 'cheerymeal' each for the kids and a 'Big Burger' with fries for herself.

Now 'cause one of the kids was more interested in the slide across the road, he hardly touched the MuckChiken Chunks in his 'Cheerymeal'.

So his mum started to eat them.

The boy cries out just in time, "Mum, stop! That one looks just like a chicken's head."

Sure enough, there in her hand, about to be munched upon, there's a batter coated chicken head.



You know I (and I would imagine everyone else) have heard these tales of this and that found in processed foods that we buy. Oh, I am not singling out any one method that we come by them, be it fast food chain or a local food industry.

It is easy to shake the consumers’ confidence in the shopping for such. After all, you can not know with certainty, where your food has been and how and in what manner it was processed before it arrived in your hands.

He told my friend and me that they sometimes just pee-ed in it.

I have no doubt that somewhere in the world this sort of behavior has happened. Was it in the french fries you just bought or the cola you drank yesterday? I would suggest that if you really knew how your food was prepared that you ate at that restaurant yesterday or the week before you would be eating at home a lot more regularly.

I personally prefer to cook myself.
If I'm feeling especially lazy, I will go to KFC.

But you can see what you're getting, and there's not much postmortal processing.
I'm even prepared to pay more than the value of the meal in taxifares to avoid the resataurant I was writing of earlier.

There's a Muckdoogals at the bottom of my street.

Anyway, wet1, have you any examples similar to the 'appetisers' discussed?

Peace :)

I have often enough found hairs in food and I would imagine that others have too. It is common and more often than not slips by unnoticed.

As far as finding something foreign that doesn't belong in whatever you bought. I once found a cigarette butt in an unnamed cola. I lost my taste for that cola and refuse to purchase one to this day. Funny, it could have been any other cola that I have consumed since but I will walk out the door rather than purchase one from that maker and have.
Once I opened a candy bar and ate half way down when I seen the worm in between the wrapper and the chocolate:eek: But I was only 6 and when I went to complain - They gave me a new candy and sent me on my way. These days I might of been looking at a pretty good settlement:)

Groove on - and always LOOK at what your eating
I once ordered a burger from McDonald's that was totally raw on the inside. I mentioned this to the girl at the counter after a few bites (I rather liked the taste before better judgement kicked in). The guy who was cooking everything came out and apologized, and explained that he was "just experimenting". I couldn't help but think of the sheer absurdity of someone trying to exert some creative expression at a fast food restaurant. So I laughed at the poor guy who was probably worried sick that he'd kill a customer and lose his job.

I spent the next week terrified I would die of food poisoning, and attempted to save myself by drinking large amounts of Coke, under the nonsensical presumption that it was somehow antibacterial. Who knows, maybe it worked.
Actually, Porfiry

attempted to save myself by drinking large amounts of Coke, under the nonsensical presumption that it was somehow antibacterial
That was what I was thinking of ... does anyone remember a few years ago when syringes started turning up in cans of Pepsi? About the only grace Pepsi got from that is that its acidity and chemical makeup killed any microbes in the syringes.

I've been lucky, but a classmate of mine once found a cockroach in a candy bar. It was a common brand, not a specialty, so I'm pretty sure it wasn't supposed to be there.

Tiassa :cool:
a friend told me that at KFC they droped a chicken then put it in the bin but the manager was such a basted that he put it back on the rack

there was a fish and chip place down the road that is now closed down. The guy there use to smoke over the chips
I once got some eggs from a farmer.... and when I wanted to fry one of the eggs it contained a chick!
Aaah should that be in there? ;)