Should Pete Rose be inducted in hall of fame?


Valued Senior Member
It depends what we consider the Baseball Hall of Fame represents. Is it solely to honor a player’s (or team’s) professional achievements or does it represent more?

As a whole, did Pete Rose do more good than bad for baseball?
There is a criteria used to determine who warrants a nomination for the Hall of Fame. One such criterion is integrity. And although, I do not believe a player's integrity-- the def. some use anyway, should not be a factor in electing a player into their sport's hall of fame-- a representation of the best atheletes of that sport, and not those who were good citizens, integrity applies, and by that criterion, Pete does not deserve to be in the hall of fame.

Pete Rose's case is however very different. His is an ethical issue-- he bet on the sport that he coached. As a manager, he had insider information, and to make matters worse, Pete bet on his own team. That is inexcusable as it goes against everything sports stands for.
Pete also never has paid back his bookie , who was the person who actually told police that Pete was gambling, the 150,000.00 US that he owed him to begin with. You see Pete was a big time gambler and dropped hundreds of thousands on games. One time he lost and didn't pay the debt back so the bookie did what he told Pete he would do, expose Pete as the gambler he was. Pete , for 15 years, has always denied that he gambled at all and now he states he was lying all the time. I'd not let him into the Hall Of Fame UNTIL he DIES, then I would really think about it to let him in. :bugeye:
Sure, why not. Why single him out!!! many parties involved in sports aren't shining examples of integrity and honesty. Many hall of famers had their own Skeletons, their own dirty secrets.

The Sports world today is less than shining with good faith and honesty...the difference is that this man admits it where others hide.
The sports moguls are hypocrites. If Rose was caught while in his prime as player, he would have gotten his wrist slapped, because his team owner and the league in general was making money on him.

There have been football and basketball players who committed felonies and were not suspended at all, let alone for life. In most cases the incidents are covered up and people are paid off. Remember the one who tired to choke his coach? He was suspended for rest of the season, and traded to another team. He might not have been suspended if the press had not published the story. While I have not heard of similar behavior by active baseball players, I find it hard to believe that it does not happen and get covereed up.

If he was suspected of throwing games to win bets, it would be different. He was so damn competitive that nobody even suggested that he would throw a game. He was just a gambler. That is not a crime unless you run an illegal operation. My friends and I could I could play high stakes card games or bet on sporting events and not break any laws. It is not even illegal to bet with a bookie in most jurisdictions.