Should i laugh.. or cry?


Burn in hell Hippies
Registered Senior Member
Creationism is fine and dandy, but just tryign to "prove" it with "science" is the worse thing ever, Its like the retarded olympics, you can win.. a few.. occaisional points but in the end your still retarded.

This is why i try not to get into religion, I like religion but i dont like stupid people
now im going to cry, take a gander at these
but more specifically
But really im not too sad about that, sure why not, but heres what really gets me

so, take a gander at the page, Its so clever and tasteful, i can simply describe it as.. a page full of idiot hippocrits that prove to be mind bogglingly mentally retarded at best
and this may not sound like the "christian" thing to say but i seriously hope that they all commit suicide, Its not doing much im sure it wouldnt be long before they decided to go play with chainsaws or possibly tie their shoelaces together and dance right next to an activated wheat thresher
It's funny but the secret of 'creation' really is as simple as it sounds. :D

Religion vs science? Things like science happen naturally, and it's not really anyones fault. Who can stop it? I do find it quite interesting that people who have knowledge of the chinks in science's armour, rush to exploit it. WHY?!!! Science has done a lot for us, yet people cling to the unavoidable 1% that is unexplained. They do not seem to be able to move on alone without making sure every single variable has been accounted for. Odd behaviour! Something seems to be holding these people back. :)

Religion is more broad and in the long run it provides more answers. This is not a compensational factor of religion, it's just the way it is because Religion holds the truth.
Really, i agree, but see i have relabeled this website, i have dubbed it "Retards Defending God"
im not saying dont defend god, Look at the praqyer book and you will see what i mean, see how everyoen who has signed has just been making fun of the website?
I don't usually get involved in these any more, but i couldn't resist this:

From, on Dark Energy:
<center>But this new development is even more troubling, since they are now claiming that the Universe is actually ruled by a repellant Dark force. Are we seeing the final step in the Evolutionistic agenda: the replacement of God with Satan?</center>
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easy, joojoo- rely on yourself. if u are still unsatisfied, then u havn't found it. u may always be unsatisfied, maybe not. god say's, 'put more oxen to task, if one wants to grow.' u may not have a knowing relationship with god, but know this, that god may really love u.
cheers, spaceape
There is considerable debate on the Internet as to whether the "Objective: Christian Ministries" site is legitimate or a parody. Based on my review of the site, I believe it is a parody, although a very elaborate and convincing one at that. Every part of it seems crafted to evoke a response of bewilderment at its fundamentalist nature. Take a look at the members page. The faces don't look quite right.