Should gay marrge be alowed?


Registered Member
not everyone wants to addmit that they are gay. hey would straight people want to see gays. i used to not care about gays being all around us. And then i was talking to my friend and he asked me: Do you want to comepout with your kid to a park, and let him see two women/men kissing each other. Some say that in a lot of states gay marage is alowed beacuse same sex can't reproduce, so they woulkd want to adopt. And some think that its better for a kid to have two parents (even if the same sex) then one.
Marta666 said:
not everyone wants to addmit that they are gay.

d__hmmm not sure about that. many really find it hard to come out. know i did.

hey would straight people want to see gays.

d__some people become aggressively violent if they see two men KISSIN!

i used to not care about gays being all around us. And then i was talking to my friend and he asked me: Do you want to comepout with your kid to a park, and let him see two women/men kissing each other.

d__hope you accepted it?

Some say that in a lot of states gay marage is alowed beacuse same sex can't reproduce, so they woulkd want to adopt. And some think that its better for a kid to have two parents (even if the same sex) then one.

Really, marriage is a ritual that's been created by humans to celebrate two people wanting to live togther and have sex together. In the patriarchy though that came to mean that women and children become property.
But mariage, for me, should mean two people celbrating love for each other
No, and straight people shouldn't be allowed to marry, either.
It won't make any difference in who you happen to see kissing.
We straight people tend to be a little put off -- or even downright uncomfortable -- at the sight of two gay people kissing simply because we're not accustomed to it. Gay people aren't bothered by us kissing each other because we've been doing it in public for thousands of years and they've had a long time to get used to it.

I'm as militantly tolerant of diversity as the next former Flower Child, yet even I squirm when I see two guys being romantic. I just try to be respectful and not show it. (And I hope I never have to explain why I'm not quite as bothered if it's two women -- although unlike some guys I draw the line far, far short of lesbian porno -- because I can't answer that one. Perhaps there's some validity in the concept of homophobia.)

But I notice that it doesn't bother me as much as it did 35 years ago when gays first started coming out of the closet in large numbers. Being exposed to something does make one more tolerant. At least this one.
I could care less if gay marriage were allowed. I could care less if marriage period, regardless of who one is, were allowed. All that matters is that gays are granted civil unions. Marriage is just a ceremony and anyone can have a ceremony. A ceremony isn't required to be "together" or have civil union laws. Also a ceremony doesn't mean one gets those laws either. So it's all about civil union laws. Let em have that and they can then have their own lil marriage.

Marriage ceremonies tends to be religious in nature and civil unions should have nothing to do with religion due to seperation of church and state. So once one mentions the word "marriage", you'll get all the fanatical religious homophobes protesting against it. All ya gotta do is be careful in how you word things and you can get whatever you want.

Just get rid of marriage altogether though. It causes more harm than good. A marriage ceremony is just a social "must have", that's it. One wastes their money and they fool themselves thinking they can be honest and stick with that one person all their life. Get a clue, humans are animals and prefer to breed with various people from their species. Variety is the spice of life. And once one does the normal human things and has a taste of other people, then the marriage is broken and they go to court, waste their time, split their assets, go through all sorts of other trouble, wah wah wah. People just need to get be a bit more mature and get used to being with more than one partner that way children won't get so screwed up in the head due to having to move all around the place from horrible divorces, but no, people continue to keep their blinders on of false hope in that there really is that one special person to spend the rest of their life with. Divorce is inevitable. Marriage causes more harm than good.

- N
Fraggle Rocker said:
We straight people tend to be a little put off -- or even downright uncomfortable -- at the sight of two gay people kissing simply because we're not accustomed to it. Gay people aren't bothered by us kissing each other because we've been doing it in public for thousands of years and they've had a long time to get used to it.

I'm as militantly tolerant of diversity as the next former Flower Child, yet even I squirm when I see two guys being romantic. I just try to be respectful and not show it. (And I hope I never have to explain why I'm not quite as bothered if it's two women -- although unlike some guys I draw the line far, far short of lesbian porno -- because I can't answer that one. Perhaps there's some validity in the concept of homophobia.)

But I notice that it doesn't bother me as much as it did 35 years ago when gays first started coming out of the closet in large numbers. Being exposed to something does make one more tolerant. At least this one.

HEY..i really admire your honesty. It's great. what i hate is when people act out there disgust by fascistically wanting to exterminate the poeple 'causing' them the disgust. ie., they wont OWN their own feelings!
i actually find two unattractive people kissing and slobberin over each other. but i wouldn't condemn them for that obviously
NEILDO....really gell with what you say. being Queer, i have nver really dug this embrace of certain members of the Quuer community this out-jaded patriarchal torutre...marriage. the very idea of maiking a contract to ALWAYS be only having sex with one person seems to defy where we are really at, which is erotically exploratative. this doesn't mean to say you cant have A partner you can relate to. but wouldn't it be better to get real with each other and allow erotic freedom....most words with 'mono' in it are potentially toxic and life-leaching
this doesn't mean to say you cant have A partner you can relate to.

I say if people wanna start a family, do it with a best friend. The two have known each other all their life so they make the perfect partner to raise kids. Just continue living each other's lives as they already have. Nothing has to really change. You can't really get sick of their company when you've hung out together for so long. You know each other like the back of your hands. There's no need to pick some stranger you've only known for a couple months or years and then marry em, doing a deed that changes the rest of one's life with someone they've only known a fraction of it.

Now if ya wanna have sex, go out and have sex like one normally does. You both are best friends so you both know what you each do. Pick up some stranger, have a normal one night stand, and leave it at that without upsetting your "partner". Leave the strangers for sex, not for freakin marriage.

- N
Good ideas.....the thing i am sure most people hate is deceit. although it may give the person doin it a kind of buzz--probably cause their lives have gotten so dull. but it Is really fokin ugly

as long as you both know about the needs of erotic adventure that's cool. what we have also lost with the patriarchal monogomy trip is community. so families are isolated from each other. so kids can be taken into 'care'..mening a fuked up State lookin after you. with other kids who are victims of it ready to kick shit out of those who are 'weak'

this culture is so hypcritical on so many levels. take prostitution. only NOW is there some hint in our media that there may be licensed places for workin girls to do their stuff...but, it will be 'years' to begin
this is the oldest profession as is there to fulfuillpeoples erotic needs in a society that pushes the midnumbing deflation of monogomous relationships on people
it's funny, but you hear some dudes who just want an intimate CHAt with prostitutes
My partner and I have been together for over five years. We have never had a civil or (God forbid) religious ceremony to celebrate our union. :eek:
Nor have we ever celebrated anniversaries with cards or special dinner dates. :rolleyes:
This does not make us unmarried.

Instead we argue about whose turn it is to clean out the oven, take out the trash or walk the damn dog.
Both our salaries are looked upon as 'our' money we sort out the bills and then argue about what to spend the happy money on.
He nags me to be less lazy, I nag him to be tidier and at chrismas we dutifully visit both sets of parents to pretend to follow the edicts of another outdated ritual, which bears no resemblance to it's origins.

On the down side we have little in the way of legal recourse should one of us die, and no claim to property bought jointly in this eventuality either.

So should Gay people marry...? NO
Should two people be entitled to tax benefits irrespective of their marital status or gender YES!

Oh if only I was preident of the world. It would all be a lot easier. and Beige! :D
oh God Darlinggg, BEIGE??!...hehe
i know what you mean. i think a contract will be guaranteed to make it reall a drag

most people love freedom, yet want a soul mate/lover too. why not?
Marta666 said:
Some say that in a lot of states gay marage is alowed beacuse same sex can't reproduce, so they woulkd want to adopt.

Just a quick clarification here, in case you haven't been following the issue, same sex marriage is not allowed in "a lot of states". There is only one state, Massachusetts, which allows marriage of same sex couples.
Fraggle Rocker said:
We straight people tend to be a little put off -- or even downright uncomfortable -- at the sight of two gay people kissing simply because we're not accustomed to it. Gay people aren't bothered by us kissing each other because we've been doing it in public for thousands of years and they've had a long time to get used to it.

I'm as militantly tolerant of diversity as the next former Flower Child, yet even I squirm when I see two guys being romantic. I just try to be respectful and not show it. (And I hope I never have to explain why I'm not quite as bothered if it's two women -- although unlike some guys I draw the line far, far short of lesbian porno -- because I can't answer that one. Perhaps there's some validity in the concept of homophobia.)

But I notice that it doesn't bother me as much as it did 35 years ago when gays first started coming out of the closet in large numbers. Being exposed to something does make one more tolerant. At least this one.

I was watching a documentary on a boy living in Iraq after the fall of Baghdad or something. The boy and his male-friend were holding hands, and kissed eachother on the cheak when they seperated. Again, just yesterday I saw two guy's in Iraq holding hands to go vote.

They were not gay either. They just are not as hungup as we are about it, amazingly. The funny thing is, EVEN if they were gay nobody would notice them doing those things. It's just taken for granted.
Nor have we ever celebrated anniversaries with cards or special dinner dates.

Ugh, don't get me started on holidays. Holidays are just days for lazy people to show their compassion for one another on those "have to" days rather than every day. Why save things like that for just a few times of the year? You should be doing that every now and then regardless. This goes for anything from Christmas, to Valentines day, to Birthdays, and all that. Those are just normal days for me. I don't do anything any differently or special than I wouldn't already do, ya know?

I was watching a documentary on a boy living in Iraq after the fall of Baghdad or something. The boy and his male-friend were holding hands, and kissed eachother on the cheak when they seperated. Again, just yesterday I saw two guy's in Iraq holding hands to go vote.

They were not gay either. They just are not as hungup as we are about it, amazingly. The funny thing is, EVEN if they were gay nobody would notice them doing those things. It's just taken for granted.

That's one of the sad things here, the lack of compassion in America. Take the tsunami for example, while we gave a lot of money to show compassion, all we're doing is showing it with money. Everything revolves around money to show our love. Like with a lot of parents, they buy their kids gifts and stuff to show their love and that's it. Hey kid, I bought you a Nintendo and TV, now go to your room and stay all alone by yourself playing it. I bought it for ya, I love ya, I just don't show it. Now if someone actually does show some compassion and love, they get labelled some freak, perv, or molestor. Compassion is icky, eww no, don't do that. Whatever, heh.

- N