should celebrities sex life be of public concern?


Valued Senior Member
we all have heard the tiger woods thing where he was caught cheating on his wife..
we have heard of monica lewinsky and bill..
there are numerous other celebrities that were caught with their pants down..

i ask;
what bussiness is that of ours?
why should we create such a big deal over the private lives of celebrities?
apperantly they have enough problems dealing with that issue in their own lives,who are we (the public) to force our own opinions into their lives?
leave them alone..its between husband and wife..not us..
In short: yes

In long: HELL, yes!

There is a slight difference between public officials and celebrities though. Officials can be blackmailed thus they can influence decissions, so that is the reason why we should be concerned with their wrongdoings.

Celebrities are simply just interesting, and it is nice to know that people with money have the same problems as we do.
Yeah, he's supposed to be such a role model. That's the price you pay for being rich and famous (and dumb).
are you kidding!? Its a real life soap opera. Its the entertainers entertaining us. They know cameras are all around because that's how they make their money, so its their own damn fault when they get busted.
It is my damn concern because I love juicy stories. Who can not be entertained by celebrities cheating, lying, and pretending to be saints ?!!!.....:confused::confused:
what if it was your life that was getting the scrutiny?
would it still be right??
what if it was your life that was getting the scrutiny?
would it still be right??

As long as I get paid for it...No money (or power), no scrutiny.

Nowadays everybody is a celebrity. Joe, the plumber, Balloon boy, WH party crashers,etc.
As long as I get paid for it...No money (or power), no scrutiny.

Nowadays everybody is a celebrity. Joe, the plumber, Balloon boy, WH party crashers,etc.

NMSquirrel for president!
We need more nuts in the white house!
we all have heard the tiger woods thing where he was caught cheating on his wife..
we have heard of monica lewinsky and bill..
there are numerous other celebrities that were caught with their pants down..

Why are people so worried about who they screw when they should consider who they screw over instead?
i ask;
what bussiness is that of ours?
It isn't.
why should we create such a big deal over the private lives of celebrities?
We shouldn't.
apperantly they have enough problems dealing with that issue in their own lives,who are we (the public) to force our own opinions into their lives?leave them alone..its between husband and wife..not us..
Women like gossip, particularly when they reach a certain age and their own life isn't satisfying enough.

Frankly I don't give a fuck what the celebs do, at the end of the day they're either pricks, or nice people, just like everyone else. :shrug:
...Women like gossip, particularly when they reach a certain age and their own life isn't satisfying enough....

:rolleyes: LOL, yeah just women. Hell, kids talk about each other on the playground. Talking about a celeb that is on the news, in the papers, on the internet, etc has nothing to do with an unsatisfying life.
:rolleyes: LOL, yeah just women. Hell, kids talk about each other on the playground. Talking about a celeb that is on the news, in the papers, on the internet, etc has nothing to do with an unsatisfying life.

Somehow I KNEW you'd respond to that bit. :p

Women gossip far more than men, men are very apathetic, and also tend to follow facts rather than rumour. Besides, you don't know the celebs, you only know the chinese whispers you hear about them, whereas someone you know personally is someone you can make a more sound judgement about when it comes to rumours.
Frankly, what makes celebs so different to everyone else? And does being famous give them no right to their own private life? I guess we'll leave this up to the baying wolves.
...Women gossip far more than men, men are very apathetic, and also tend to follow facts rather than rumour. ....

seriously?? You laughed your ass off when you typed that right?
I know you have a scientific study to back that up right? :)
I think if a Clebs sex life should be in the spot light so should everyone else's. Plain and simple.
it's an unfortunate part of being a celebrity i think. they don't mind spouting it when it's good, they just hate not being able to hide it when it's bad.

tiger woods is known for being a great golfer, not a great husband. same with clinton imo.

as long as they play golf, and run the country, i really don't care who's sucking their dick.

in tiger's case, it's all about money. if he's offering his wife money to stay with him, i really don't see how that's helping his image any. turning her into a prostitute so to speak.

it's all bullshit.
I think if a Clebs sex life should be in the spot light so should everyone else's. Plain and simple.
The celebrates pretend to be clean while their acts are dirt . Do not pretend something you are not . I have no ideals or heroes in sports . I have heroes in politics, science and philosophy .
A scientist makes a couple of hundreds thousands dollars a year while Tiger Woods is a billionaire throwing and hitting a golf ball . That means the world is screwed up and no reasonable thinking left .
Honestly, I find it nauseating that people obsess over celebrities. And yeah, it does seem to be a habit that appeals to women more than men--probably a cultural phenomenon as opposed to something that should be attributed to basic sexual characteristics, but what do I know.

That said, I assume that most people don't go out in search of fame and fortune so that they can keep to themselves. I take putting oneself in the spotlight as consent to have ones' personal life broadcast--afterall, that's what it's about in the first place, isn't it? Besides, the people who condemn celebrities' misdeeds are the same ones who engage in celebrity worship. Without these folks celebrities wouldn't be famous and the whole thing would be obsolete.

So, gross and pathetic? Yeah. Unfair? Hardly.

PS: Happy to say that I in fact had not heard about the "tiger woods thing where he was caught cheating on his wife".