Should Catholic preasts be allowed to get married.

The Metatron

Registered Senior Member
Due to the rececent revalations concerning some Catholic priests and the we will just call it mistreatment of children here in the U.S.. Would the Vaticans permission to let priests get married change this. Not saying that those doing these horrid acts will suddenly stop because they can get married those priests will just have to be weeded out, but would it attract a different type of person to the priesthood that wouldnt commit those acts.
Not to mention fix the preist shortage?
I havent done extensive research on this as a matter of fact I forgot where or who told me this so I dont know how true it is but any way here it goes. At one time priests could get married I think the first pope was but again Im not sure so dont sew me. Anyway the reason the ruling catholic body dissallowed priest marradge was so that the wives of the priests would not be bequethed the churches land or property at the time of the priests death. Has anyone else heard this?
Married? No. Laid? Yes.

A sad joke among writers is that the loneliest, most unfortunate person in the world is the woman who marries a writer. Many writers (and other artists) are so dedicated to their work that the wife is often reduced to a vital support tool.

This is, of course, a result of the fact that the wife is the second love of the artist. That is, artists often choose to devote more and better energies to art than they do to human relationships.

However, in the case of a priest, it's kind of like a doctor. You are undertaking an office whereby people need access to you. Can you imagine dropping someone in the middle of confession because you need to go get that pound of butter your wife asked for? After all, the cookies are waiting ....

Can you, as a priest, really go out and counsel others while your wife is having sex with the Father Superior of your order? (You know, he's just so dark and mysterious under that cowl.)

The practical necessities of marriage are incompatible with priesthood.

Personally, I think we should bring back limited indulgences to award to temple prostitutes. Serve a couple years as a bellywarmer for the priests and ... oh, well, that doesn't go well with birth control, either, does it?

Hmmm ...

It was a noble idea to bring about celibacy in the priesthood, but we see its deeper effects in society. Perhaps that shows the impracticality of religious commitments in the face of real life and the actual living experience.

The best solution would be if there was no more Catholic clergy whatsoever. It's become so big that it's all abstractions and dogma. Dissolve Catholocism and all formal religions, and I think you'll get a better result overall than you're getting today.

But yeah, those priests need to be able to get off now and then.

Tiassa :cool:
Re: Married? No. Laid? Yes.

Originally posted by tiassa

But yeah, those priests need to be able to get off now and then.

Tiassa :cool:

"Stands raises arms claps"

Very well done and very funny.
The pedophile interest of priest goes deeper...

than just get married to solve his problem of forced abstinence.

It has something to do with the psychological mental problem a given priest may have, the enjoyment of total control of his victim may have something to do with it. He oviously can't manipulate an older child, say 16-17 to have sex with him, so he prays on younger victims who are innocent about sex.

I don't think marriage would solve this problem, many pedophiles pray on their own children, or incest if you will, has occured in thier past, therefore they are repeating what had been done to them.

If we are to have priests, the clergy needs to have a psychological profilling of these people before trusting them to a job of priesthood.

Because they said (and they believe) it gonna make their God jealous. But perhaps they may buy some vibrators or dols... :p
Normaly i don't post in the religouse thing because everyone already has there views and nothing i can say will change that but in this case it might

First off: IM catholic and i don't WANT them to desolve the clergy, it is nessacery for many people and our priest has helped me many times (oh and i object to ALL prists being protraid as pedifiles because there were lots of them in the school system and the scouting movement to, any where they had acess to children. There are lots of very caring priests out there)

Second: The pope actaully dosn't HAVE to be a prist (it happend a few times in the middle ages that the pope was a lay person). He dosn't have to be single or even a HE. Yes thats right there have been female popes.

Third: They WILL alow married priests eventually, if only to stop the prist shortage. Actually the requirement for prists to be single wasn't around since the founding of the church. Im not sure when it was introduced but it wasn't always there