Should blind hunters be allowed to use laser sights?


As a mother, I am telling you
Valued Senior Member
I say NO!! If normal hunters can't use them, there is no reason why a blind hunter should use a laser sight. (and just how the fuck would he use it anyway?),,11069-2499705,00.html

"The blind will be able to go hunting if a Texas Bill becomes law.

They would have to be accompanied by a sighted hunter, who would help to guide their shots, and carry proof that they were legally blind. The law will also allow them to use a laser sight — a device forbidden to sighted hunters.

Edmund Kuempel, a State Representative, who introduced the Bill, said: “This opens up the fun of hunting to additional people, and I think that’s great.” The Texas Parks and Wildlife Department, which regulates hunting, has no definition for what constitutes a legally blind hunter. The Bill would give it until January 1, 2008, to come up with a definition."
Just what Texax needs. Blind people running around the bushes with loaded guns.

Maybe Cheney should have been allowed to use a laser sight when he accidently shot his friend in a face while hunting in Texas.
Are they blind, blind. Like, wave something around in the face and they won't blink, type blind.

If so, I think letting them handle loaded guns is fairly dangerous and they should keep it indoors.

If they're partially sighted, I can see why lasers might help, but they still won't be able to see what they're shooting. What the fuck's the point in that?
Maybe the state really wanted to limit the number of blind people and this is just the way how they do it.

Imagine a big huntingtrip with 5-10 blinds in it...
I really don't see why a blind person would find hunting that engaging of an activity.
Can you picture it ?

Guide: Over there ! Fire !

"Dead Eye": Eh ? Right !


Guide: ...ack !

"Dead Eye": Did I get 'im ?

Fun !!!
I don't think anyone should be allowed to hunt.
Killing animals for fun, what year is this?
Blind people allowed to hunt? What could possibly go wrong?! :rolleyes:

Btw, I think that killing as a game is barbaric.

p.s. Zephyr, I think you meant sight.
Maybe ... I've no idea what a 'laser sight' is. If it involved bouncing lasers off objects to detect distance and feeding the info back into the brain, it could replace eyes to an extent... :p
laser sight
A firearm sight that uses laser to indicate the point of impact.
This is slightly related: It is possible to hunt over the internet. There is a gun hooked up to the internet and you can control and fire it with your mouse/keyboard.

How much fun is that???
Sure why not as long as they don't specify the prey altough the aiming could be a bid difficult... better give him a shotgun or a bazooka something with a wide aim
Who cares if blind people use laser sights to hunt with?
They're handicapped, give them a break.

The law lets fat, useless hunters to hunt with guns. Why can't they chase the deer like all of us cavemen without guns?

Srsly. Who the fuck cares what Texans hunt their exploding deer populations with. I say let them use heat seeking missiles, tanks, mortars, jeep mounted machine guns and aimbots.

This is slightly related: It is possible to hunt over the internet. There is a gun hooked up to the internet and you can control and fire it with your mouse/keyboard.

How much fun is that???

It's like a video game, but something actually dies!
People who hunt for sport should be given intensive psychiatric treatment and watched really fucking carefully, lazer sights or no.