Should a Man be Forced to Pay Child Support for a Child He Wanted to Abort?

Should a Man be Forced to Pay Child Support for a Child He Wanted to Abort?

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The problem is that there is no good answer, but the best of two bad answers is "yes." On the one hand, it is unfair to make someone pay for something they didn't want and that could have been prevented.

On the other hand, it is the woman's body, and therefore has to be her right to decide whether to have a serious medical procedure to ride herself of the fetus.

Faced with a choice between violating the fundamental right a woman (and we all) have to control our own bodies) weighed against the mere economic inconvenience that a man faces, and given that a lack of support for the woman can leave her economically coerced into the medical procedure, I have to side with her.

It';s not fair, but your recourse is to bitch slap god when you die.
I'm going to wait a few more posts before I state my opinion with more clarity.. or go to sleep. I got school in 5 hours and I still have to write a speech :bawl:
he made it he should be responsible for it. unless there are exemptions, like its given up for adoption or something like that.

that is a very good question though...........

i dont believe in abortion unless..well still the child could be given up for adoption even if a girl is raped. i know that would be emotional for the one carrying the unborn. but still no reson to kill it. it wasnt the unborns fault that it came into existance.
One side of me immediately jumps to:
Of course he should - it's his child as well and they BOTH took their chances. He should have the integrity to force himself to be accountable to the decisions he makes in life.

The other side jumps to:
Why did the foolish girl get herself involved with someone who would skip like that in the first place? They are both responsible for their decisions, but she needs to understand that she has a LOT more to lose in a one night stand or a bad relationship. It is certainly not right for him to leave her holding the bag, but if he wanted her to have an abortion and wants nothing to do with the child, I can't see forcing him to pay for the decision she has made. If she is making the decision because of some moral obligation to have the child, for example, it is HER decision to face the difficulties of sticking to her morals. Why would she want him involved in any way?
It would be far too easy for men to avoid their obligations if they could just turn around and say "I never wanted the damn baby!"
this would be a great subject for the supreme court i say.

its a split desition. guess it would depend on the situation at hand.

lets say if you didnt want the responsibility then dont be stupid by not covering 'it' twice or not doing it at all. that is your soul responsibility when having sex, even if she says "no, dont wear one". use em or lose em and have one (baby that U DONT WANT!) simple as that.

then what about after the fact: well, what would i say? id say that if it is your choice to abort the unborn life then id say that aint up to you (the male). and it aint up to the female either. that unborn has every right to live no matter under any circumstance except for the life of the mother(with then be her choice to abort the unborn at that time or servere chance that the unborn is deformed too much beyond repair) is the only exscuse to abortion. any and all others is murder!

the point....YES, you should pay for that life that you created. no if ands or buts.

should the male have the right to decide abortion? none what so ever.
It would be far too easy for men to avoid their obligations if they could just turn around and say "I never wanted the damn baby!"

True, but the potential father has no say in whether or not she should abort.
Exactly, one_raven. I think this would be a nice solution for the fact that men have no say in abortion, because it is the women's body. If she wants to abort, and he doesn't she does. If he wants to abort, and she doesn't, she might anyways because she cannot financially support the baby without the man's income. In any other situation this doesn't apply. To me, the more abortions the better.
Depending on the circumstances at the time, I think I would be really upset if the man I was with wanted to abort the child. If it was a one night stand or something, I would be really upset with myself for being so STUPID and not acting responsibly. If it was a man I had been with for a while and an accident happened but he still wanted to abort it, I would think he was a asshole.
There would probably be a big fight about the whole thing. If he was a complete prick about the whole thing, I think I wouldn't want him in my life or baby's life anyway.
I would try and raise the kid myself and he would not have any contact with us again.
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Should a Man be Forced to Pay Child Support for a Child He Wanted to Abort?

That's a very tough question to answer yes or no to because it really depends upon many things that could have happened. It could be seen that he should be required to help with costs involved if the courts find him as the father and make him pay but if the courts don't see it that way then he could get off the hook by not being married to the woman.
What if the woman tricked the man just to keep a hold of him. Maybe she was on the pill for a while but decided to stop taking it in order to get pregnant. Some women do some really sneaky things to try to hold on to something. In this case if the man found out, I do not think he should have to support the child.

It all depends on the situation as Cosmic has mentioned. In any case if you are in a relationship and the man demands an abortion if you get pregnant, why would the woman want to be with such a man anyway. I can see the woman getting really upset and then sticking it to him after because she is so pissed off with his reaction to have an abortion. Out of spite the woman may try and take the guy for everything she can.......thinking OK asshole be like that, but you are going to PAY!

In the end as a mother you must do what is best for the baby. If you are going to turn this into a boxing match between the 2 of you for the yrs to come, the only one
who will suffer is the child.
I know, I'm so surprised. A women has COMPLETE rights over a MAN'S baby(and a woman's too). Explain that to me, if she wants to abort, ok, if she doesn't, ok. How the fuck is THAT fair?
I know, I'm so surprised. A women has COMPLETE rights over a MAN'S baby(and a woman's too). Explain that to me, if she wants to abort, ok, if she doesn't, ok. How the fuck is THAT fair?

How is it fair that I have to be pregnant for 9 mths and go through labour and you don't. How the fuck is THAT fair?
How is it fair that I have to be pregnant for 9 mths and go through labour and you don't. How the fuck is THAT fair?

Are you really comparing pain with such a thing as loving your (unborn) children? A man should be able to make a choice just like the women can.
Are you really comparing pain with such a thing as loving your (unborn) children? A man should be able to make a choice just like the women can.

he can choose to wear a condom, get a vasectomy, or not have sex. When he gets pregnant, he can choose to keep it, abort it, or give it up for adoption.

If the mother decides to keep it or have an abortion, she has the final say. If she wants to give it up for adoption, the father has first dibs. And there ain't a damn thing she can do about that. Its the law.