Shopkeepers Turn Informants


Analog By Birth, Digital By Design
Valued Senior Member
The Feds are pressuring Wal-Mart and other stores to monitor purchases of off-the-shelf items that can be used in drug manufacture - items including cold medicine, nail polish remover, and rubbing alcohol. Anyone who buys "too much" gets reported. Police call it "informing," but it's really a way of gathering evidence that completely avoids those pesky civil rights and privacy laws.

How long before we have a police state where you won't be able to buy anything without giving your social security number. (Read article here)

Don't pharmacies in the USA already have to report people who buy huge quantities of certain common drugs?
We do

some drugs are resrticted

Like dexanphidime (i know about this because i was on it an i know the shrink had to ring up the goverment to get permission every 6 months to give it to me) which is used to make speed

Sorry i can't spell it
Only prescription drugs, I think, Adam. But I'm also under the impression that the DEA monitors the sale of sudafed and other ephedrine products in an effort to cut down the amount of extacy that hits the market.