Sheeple in illuminatiland: you rejected the "Signs of God" on "the fall of the system


from another thread said:
My daughter is in Houston she has quarter tank gas and she is evacuating to come here to Dallas.No gas to be found in all of Houston. She just bought a home and doesn´t have flood insurance. She works ironically for Shell oil in Houston and she worked overtime trying to relocate their employees from NO.She works in their HR department. Now she needs the help she was getting for all of them.

Sheeple in illuminatiland: you rejected the "Signs of God" on "the fall of the system.
That's the totally decoded key to understand end times in illuminatiland.

Now that end times ended, in August 2005, it is still the key to other things.

For instance to verify that End Times Prophet predicted Rita - what is about to happen offshore and what happened yesterday with the ISS Houston control centre, deactivated and passed to Russia.

What even not encoded, even after end times ended, nobody is able to verify.
I'm all for the "fall of the system", like power to the people man, but what's with the Illuminatii? Certainly a group so powerful could keep themselves secret.
My guess is because God wants certain people to get the inside scoop, if they are "special" enough to connect the dots like Matt.
Communist Hamster said:
Let us laugh at MattMarr and his foolishness.
there you go!!! 'we' all fall about laughing, and the Illuminati continue unchalenged. that is how it works. that is how it is generally manipulated, tat when anyone speaks about the secret cosiety of the Illuminiati they can be ridiculed by 'those that know'....rather it is those that daren't loook to close

listen....te Illuminati are as real as can be. to not be understanding this now--after te more and more blatant clues....THAT is foolsihness, and burying yer head in the sand---well trytit when all te sand's radioactive!

the Illuminiti are really a small elite wit VAST wealth and power. the people involved can have anything they want.....and they are wanting more and more power. a new world order.

they have extremely dangerous weapons, and ones we dont even know about, that can completely control the 'dissenting' individual. think on that. already we are talking getting microwaved for legal protest, and being branded a 'terrorist' for contradicting their psychotic capricious laws and regulations

but you wont see it. you wont see it till teyare knoking on your OW door with machine guns and tarsars, etc....will you be laughing then me wonders?
This whole strand of schizophrenics now believing they are the targets of mind control devices is deeply sad and very troubling.

duendy, I recommend you read Angels and Demons by our old friend Dan "Da Vinci" Brown. He'll make you believe totally in the Illuminati, but then you'll realise that since everything he said about physics and everything he said about the Catholic Church was so utterly, utterly wrong, then he's clearly wrong about the Illuminati, too.

Seriously, here's why I don't believe in the Illuminati. I look at the world today and I think, who the hell would want to rule this place?
Silas said:
This whole strand of schizophrenics now believing they are the targets of mind control devices is deeply sad and very troubling.

)))))))have you by chance heard of pharmaceutical 'medication'? do you know of a so-called psudoscience called 'the mental health establishment' which creates bogus 'biological diseses' suh as 'mental illness' under such labels as 'clinical depression' 'non-compliance disorder' 'ADHD'. the latter inv;oves more and more pf our children sos as they will fit-into-the-schooling-system. you know, te one run by te fukin gangstewrs running tings, starting illegal wars, poisonin the planet, etc etc
All of that isn't mind control? are you blind deaf and dumb or what?

OK,i understand if your not familiar wit this. but i am beginning to inform you.

duendy, I recommend you read Angels and Demons by our old friend Dan "Da Vinci" Brown. He'll make you believe totally in the Illuminati, but then you'll realise that since everything he said about physics and everything he said about the Catholic Church was so utterly, utterly wrong, then he's clearly wrong about the Illuminati, too.
)))))))))dont assume that just because his shit is wrong that that means th Illuminati dont exist, and dont underestimate or presume my judging powers neiter. i knew ages ago, most of what tat author claims is total bunk.

Seriously, here's why I don't believe in the Illuminati. I look at the world today and I think, who the hell would want to rule this place?

First off. it looks bad to you cause you like me him and her are the victims of te oppression......however, the small elite with tier hands on unbelievebly VAST fortunes and power and land probs dont see it that way. even so te silly silly vile soul dead fkers are fouling their nest also
duendy said:
)))))))have you by chance heard of pharmaceutical 'medication'? do you know of a so-called psudoscience called 'the mental health establishment' which creates bogus 'biological diseses' suh as 'mental illness' under such labels as 'clinical depression' 'non-compliance disorder' 'ADHD'. the latter inv;oves more and more pf our children sos as they will fit-into-the-schooling-system. you know, te one run by te fukin gangstewrs running tings, starting illegal wars, poisonin the planet, etc etc
All of that isn't mind control? are you blind deaf and dumb or what?
That, however, is not what I was talking about. I was talking about people who believe that the voices in their heads are directed there by some kind of technology, which if it existed would be in commercial hands directing adverts into our minds. The fact that they hear the stuff at all times under all circumstances in such a way that no extant EM technology is capable of reaching, has no effect on their beliefs.

I don't go as far as you in ascribing those things you mentioned to a specific conspiracy or overall general policy. It's just making jobs for the psychoanalytic boys as far as I'm concerned. Sadly (I'm a liberal) it's mainly the result of the Liberal Establishment with their overall "this is for your own good" mentality. I do strongly believe that the medical establishment is in thrall to the relatively recent habit of labelling various relatively uncommon or, if common, trivial, modes of behaviour or physical effects, upon which they instantly become far more common and apparently less trivial. The most recent one I've heard of is this "acid reflux" idea. Eat healthy food and chew it, for gawds sake!
Silas said:
That, however, is not what I was talking about. I was talking about people who believe that the voices in their heads are directed there by some kind of technology, which if it existed would be in commercial hands directing adverts into our minds.

me:::checkout te 'pseudoscience' forums--a debate tere actually involves a member who claims this. i also hav e read very convincing and has to be said...desperate claims that this technology exists. am i to jut turn my face away from such confessions?, i a wanting to find out, to explore about this. not just dismis it wit a wave of the hand......what if it IS true?

The fact that they hear the stuff at all times under all circumstances in such a way that no extant EM technology is capable of reaching, has no effect on their beliefs.

me::: i admit tat pne must differentiate between actual 'schizophrenia' and possible tech-influenced voices in the head. actually regarding the whole medical explanation for schizophrenia leaves me cold anyhow, but that is for another thread

I don't go as far as you in ascribing those things you mentioned to a specific conspiracy or overall general policy. It's just making jobs for the psychoanalytic boys as far as I'm concerned.

me:::eek:ooops, you are the one t boradh tis .....Actually the shrinks are PART OFrthe conspiracy. many of course unknowingly. you have to dig how te hiearchichal power structure works ..
it is based on a pyramid--checout the American dollar bill.
tose on the lower rungs dont know what the MAINgoals o the Illuminati are. as the members of the hierarchy climb to the next level thewy are told a bit more, and are lied to that eventually they wiol be told all. but relly that privelig is for the hand picked 'bred' elite rich. the rest are lackeys which are used like us to fulfill the elites vision--which is OUR nightmare....especially if you happen to get cuaght in one of their staged terrorist atrocities and lose your legs arms and eyes etc!

Sadly (I'm a liberal) it's mainly the result of the Liberal Establishment with their overall "this is for your own good" mentality. I do strongly believe that the medical establishment is in thrall to the relatively recent habit of labelling various relatively uncommon or, if common, trivial, modes of behaviour or physical effects, upon which they instantly become far more common and apparently less trivial. The most recent one I've heard of is this "acid reflux" idea. Eat healthy food and chew it, for gawds sake!

errrrrm. i think i know what you mean. seems somewhat a change of subject. do you mean--as with Tony Blairs nann state where tey are on you to quit amokin and eat right?

well actualy eating organic is good. it wasn't Blair and his cronies who has encouraged schools to cook healthy food for children, and is one chef, Jamie Oliver--gawd bless him, who has more or lss singlehandedly done it......great i say. now all that needs to happen is to get rid of the fukin SCHOOLS!
You sir, are an idiot. The meals in my school have not improved one iota since that TV chef did the publicity stunt.
I really wish someone would ban Matt... All he does is post that a prophet predicted something everytime a disaster of any kind happens.
- what is about to happen offshore and what happened yesterday with the ISS Houston control centre, deactivated and passed to Russia.
i was thinking about this today maybe someone in the states has an answer for me.

at the moment britain is building trade relationships with russia as it is obvious that we are going to need russian energy in the near future. could this have been the reason america let russia have a play with their space toys?
Did anyone see that Oil Storm programme that was shown in the States two months prior to Katrina? That implied that the US would be totally reliant on Russian oil in the event of a major breakdown in the normal supply lines.
ellion said:
i was thinking about this today maybe someone in the states has an answer for me.

at the moment britain is building trade relationships with russia as it is obvious that we are going to need russian energy in the near future. could this have been the reason america let russia have a play with their space toys?

Russia has partial control of the ISS anyway, its just that the US needed Russian Mission Control to fully administer the ISS for the lenght of the disaster, or until Mission Control Houston was back up.