Sharing Saints


I’m the whispered word.
Valued Senior Member
It seems the Australia will get its first Saint, Mary MacKillop, a Melbourne-born nun who worked with needy children, Pope Benedict has announced.
The Vatican said MacKillop, who died in 1909, would be canonized on 17 October. But what will an Australian Saint be the patron off?

In olden times, whenever a new saint hit the market, there was a mad rush for his or her patronage. Unfortunately, without enough saints to go around, some had to “front up” for any number of disparate things….

Saint Notkar Balbulus – Patron saint of…. musicians and stammering children.

Saint Gertrude of Nivelles – Patron saint of gardeners, fear of mice, and recently dead people.

Saint George – Patron saint of ….. boy scouts, skin rashes and syphilis

Saint Roch - Patron saint of…. knee problems and the falsely accused.

Saint Matilda – Patron saint of swagmen, disappointing children and second marriages.
Well, the wiki says her patronage is of Australia and specifically Brisbane.

So...Australia and Brisbane, I guess? :D
It's not like they have to tack on a bunch of things.