Sharia Law takes action


Valued Senior Member
From BBC:

A teenage Somali boy has stabbed to death his father's killer in a public execution ordered by an Islamic court.

Large crowds gathered at a Koranic school in Somalia's capital, Mogadishu, to watch Mohamed Moallim, 16, stab Omar Hussein in the head and throat.

Hussein had been convicted of killing the boy's father, Sheikh Osman Moallim, after a row about Mohamed's education.

Somehow in Islam, which is supposedly a continuation of the Xian belief (Xianity with the fixes one could call it) lost the essential Biblical notion of forgiveness, which is the fundamental theme in the Crucifixion-allegory, this has been replaced with revenge.

In yet another Bizzaro-Islamic twist Forgiveness is Weakness and Revenge is Just.

So let me see;

- Adopted male children should NOT be treated as equal blood relatives.
- It is ok to OWN Slaves (captured or otherwise).
- It is JUST that a 51 year old man was betrothed to a pubescent CHILD.
- Killing Xian converts is CORRECT behaviour.
- Preaching the MURDER of gays is acceptable.
- The HYPOCRITCAL notion that Islam should be practiced and proclaimed anywhere in the world but other religions should not enjoy the same in Islamic States.

And newly added to the list;
- Revenge killing is to be UNPHELD by the Islamic courts idea of JUSTICE.

And the sad thing is, ALL psychological evidence (as well as Religious “revelation”) has shown that revenge is damaging. Forgiveness is psychologically much more better for the mental (“spiritual”) wellbeing.

To me, just another example of the lack of enlightenment in Islam. It is now seeming to me that Islam is leading people away from Happiness and towards Hatred. Certainly this boy, who has now himself become a murderer, will find that newfound pleasure of revenge mixed with murder short-lived. I surely hope for someone elses sake he doesn’t decide to hurt or even kill again in an attempt to replicate that short stint of artificial happiness.

Poor kid, damned by the loss of his father and now damned by the loss of his innocence.

Thanks to Islamic Sharia Law the Law that Muslims want us all to live under. That IS scary :(
Under Sharia law those who commit murder are punishable by murder.

Truly they are an enlightened people.
Cool, let's hope the U.S. adopts that law.

Forgiveness? Psssh.. That's for the weak.

- N
Sharia Law Takes Action, continued

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Capital punishment is always an act of revenge, no matter who is the executioner. It's just a lot easier to see it when a relative of the victim does the deed. But it's no different when the government does it.

Killing murderers does not make us safer. Most murders are crimes of passion, as this one obviously was. The perp, after having to live with the experience, is probably a whole lot less likely to commit a second murder than you or I are to commit our first.

When the victim's son dispatches the killer, it diminishes him. When our elected government does it in our name, it diminishes all of us.

It does not punish the killer because he is dead and can no longer sit in reflection on his bad self. It punishes everyone who loved him, from his mother to his teachers to his priest and Boy Scout leader. If he has children they are grieving just as badly as the original victim's son was grieving--grief does not bother with niceties like whether he "deserved" it. Those children will now harbor a murderous grudge against the people who killed their daddy.

And so it begins, killing begets more killing. Pretty soon you have an entire dysfunctional civilization, where a "moderate" Middle Easterner is one who only holds a grudge for six generations.
Fraggle Rocker said:
The thread was closed too early.
...and in error. Never meant to hit this thread - my apologies, Michael
"I am happy now because I killed the man who killed my father," he told the Reuters news agency.

I wonder how many times we've seen this theme in Hollywood movies?

Residents in the nearby area have reported a drop in robberies, murder and general lawlessness since the court began its work, Radio HornAfrik said.

There has been no effective central government in Somalia for 15 years, leaving warlords to fight for control of local areas.

It appears the new local government meant to send a clear message to the warlords, and it worked.
"And newly added to the list;
- Revenge killing is to be UNPHELD by the Islamic courts idea of JUSTICE."

Revenge killing should not be encouraged but under certain circumstances I am of the opinion that one should not be punished for committing the act.

"- Killing Xian converts is CORRECT behaviour.
- Preaching the MURDER of gays is acceptable.
- The HYPOCRITCAL notion that Islam should be practiced and proclaimed anywhere in the world but other religions should not enjoy the same in Islamic States."

Killing someone is not appropiate in Islam for these reasons. Also, many (historic) Islamic states are known for their religious freedom, as opposed to many Catholic countries from the same era. Palestine was a place where many people from all sorts of religions (used to) live peacefully together.

"- It is JUST that a 51 year old man was betrothed to a pubescent CHILD."

Just because it is a taboo in our culture, doesn't mean that it shouldn't be possible in other cultures. One could argue that a child is not capable of making such choices, however many adults also are not.

"- It is ok to OWN Slaves (captured or otherwise)."

The Shari'a law was written in ancient times - when Europeans were also known for slavery. Muslim scholars have argued that the Sharia should be changed to fit modern times. I'm not sure, but I don't think that the Quran justifies slavery. I would call upon an Islamic scholar such as DiamondHearts to answer that question.
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Fraggle Rocker said:
The thread was closed too early.

Capital punishment is always an act of revenge, no matter who is the executioner. It's just a lot easier to see it when a relative of the victim does the deed.
Yes I agree. It also allows the person whom was wronged the potential to confront the person and potentially offer forgiveness in the future, whereas if they are dead then it is no longer an option.
Residents in the nearby area have reported a drop in robberies, murder and general lawlessness since the court began its work

I guess it sends the message.
what, that people are scared of being detained tortured and then disposed of for the slightest of crimes
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thedevilsreject said:
what, that people are scared of being detained tortured and then disposed of for the slightest of crimes

Right so committing murder in your world is "slights" crime?

And anyway you have no room to talk you hypocrite.

Open your eyes, search for information, let the information spin around your head for a little while, and then judge the situation. Because if you have done that, you will see the truth.

Don't be a fucking sheep.

Zacarias Moussaoui, in the USA is getting a death sentence for the alleged involvement in 9/11.

the US government should atleast thank him for doing his job properly

but then again, they probably did, in private

He's probably just shown in "jail" on television, but enjoying breakfast in bed with luxurious service.

Honestly I dunn think hes in prison.
They said they put him in a prison in a way that he can have nothing to do with the outside world what so ever. No one can visit him, he can never leave.

This plus lotta shit about 9/11 leads me to believe that this dude was payed a lot of money n prolly changed his name and is in a another country livin it up rite now.

Call me a dumbass or whatever u want but thas just my take on it.

He actually isn't being punished for what he did, it's for what he didn't do, which a lot of people believe he wasn't even going to do.

If that makes sense.

He just rants on like a raving looney, at every beck and call of the US gov't, just a little too perfect.

I like the term, the little hijacker who couldn't!

And then attempted to gain 'martyrdom' through the US justice system?

If bush belives this was a showing of american democracy, and he is so proud, then why not put the Gwantanimo Bay ''terrorists'' up for a fair trial?

FACT: They have FAILED to PROVE that Zacarias Moussaoui had anything to do with 9/11.

... And to top it off, everything Moussaoui has said is heresay.
tit he is not getting the death penalty omg and you wonder why no-one takes you seriously you dumbass
thedevilsreject said:
tit he is not getting the death penalty omg and you wonder why no-one takes you seriously you dumbass

They are supposing he should. And are you trying to say people in the USA ain't sentence to death? whats the difference with that and Islamic justice system? Don't get me annoyed I lose my temper today am not on my medication I can't find them.
no they are not he has been sentenced already to life without parole i mean check cnn or something but i mean jeez and i couldnt give a fuck about your medication ok your comments mean nothing to muslim DO RESEARCH THE NEXT TIME YOU GO TO OPEN YOUR MOUTH, thinking about it thats why you copy and paste so much as this is what happens when you post long threads by yourself
thedevilsreject said:
no they are not he has been sentenced already to life without parole i mean check cnn or something but i mean jeez and i couldnt give a fuck about your medication ok your comments mean nothing to muslim DO RESEARCH THE NEXT TIME YOU GO TO OPEN YOUR MOUTH, thinking about it thats why you copy and paste so much as this is what happens when you post long threads by yourself

I must have over looked some information there, my bad. But my argument is still valid the US jjusciy system does sentence to death.