Sharia court in London


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Sharia court frees London knife youths

Sharia law "courts" are already dealing with crime on the streets of London, it has emerged.

The revelation came after the Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Rowan Williams, called for an "accommodation" with parts of the Islamic legal code in a speech which attracted widespread condemnation.

The Archbishop said parts of civil law could be dealt with under the sharia system but already some communities have gone much further - and it was revealed today that a teenage stabbing case among the Somali community in Woolwich had been dealt with by a sharia "trial".
England will be a suburb of Dubai eventually. :)
Youth worker Aydarus Yusuf, 29, who was involved in setting up the hearing, said a group of Somali youths were arrested by police on suspicion of stabbing another Somali teenager.

The victim's family told officers the matter would be settled out of court and the suspects were released on bail. A hearing was convened and elders ordered the assailants to compensate the victim.

"All their uncles and their fathers were there," said Mr Yusuf. "So they all put something towards that and apologised for the wrongdoing."

Ah. That's very cozy isn't it? I wonder if youths caught after a bad scrap can simply apologize for 'wrongdoing'.:rolleyes:

I wonder how they decide which cases are to be resolved through Sharia law and which ones cannot. Do you know?
No idea. But it's nice that Muslims living in England can all agree to completely avoid the nation's laws and courts.
Anyone can, it's called settling out of court. In this case, they just use a more elaborate mediator. I'm not sure why I should object to this, apart from the creeping intrusion of religious laws into secular society. If it's voluntary, and they cannot adjudicate serious crimes, what's the issue?
Anyone can, it's called settling out of court. In this case, they just use a more elaborate mediator. I'm not sure why I should object to this, apart from the creeping intrusion of religious laws into secular society. If it's voluntary, and they cannot adjudicate serious crimes, what's the issue?

stabbing seems pretty serious
Oh. I guess Britain doesn't have the same separation between church and state, so they are vulnerable to this sort of thing.
Dubai= major city of energy source collected by satanists. Satanists include: Usa, UK, and Israel. Coincidence? I think not.
Anyone can, it's called settling out of court. In this case, they just use a more elaborate mediator. I'm not sure why I should object to this, apart from the creeping intrusion of religious laws into secular society. If it's voluntary, and they cannot adjudicate serious crimes, what's the issue?

Quite - so long as it's voluntary. I suspect family pressure overrides free choice in such arbitration where the family has the opposite say.

Dubai= major city of energy source collected by satanists. Satanists include: Usa, UK, and Israel. Coincidence? I think not.

The state could press charges I suppose? IN the case of stabbing. But, if the victim isn't willing to testify then why bother?
The state could press charges I suppose? IN the case of stabbing. But, if the victim isn't willing to testify then why bother?

That's the annoying thing, and I personally find this quite terrifying.

Surely in a case like this the most important thing is not whether the boys parents want to settle it themselves, it's whether or not we are letting known stabbers walk around at a risk to other civilians. How many times will they have to do it before settling it out of court is no longer a valid option?
That's the annoying thing, and I personally find this quite terrifying.

Surely in a case like this the most important thing is not whether the boys parents want to settle it themselves, it's whether or not we are letting known stabbers walk around at a risk to other civilians. How many times will they have to do it before settling it out of court is no longer a valid option?

I suppose the question is: Will this change the way the law is applied in the UK? Is there a statically similar number of UK Citizens who take cash in hand over prosecution? Maybe it happens a lot more than you care to think? I personally feel that people who stab other people should do some time in the clink and maybe be sterilized just for posterity's sake? :shrug: