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what may seem absuurd to us as 21st century humans may not seem strange to the age old galactic forces

Very wise--and so true...they do not think it strange at all.

What they might find strange--or more likely amusing--is human it remains constant despite any growth in sophistication/enlightenment...Alas, the 21st century humans are not as sophisticated as they think they are. Paul related some two thousand years ago how ancient man did not like to retain the knowledge of God and thought this to be 'wise'...but Paul says, despite these Ancients professing themselves to be wise, they nevertheless became fools.

Solomon says, "there's nothing new under the sun." How true--and it cuts both ways as "the age old galactic forces" use the same strategy today as then.

Someone else once said, those who do not learn from the lessons of history are doomed to repeat them.