Shameless Amazon


As a mother, I am telling you
Valued Senior Member
Amazon UK is selling the Wikileaks cables:

This is the same Amazon who a few days ago kicked Wikileaks out of its servers, because the US complained. Now they are selling the exact same stuff....Apparently it is OK to sell "illegal" material, just distributing for free is frown upon...

I guess you wonder if you can pay by Paypal....

Edit: It is probably a prank and will be taken down...
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How is this possible?

WikiLeaks documents expose US foreign policy conspiracies. All cables with tags from 1- 5000 [DOES NOT CONTAIN TEXT OF CABLES]

Love the 125 customer reviews though, which can be summed up as:

These documents are already now 'free' in every sense of the word, why should anyone pay?

The fact you're profiteering from someone you've mistreated sickens me.

I am now an ex-customer, permanently. I'm not doing business with you any more.
It's just one of the many ways of attacking a site, "slurs" are of course the easiest layperson stunt without the need for any serious attacks, obviously the people behind it will eventually be likely seen as a breach of service, but the real query is how long will it stay up until then.
It was the hacktivists subtly target

Thursday, December 09, 2010, 11:44:04 AM

It was only a matter of time before hacktivists Operation Payback targeted, the company which terminated its relationship hosting after supposed pressure from the US Government.

Just one hour ago Operation Payback tweeted that the next target of one of its crippling DDoS attacks would be the online shopping mogul but as and .com remain up and running, the attack seems redundant… until you search for Wikileaks.

“Author” Heinz Duthel is selling his book in Amazon’s Kindle bookstore, conveniently titled “Wikileaks documents expose US foreign policy conspiracies. All cables with tags from 1- 5000” and priced at £7.37. Its beautifully ironic that you can buy this on Amazon and even more entertaining to see that the book is nearing the top 100 in Amazons ‘paid bestsellers’ ranking, currently sitting at #146.

I guess thats one way to bypass both the Amazon ban and the Paypal/Visa one!
Please note that £7.37 is likely a reference possibly to a Boeing 737. unless anyone else has some 737 potential...
I swore in the afternoon it was down, but it is up again. Since it is NOT containing the actual cables, I guess Amazon decided to keep it....

By the way the description was added later to its title, so in the beginning when most reviewers wrote, it wasn't clear what was being sold...