

The Bug Lady
Valued Senior Member
I would love to get in touch with my roots and read about the experiences of people who have been exposed to shamanic religions.

Is that the case for any of you? Would you mind talking about it?
I would love to get in touch with my roots and read about the experiences of people who have been exposed to shamanic religions.

Is that the case for any of you? Would you mind talking about it?

What are your roots ? All peoples have there own brand . They are intertwining these days . Yeah American Tribes are getting with Buddhas tribes and so forth . They are making a consorted effort to come together . It is Amazing how there ancient stories weave together . They are blowing each others minds with the similarities . Almost like it is true . They say each group was given a knowledge and then the groups split up into 4 . They also then set a date to come back together again . Funny that 2 maybe 3 of the groups are finding there way to the table . The 4th group is a hard headed stubborn megalomaniac group . They are slow at coming to the table because of it .
Delusions of grandeur is why . They think there better . Could be because of what they were untrusted with . It is not easy to be a red headed step child . It takes real work to be that wicked . Witches , yeah you got it . Witches and there wooden headed Men folk
Shaman, from my understanding, were people that would use natural substances like tree bark from certain trees to use in making "cures" for their tribes ills. They were respected and very well needed because of their knowledge of which natural ingredients were needed to alleviate many diseases and illnesses. Many of todays dugs have originally come from these peoples vast knowledge of exactly what plants are helpful and which are not.
What are your roots ?

As you must know by now, I am from Brazil. My grandmother is from a native tribe in the Pernambuco region called Jupi.
She is very quiet and talks little about her past, but she stills goes into the woods and picks weeds for teas and stuff. She has a cure for everything.
Shaman, from my understanding, were people that would use natural substances like tree bark from certain trees to use in making "cures" for their tribes ills. They were respected and very well needed because of their knowledge of which natural ingredients were needed to alleviate many diseases and illnesses. Many of todays dugs have originally come from these peoples vast knowledge of exactly what plants are helpful and which are not.

Well, while the definition is informative to those viewing the thread who don't know what it is, I was hoping to hear specific reports on experiences with these religions.
Ive got a resto shaman. He is level 85 on Alliance Skullcrusher server. He has enchanting and tailoring as his skills. Every raid loves my shammies totems.

The First Nations people of the Yukon consist of several tribes, and each has it's own rituals. One of the traditions I have been part of is the burning of sweet grass and saying a prayer prior to the commencement of a gathering or meeting of decision makers.

Depending on the size of the group and the nature of the deliberations, the one giving the blessing will walk around the room, sweeping the smoke of the burning grass over the head of each participant with an eagle feather, to cleanse their minds and hearts, and focus their thoughts and energy on the discussions to follow.

The preferred layout for these meetings is to have the chairs and/or tables set out in a circle, with none elevated above the other.

These meetings are respectful.

Only one person at a time speaks and all others listen.

A majority is arrived at by the process of consensus and the deliberations consider the immediate needs and the long-term potentials of the decisions being contemplated.
Mainly I saw this and it got drunker and drunker as the day went one. The singing and dancing in the video are spot on.

I know there were religious parts, but I couldn't see it
As I understand it Shamanism is the oldest 'religion' if you can call it such a thing. Anyone can access Shamic states of consciousness, drumming will get you there too, it is not necessary to go down the substance route. I suggest you find a teacher in your district (get recommendations together with going with your feeling on who is right to teach you) and start walking the path yourself, them you will find your roots.
Lakota Sioux use dancing and drumming. They also use sweat lodges, which is the route I would prefer.
I went to POWWOW Days in Lac La Bitche once. Mostly cheap carnie rides and a lot of Native Canadians puking in the street. Good times. They were actually shooting a movie too and the producer stopped me and told me I was in one of the shots and something I said made it in the movie(I had no idea they were shooting). I had to sign a waiver and they paid me 200 bucks.
I went to POWWOW Days in Lac La Bitche once. Mostly cheap carnie rides and a lot of Native Canadians puking in the street. Good times. They were actually shooting a movie too and the producer stopped me and told me I was in one of the shots and something I said made it in the movie(I had no idea they were shooting). I had to sign a waiver and they paid me 200 bucks.

Syncronicity or what? LOL......

Talk about "Money for nothin' and........" (Dire Straits) :cool:
Ya and I was like 14-15, it was actually a lot of money for back then (and particularly at the lake of bitches - as I called it).