Shadow People


Registered Member
Hi Folks:

I wish to make a short expose of a new unfolding mystery that is being studied in a more recent time,but that maybe is as old as mankind.I refer to the bizarre experiences that many sincere people are reporting with was is apparently beings that are as unsubstantial as a shadow.These may be thought of as ghosts,but many persons do not claim that they are ghosts.They tell that what they see are intelligent incorporeal entities,with the same essence as of a shadow.Creepy? Well,I myself had a weird experience some 10 months ago.I was performing some quantum calculations for a newly discovered active molecule, in my house.It was 2:30 a.m. Suddenly I felt as if someone was watching me.I turned around fast and saw a tall black figure that proceeded to run as fast as it (It surely was not a man) could.My hair tingled and I was suddenly feeling an eerie fear to what I had saw.From this time on I talked about my experience with some relatives and friends.They told that it was really weird.I searched over the Internet,finding that my experience was similar to thousands of other experiences that many people around the world had with this phenomenon.In fact,this mistery is related to shadows,silhouettes and other veiled figures.I
think that maybe they are entities that are at a different vibrational level than we are.Maybe they are beings from another realm that for some unknown reasons we could perceive.I understand that my opinions are only a small step toward the complete picture of this mistery.A complete scientific rationale or a different paradygm for what we interpret as reality is needed to understand this and many other paraphysical and paranormal activities.

What do you think about this newly addition to the increasing world of the paranormal: SHADOW PEOPLE ?

The Thinker :cool:
I would question what line of work you are in if you are truly doing anything of magnitude when it comes to physics. You might know that when ever a discovery is made or something important occurs "someone might be watching" to make sure the events in someway are accurate I guess.

If you see a shadow when your doing things I would ignore it, to quest after it could cause you to lose focus on what ever tasks you have at hand and potentially deprive the world of something (if you are indeed important in some way).

If your work is generally sensative then I would suggest working in places that have security clearance and perhaps a form of Faraday cage to protect against wave formations similar to mobile phone signals [Deep inside sonewhere with computers is good, since they usually have alot of anti-interference cages setup].

[I wish I had more proof to provide with a detailed explaination of whats actually going on, but if I output in full what I know, I could potentially get a few slander suits on a roll and thats not good.]
I have created a device that fits in the palm of your hand and protects against bad vibes and waveforms both, but the government and the capitalists won't let it get out because they are already compermised by shadow people, or shadow people like people.
I think performing quantum calculations at 02:30 hours, it was probably eyestrain. Drink plenty of fluids (not coffee) and rest your eyes each hour, by focussing on something further away than your desk.

I spent 72 hours without sleep once, and had some pretty strange experiences. You don't have to go too long before your perception becomes less than reliable however.