Sexual assult and physical assults of males in australia


Kiss my dark side
Valued Senior Member
I was looking up crime statistics for another thread and i found the year book of australia for 2004 (which is around the time the howard started his vilonce against women campaine) and i happened to look at the the statistics of reports of sexual assults by gender and age

For reference these statistics come from here

Now if we look at the statistics of males in the 15 - 19 age group who reported sexual assult its 64.1 per 100,000 people. Now this is quite low when you compare it to the female statistics for the same age group but when you think about it that adds up to around 12820 (assuming im right that our population is 20 million). If we go up to the next age group (20-24) we have 30.7 which translates to 6140 assults. Now for starters these are ONLY the reports made to police but even so i find it rediculas that there seems to be apsolutly no public awareness of these assults. Its always sexual assults against women that get the atention

Now if we look at the physical assults for the 15-19 age group we have 1,793.0 per 100,000 which translates to 358600 assults and for the 20-24 group we have 1,934.8 per 100,000 (386960).

Out of intrest if you add the assults and sexual assults together for the two age groups for both women and men you get an almost identical number.

So why is it that the goverment ONLY focused on physical and sexual assults aginst women?
Because most men have no problem being sexually assaulted by women.
Most probably wish it happend more often.
Wow, not only does your writing suck, but your math as well.

Look at your statistics again.
Oh fine, I'll tell you since you're too clueless to figure it out.

Multiplying the rate of sexually abused males, age 15-19, by the entire population of Australia is wrong, because clearly the entire Australian population isn't composed of 15 to 19 year old males. I bet half of them aren't even male.
your right, i did fuck that up i apologise.

Shorty, those were assults REPORTED TO POLICE. Ie these people DEFINITLY didnt want it to happen
actually im not sure that i DID fuck it up. It never says on there that its by 100,000 of the group its by 100 000 PEOPLE which means my calculations are right
According to wikipedia, there are ~1.3 million males between the ages 11 and 20. This translates to about 830 cases. If we assume that there are half as many 15-19 year olds (covering five of ten age categories), then this number drops to 415 cases.
actually im not sure that i DID fuck it up. It never says on there that its by 100,000 of the group its by 100 000 PEOPLE which means my calculations are right

Compare the rates for all ages with the individual rates. Note that the over all rate is much smaller. This is because the means are weighted.
roman thats assuming the ABS statistics are by 100,000 people in that catigory put it doesnt apear to be (because a percentage would have been better for that). It says per 100 000 POPULATION which means out of the WHOLE population this is how many people of this age group and this gender being assulted in this way
roman thats assuming the ABS statistics are by 100,000 people in that catigory put it doesnt apear to be (because a percentage would have been better for that). It says per 100 000 POPULATION which means out of the WHOLE population this is how many people of this age group and this gender being assulted in this way

1. Per cent is per one hundred. Fractions over a fraction are harder to interpret, since these rates are so low. That's why they aren't percent.

2. Look; there are 89.1/100,000 sexual assaults for the 0-9 age category. by your math, that would give somewhere in the neighborhood of 17,800 sexual assaults. Now look down at the total, for all ages. It's only 33/100,000. That's less than half the rate for sexual assaults on the youngest age category. The per 100,000 is obviously for each age category, not the whole population.
fair enough, its still way to high especially the figures for physical assults
For the entire male population, there were about 6,600 sexual assaults in 2002, or 0.00033%.