Sex offenders: Getting younger?


Let us not launch the boat ...
Valued Senior Member
While I'm quite sure these aren't the youngest alleged deviants, this article did catch my eye:

A 13-year-old boy and a 12-year-old boy have been charged with sexual abuse after a teacher saw them slapping the backsides of female classmates, McMinnville police said ....

.... School district spokeswoman Tanya Gross said a teacher saw students "slapping each other's bottoms" last week and ordered them to stop. When they continued, she said, the teacher reported the situation to Principal Jim Torgerson and Vice Principal Steve Tillery.

Based on what they learned from interviews with students, Torgerson and Tillery concluded that activity of a "more serious nature" had taken place, and notified police, Gross said ....

.... In court Tuesday, it was revealed that the boys also allegedly poked breasts.

Parents of the two boys said officials overreacted. They said they were aware of nothing more serious than a dance move in which bottoms are swatted. The father of the 12-year-old boy said students have been engaging in the so-called "party boy dance," popularized in the movie "Jackass," for several months.

"Everyone does it to each other, that's what I'm gathering," he said. "They're all friends. I don't think anything was done maliciously or in a sexual way" .... (

I'm going to flip a coin: "Everyone does it to each other" vs. "Overenthusiastic".

In the article, one of the boys' fathers points out that, "My boy's never been in trouble ... He's never done anything inappropriate. He's not that way". And I do understand. But then, I also think of the things I got away with in my time:

- Saved a friend's hand in a roman candle fight; my parents never heard about that one because I wasn't the kind of boy who got into roman candle fights.

- Sexual harassment; bra-snapping, skirt-peeking, and panty trivia (what's she wearing under those white pants?) dominated my middle-school experience.

- "Pantsing"; or, more appropriately, "de-pantsing", the art of walking up behind some schmuck wearing insufficiently-secured pants and whipping them down to his ankles. Females were targeted, too.

- The high-school history video; those familiar with my prior mentions of Molotov cocktails and smuggling a bomb into an airport might be amused to realize that I don't think I've ever mentioned it to my folks, that I got a "B+" for committing acts of terrorism. My dad would probably appreciate that story.

- How many acts of overt sexuality, knowing or otherwise? Seriously, my parents, when I was 13, would probably have said I wasn't the kind of boy to masturbate on a church retreat. (I always thought those retreats were specifically for creating an environment of temptation. Clowns ... flowers ... oh, dude! Is that silk? Prob'ly just nylon. Ooh. Polyester. And it's pink!)

- Hell, one of the reasons my psyche is viewed with concern now (as opposed to then) is that my parents never thought of me as "a boy who ...."​

I never mugged or extorted, vandalized or anything like that. But, dude! My corner of the generation came up as stalkers. It's part of the reason internet content is only shocking to us in its blatant stupidity (as opposed to its blatant iniquity).

And when I try to factor in the number of times we almost got ourselves killed doing what, it turns out, were very tame mischiefs ....

I realize that most boys are not the "boy who would do that". But my generation, we're all fucking devils, and I see no signs of improvement among those who follow.

And this isn't huge. But also it is. At some point, you have to draw a line. To correct racism, there will be a generation of sacrificial lambs. To correct sexism, there will be a generation of sacrificial lambs. To nullify, de-mystify, and hopefully destigmatize gender and sexuality in themselves will require a generation of sacrificial lambs. If it's not these boys, then which boys? And when? And for what?

Between right and wrong is a hairline separation at best.

My opinion? Run 'em through the process through pretrial. If they put on the proper show of contrition, drop the charges and let everyone get on with their lives. And make it embarrassing: "That these boys were too stupid to have a clue should not require us to condemn them to such an eternity. The State is satisfied that they are capable of learning, and did not intend such malice as the charges suggest."

Make them whipping boys if that is what must happen, but let's not brand these two as sex offenders for the rest of their lives. Come on. Seriously. (I could have similarly been branded a terrorist watch suspect from ... oh, age ten?)

But being branded an idiot? At twelve or thirteen? Welcome to the freakin' club. At least, in their cases, it's official.

As a random note: Homophobes in Oregon may not have been overreacting to Sharon Stone's role in Basic Instinct. My college girlfriend and several of her friends confessed one drunken evening to exploring their bisexuality in response to the movie. To the other, though, they were from McMinnville.


Associated Press. "Spankings lead to sex charges against Ore. boys"., February 28, 2007. See
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I am suddenly reminded of this incident:

NewsCenter 5's Amalia Barreda reported that Brenda Brier and Michael Marino pulled their daughter, Savannah, out of school early Wednesday. The couple was angry after a meeting with officials at the Greenmeadow Elementary School in Maynard, where Savannah is in kindergarten.

At issue is a hug Savannah said she got on the playground from a friend named Sophie. Savannah hugged Sophie back. The hugs resulted in Savannah having to write a letter, complete with teacher corrections, that read, "I touch Sophie because she touch me and I didn't like it because she was hugging me. I didn't like when she hugged me."

"She said, 'I'm really sad that I got in trouble for hugging,'" Brier said.

"I can understand if boys are playing rough or kids are pulling each other around -- that's one thing. But when kids are being affectionate, I mean hugging, hey, they shouldn't be disciplined over it and they shouldn't be lying in letters making the kid say the opposite that they don't like to hug," Marino said.
I agree with the father who told his story. It's normal to do things like that at that age.

I grabbed asses left, right and centre at school. Happy days.

Giving the kids a sex offender record though. Absolute bastards.
Giving the kids a sex offender record though. Absolute bastards.

Feel sorry for when they start to drive..

LAWMAKERS in the US state of Ohio said today they want to force convicted sex offenders to use a fluorescent-green licence plate on their cars so they can be easily identified.

A Republican and a Democrat in the state legislature have joined forces to propose the law, which echoes measures in several US states that require convicted drunken drivers to use a yellow, pink or red plate on their cars.

I wonder if Seattle will be looking to implement the same rules?
Wow, yet another example of the pointless justice system, time for reform perhaps?
Must wonder why they were poking breasts though, perhaps I skipped this phase but is it common behaviour born out of curiosity?
Boys will be boys, girls will be girls, I didn't hear any claims there was anything sexually malicious when the girls were grabbing my ass, as disturbing as it was.
The idea of the green fluorescent lights on the cars of sex offenders is absurd. If they have been released from prison, they should be rehabilitated. A sex offender who has not been rehabilitated should NOT BE RELEASED in the first place.
The idea of the green fluorescent lights on the cars of sex offenders is absurd. If they have been released from prison, they should be rehabilitated. A sex offender who has not been rehabilitated should NOT BE RELEASED in the first place.

You'd think so.

But it seems the authorities want children, adults and police to be able to easily identify a registered (and released) sex offender by the car he or she may drive. The question that comes to mind of course if what if the released offender is married or has children? What if someone borrows the offenders car and uses it to drive their kids around? Imagine if they drop their kids off in the offenders car? The scenarios of how bad it could be is astounding. People would focus on the car and the person driving it, regardless of whether they were the released offender or not. Personally I find it ridiculous that such a step could be taken.

I wonder, if such laws are passed throughout the US, would these kids (if they are found guilty and possibly registered as sex offenders... I can't even believe it is even a possibility seeing how stupid this case actually is) be forced to have such a form of identifying licence plate when released and of driving age?
The idea of the green fluorescent lights on the cars of sex offenders is absurd. If they have been released from prison, they should be rehabilitated. A sex offender who has not been rehabilitated should NOT BE RELEASED in the first place.
Exactly. Shaming is just political grandstanding for politicians too timid to take on real issues. If you did the crime, served the time, you shouldn't be stamped with a bullseye. The cars these plates would be on would be vandalized and or followed. Kids seeing a car without the Shame Plates would assume they are safe to approach.
Heh, apparently we're in agreement on this one, Bells and Genji.

Personally, I think that prison should aim at rehabilitating prisoners. Once they have been rehabilitated, they should be let out. If this means that they have to stay there for 10 years, then so be it.

It chills the blood to think that once released, ex-cons will be forced to suffer victimization by the community. Not only is that unjust (they done the crime, they've done the time!), it's also counter-productive. How can an ex-con integrate back into a hostile and unwelcoming society? Such an attitude by the public only encourages them to turn back to crime.

Personally, I think there's a hell of a lot of paranoia in society regarding sexual offenses. What concerns me is the strong negative stigma against pedophiles who are NOT child molesterers. In my opinion, society should change its views and approach to these people. Instead of violent outrage and a desire to hack off their limbs, we should regard them as 'sick', and in need of medical treatment.

By changing our attitude, these pedophiles would be encouraged to seek help and treatment. This way, the far worse alternative is avoided: They keep to themselves, and eventually surrender to their urges of molesting a child.

The longer society continues its attitude to such people, the more likely they are to remain below the radar and not be noticed and treated... until it is too late.
These lights might be a good idea.

Horny teenage boys can look around for a female driving a car with green lights, and there you go.