Sex offender released after a few years of house arrest.

When I read the above, I was thinking "No way! No sex offender who banged little kids would get house arrest!"

Then I realized that the offender was female, and it all made sense.
I was too lazy to read the link...but...what the fuck? She raped a kid and all she got was house arrest and a fucking tag?!
VI i did read the link. It sounds like exactly the same thing that we were discussing in the thread a couple of weeks ago about the women who burned her husband to death. Lasy procuters who are more interested in an easy guilty verdict than in a justifiable sentance
VI i did read the link. It sounds like exactly the same thing that we were discussing in the thread a couple of weeks ago about the women who burned her husband to death. Lasy procuters who are more interested in an easy guilty verdict than in a justifiable sentance

Umm, all of this was done without the consent of the prosecutor.
Much as lepustimidus would like to imply that this case involved special treatment because the perpetrator was a woman, reading the actual article tells a very different story:

Debra Lafave, a former English teacher at Greco Middle School, was arrested in June 2004 after a 14-year-old boy's mother called police to report that Lafave was having sex with him. Prosecutors have said the only reason they offered Lafave a plea deal was the extreme level of media coverage. The teenager's mother wanted to spare him the difficulties of testifying at trial.

Fitzgibbons argued that Lafave has a psychiatric condition dating back several years before the sexual incidents. He said he was prepared to go to trial with doctors testifying about her bipolar disorder and how it affected her judgment.

The terms of Lafave's plea deal with prosecutors – inked in November 2005 – stated that she was to serve three years of house arrest followed by seven years of probation. If she did not willfully violate house arrest after the first two years, she was allowed to ask a judge to commute the third year to probation.


Later, Fitzgibbons asked for Lafave's early release. He gave two letters to the judge. One was from a woman who runs a sex-offender treatment program, who wrote that Lafave had attended 99 sessions as of March. The second letter was from Lafave's psychiatrist. Both wrote that they had no problems with Lafave leaving house arrest early, Fitzgibbons said.

All Lafave's community service is complete and all her fines are paid, Fitzgibbons said.

Prosecutors said the victim's mother did not want Lafave released early.

So, we have a perpetrator who was mentally ill at the time of commission of the offences, who has paid fines, who is on probation for 7 years, who has had extensive treatment for her psychological problems.

Probation, for those who don't know, means that if she commits another crime she is straight into jail.


To seek to imply that this woman "got off" lightly because she was a woman is misogyny, pure and simple.

ABS and lepustimidus should be ashamed of themselves.
I disagree. We would need a comparable case to be sure, but I don't think the same sentence would be given to a male. I've never heard of a case of male-on-female rape that lead to no jail time.

I understand the sentence will be smaller because of the lack of testimony, etc. But it still seems odd that a sex offender got no time in jail at all.

(NB. I am not saying I believe she got off easy for being a woman. But I think it's worth arguing and searching for evidence on either side of the argument.)
i have tyler unfortunatly, of course the sentance was apealed by the AG but a group who pack raped a 10 year old (think she was ten) were all given non-custodial sentances because of a deal between the procuter and defence
Well there ya go, I was wrong.

I guess this just goes to show that if I want to take a 2 year vacation in my house, all I have to do is rape someone.
Much as lepustimidus would like to imply that this case involved special treatment because the perpetrator was a woman, reading the actual article tells a very different story:

So, we have a perpetrator who was mentally ill at the time of commission of the offences, who has paid fines, who is on probation for 7 years, who has had extensive treatment for her psychological problems.

Probation, for those who don't know, means that if she commits another crime she is straight into jail.


To seek to imply that this woman "got off" lightly because she was a woman is misogyny, pure and simple.

ABS and lepustimidus should be ashamed of themselves.
I think you're way off base here. This woman had a thing for this kid going back to grade school. If she were a man rather than a beautiful woman, she'd be rotting in prison right now.
From the article, I assume that her defence, if the case had come to court, would have been that she had bipolar disorder and was not responsible for her actions by reason of insanity.

Obviously, the prosecutors thought that, all things considered, a plea bargain was a good idea. Otherwise, they would not have agreed to it.
The Guardian is for imbeciles.

No one can avoid or have their sentence determined or affected by how "pretty" a person is. Society does have certain perceptions regarding this but i have never heard of sentences being gender based.
If you actually read it, the only reason she got a plea and was put under house arrest was due to the media coverage and the boys mother not wanting him to testify in court due to the amount of stress he is under.
It was either house arrest or she walk free after no testimony from the boy and thousands of dollars in tax payers money being spent.

This has nothing to do with her aesthetic value or gender.

I swear Ive read a few threads on this section now and come to understand that there are alot of stupid people on here who dont even read what they are given. Tell me. How many of you read the first paragraph and then started typing.
So the next time a guy gets in the news for getting some from a little girl he should just get some house arrest?