Sex for $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $


Registered Senior Member
Why is it wrong to proposition someone for sex even if money is involved?

Sexual favors for money

Why is it wrong if a person tells another person “Hey I like certain sexual acts and I am willing to pay to engage in them” and putting this out in the open where the other person can decide and respond according to their own desires.

I think if the person who is opening admitting this and does so in an appropriate manner then what really is the problem?

For example if I told a person I enjoyed receiving a blowjob and was willing to pay to have one, what really is the problem? After all I really enjoy a good deep back massage and pay for those from time to time, what s the difference because they both bring physical pleasure?

If that person I had said this to responded; “Well that’s your thing, I’m not into that” and the conversation turned to other topics what is the problem?

And if they said “Oh really how much are you willing to pay because I might be willing to spit out my gum” then what’s the problem if two people end up engaging in a sexual act? (Apart from the law stating prostitution is illegal, but for the sake of this argument let’s pretend the law doesn’t state anything either way)

Again this thread is intended to engage debate and share ideas, and is not in any way an endorsement of anything sexual or illegal.
I'll skip the obvious question

One of the things that perplexes me about sex-related threads at Sciforums is the striking naîveté about them. It's as if the inquiry originates in some bizarre fantasy world in which everything is pure and simple.

Prostitution is not inherently wrong. Rather, the taboo is an old moral stance borne of jealousy. But prostitutes are generally treated poorly, and that involves a range of behaviors that don't necessarily require violence. My general concern about prostitution isn't the hookers, but the johns.

And for the people who aren't prostitutes? It's my general understanding that they don't like to be thought of that way. If it was say, your spouse or life partner perhaps they would say yes. Or, to the other, they might be somewhat concerned that their sexual acts with you have no greater interpersonal or spiritual significance.

People like to be valued, especially in sexual terms. And if cash is your strongest value, well, yeah, stick with the prostitutes.
What's worse is having the same topic brought up every few months.

Yeah, but, Lucy, if you go back even a little bit, you'll see that this site has only a very, very few "original" threads!

Go back to the beginning and check it out'll see that we've been talking about the same fuckin' topics for umpty-eleven years ...over and over and fuckin' over!

Baron Max
One of the things that perplexes me about sex-related threads at Sciforums is the striking naîveté about them.

Be thankful there are naive people around because it helps you keep your “Smarter than you, better than you” attitude.

It's as if the inquiry originates in some bizarre fantasy world in which everything is pure and simple.

Did I mention anything or insinuate anything about a fantasy world where everything was pure and simple is so please point that out to me

Prostitution is not inherently wrong.

Then why is it illegal?

Rather, the taboo is an old moral stance borne of jealousy.

I agree it’s a taboo but why do you say it’s born out of jealousy, is it because people who condemn it secretly desire it in some form or fashion, and since they can’t have it they are jealous?

But prostitutes are generally treated poorly, and that involves a range of behaviors that don't necessarily require violence. My general concern about prostitution isn't the hookers, but the johns.

Well to be treated badly is just part of the job to some limit. I would guess because if you are a prostitute whose job it is to sexually satisfy someone else, and that person who is searching for a prostitute desires to engage in some sort of dominate or degrading behavior to reach their gratification then I think this would fall under a work condition.

The prostitute is always able to say no. A prostitute should be able to clearly tell their john their limits and acceptable behaviors.

And for the people who aren't prostitutes? It's my general understanding that they don't like to be thought of that way.

Maybe they don’t like to be thought of that way but I have known many people that don’t use the title of prostitute but their actions are identical to the definition in any dictionary.

If it was say, your spouse or life partner perhaps they would say yes. Or, to the other, they might be somewhat concerned that their sexual acts with you have no greater interpersonal or spiritual significance.

I see your point on the last part of this, about no interpersonal or spiritual significance but some people just like to have the sexual pleasure without that attachment of such things.

People like to be valued, especially in sexual terms. And if cash is your strongest value, well, yeah, stick with the prostitutes.

Well again I understand your point regarding being valued, but money does have value and if you are unavailable to give of yourself, or time or the personal or spiritual aspects then money is about the only thing left, except material possessions.

I mean if I bought a woman a new car for her time with me in the sack it would be the same as paying her money and although it might be devaluating her or myself if it was agreed upon and accepted by both parties there is nothing wrong with it IMO.

Go back to the beginning and check it out'll see that we've been talking about the same fuckin' topics for umpty-eleven years ...over and over and fuckin' over!

Baron Max

If this is indeed the case I would ask myself after being here 11 years why should I complain about this or maybe either I need to do something to change it by adding more interesting topics or debates or simply leave. This might be too simple of a concept, even for slow naive people like me but it makes the most sense

By the way I do get the feeling at times that outsiders especially “slow & naïve” people are not really welcomed here
This and that

Oiram said:

Be thankful there are naive people around because it helps you keep your “Smarter than you, better than you” attitude.

I could probably care less about that, but I hardly need Sciforums to remind me of human frailty. The real world suffices.

Did I mention anything or insinuate anything about a fantasy world where everything was pure and simple is so please point that out to me

This sort of stupid appeal to what you did not say explicitly doesn't make you sound smart. The problem is that these propositions are raised in a conceptual vacuum. The failure of your post to consider any of the problems—societal, personal, or interpersonal—associated with prostitution renders it nearly farcical.

Then why is it illegal?

Stupid reasons, actually. Delusions of moral turpitude are near the heart of the prohibition. And there are also legitimate questions of human decency to be considered.

I agree it’s a taboo but why do you say it’s born out of jealousy, is it because people who condemn it secretly desire it in some form or fashion, and since they can’t have it they are jealous?

Yes, it's a notion lost in the prior century, but sexual contact between people used to have greater significance than mere orgasm. That significance is greatly reduced—as well as the psychological investments contributing to that significance—if an act of love and trust becomes just another market commodity.

People generally used to attach much symbolism and commitment to sexual congress. It has always been problematic in their eyes when the magnitude of that symbolism and commitment is undermined by such casual regard. What trust is shown in giving over what can easily be bought?

It's easy enough to use women as the example, since they are the ones taking the biggest risks in sexual intercourse. To be convinced to give that degree of trust to another human being who views that act of faith as extraneous to a mere commercial transaction? To the one, no wonder they're offended. To the other, my society, at least, still suffers a few vital hang-ups about sex.

But men are not exempt in this. Plenty of men resent the idea that their female sex partner might seek satisfaction elsewhere.

Well to be treated badly is just part of the job to some limit.

And therein lies the problem. Considering the majority of customers are men, and looking over men's roles in sexual relationships throughout history, the general statement that we are more callous and shallow about sex is fair.

In that context, it seems too much to ask to treat a prostitute with the same respect we would expect in other commercial transactions.

I would guess because if you are a prostitute whose job it is to sexually satisfy someone else, and that person who is searching for a prostitute desires to engage in some sort of dominate or degrading behavior to reach their gratification then I think this would fall under a work condition.

Being called a bitch or a skank while having your ass pounded is one thing. But it's something else entirely to be beaten or otherwise abused. I would think even you could understand the difference.

The prostitute is always able to say no. A prostitute should be able to clearly tell their john their limits and acceptable behaviors.

That's not always true. We had a judge up here in Washington state a couple years ago who ruled that a prostitute cannot be raped.

Even setting that bizarre incident aside, current attitudes suggest that it doesn't matter what terms are established beforehand. If a client violates those terms, he likely won't be prosecuted for rape.

Just because she opens her mouth doesn't mean you can put it between her legs. Just because she opens her legs doesn't mean you can put it up her ass. Just because she lets you put it inside her doesn't mean you can beat or strangle her within an inch of her life.

But given the fact that they're prostitutes? It requires some sort of scandal or public pressure—e.g., once the situation is already out of control and the victims are stacking up—to get anything remotely resembling proper justice.

Maybe they don’t like to be thought of that way but I have known many people that don’t use the title of prostitute but their actions are identical to the definition in any dictionary.

Your dictionary? Such general claims are ineffective; there are feminists,after all, who would call marriage prostitution.

I see your point on the last part of this, about no interpersonal or spiritual significance but some people just like to have the sexual pleasure without that attachment of such things.

And they can find each other relatively easily. At least, relative to, say, twenty years ago. And even then it wasn't particularly uncommon.

I mean if I bought a woman a new car for her time with me in the sack it would be the same as paying her money and although it might be devaluating her or myself if it was agreed upon and accepted by both parties there is nothing wrong with it IMO.

Most people find some other paltry justification for such gifts. Usually it has something to do with this crazy little thing called love.

But, yes, if authorities found out you were paying gifts instead of cash for sex, it would still be considered prostitution in most American jurisdictions.

• • •​

Baron Max said:

Go back to the beginning and check it out'll see that we've been talking about the same fuckin' topics for umpty-eleven years ...over and over and fuckin' over!

To view it practically, most people just don't follow what's going on around here that closely. They might post a thread and not know that it was recently discussed.

To look at it more cynically, we do see a strange phenomenon where people like to rehash old subjects in new discussions in order to avoid the counterpoints to their argument that are already on the record. For them, it's too much to ask that they should be familiar with the subject in general. They just want to feel smart and demand people go through it all again. It's a way of staving off ideological progress. Think of it like reading: if someone needs to be taught the alphabet every time they sit down to read, they're never going to do the actual reading.
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If this is indeed the case I would ask myself after being here 11 years why should I complain about this or maybe either I need to do something to change it by adding more interesting topics or debates or simply leave. This might be too simple of a concept, even for slow naive people like me but it makes the most sense

By the way I do get the feeling at times that outsiders especially “slow & naïve” people are not really welcomed here

No need to be so touchy Oiram, its just that this subject has been exhausted, we had one just about one or two months ago by Sam this time I think. No one was calling you 'slow or naive'.

Also what Baron says upon reflection happens to be true:D

Oh yeah. No one is 'welcome' here, we all simply carve out our own niche.
Why is it wrong to proposition someone for sex even if money is involved?

Its forbidden in the bible! Oh wait, actually the bible promotes prostitution.

Um...Oh I know! There's a remote possibility you might reproduce.
Yeah, but, Lucy, if you go back even a little bit, you'll see that this site has only a very, very few "original" threads!

Go back to the beginning and check it out'll see that we've been talking about the same fuckin' topics for umpty-eleven years ...over and over and fuckin' over!

Baron Max

That is the nature of EVERY messageboard, dude! Get used to it...

Do you think in a bar there are only new topics discussed?
you'll see that we've been talking about the same fuckin' topics for umpty-eleven years ...over and over and fuckin' over!

So what is your problem then? You are the one doing it.

Post some new topics you boring sod.
Prostitution is voluntary, so I don't see why not allow it.

Wake up Norsefire.

The only prostitution that is illegal, except in Nevada and Rhode Island, is the really brutal and dangerous kind which involves your basic hooker for the lower and middle classes.

All the other forms of prostitution for the rich are perfectly legal. My sister-in-law-in-law has been a high class prostitute for decades. Just play the game by the rules.

One john at a time, everything is "gifts" and they aren't "for sex."

Of course now she getting older and may have to actually land one for retirement.
Why is it wrong to proposition someone for sex even if money is involved?

Sexual favors for money

Why is it wrong if a person tells another person “Hey I like certain sexual acts and I am willing to pay to engage in them” and putting this out in the open where the other person can decide and respond according to their own desires.

I think if the person who is opening admitting this and does so in an appropriate manner then what really is the problem?

For example if I told a person I enjoyed receiving a blowjob and was willing to pay to have one, what really is the problem? After all I really enjoy a good deep back massage and pay for those from time to time, what s the difference because they both bring physical pleasure?

If that person I had said this to responded; “Well that’s your thing, I’m not into that” and the conversation turned to other topics what is the problem?

And if they said “Oh really how much are you willing to pay because I might be willing to spit out my gum” then what’s the problem if two people end up engaging in a sexual act? (Apart from the law stating prostitution is illegal, but for the sake of this argument let’s pretend the law doesn’t state anything either way)

Again this thread is intended to engage debate and share ideas, and is not in any way an endorsement of anything sexual or illegal.

First i would tell you not to make things harder than they are. We can spew out pages of crap and bring all kinds of BS to this type of discussion but it would all be based on whatever the poster has in his head at the time. His biases, his pet grievances (or hers) etc. Then we would get into religion and it woukd be a battle of 'i hate this...i hate that', 'your wrong, i hate religion so therefore prostitution is good for society', 'why? i dont know' etc,, etc.

The truth is that it is negative and will always have a negative connotation. and frankly i agree with that, but i agree because it involves orifices and exchanges of bodily fluids. Dont take the easy way out and say 'the man dont want me to have any fun' that is moronic and where the hell does that even come from?

So if you think about it as i have stated in paragraph 2 then you see how this all makes sense. You mention that you can get a back rub and also
And if they said “Oh really how much are you willing to pay because I might be willing to spit out my gum” then what’s the problem if two people end up engaging in a sexual act?
but at the same time can you pay this person to spit their gum into your mouth? You can but how long would that last for? And tbh, it is not sanitary. Can you pay this person to bleed on you? No. Trust me, think about what i am saying and you will see that i am speaking in terms of having no axe to grind and simple matter of praccality.

Same for nakedness. People ask the dumbest question of 'why cant we walk around naked?' I mean really do we need to get into this?