Serious scientific websites about animals?

Dr Lou Natic

Unnecessary Surgeon
Registered Senior Member
I'm need to do an essay for school and I'm doing it on the social structure of lions. I could just write it up but we have to reference our 'research' or whatever.
I must really suck at internet searching because the only websites about animals I can find are made by children(or retards, not sure).
Any really good scientific type websites on animals/animal behaviour etc with like articles and shit??
Help soon would be much appreciated.
a good animal behavior text would have a chapter on lions. also see if there are any documentaries at the library. i hate when students rely solely on webpage sources.
if you must, stick to search terms that differentiate you from a child from the search engine's perspective. type in "sociobiology" instead of "lions". e.o. wilson, ethology, Panthera leo, etc.
i wonder, have you even looked at yet?

panthera leo, lions, social, bla bla bla.
Oh I tried putting in 'acknowledgements' because I knew that would get scientific sites but they were like TOO scientific, you know when they're cold and sterile and broken up with (ward 1977: 83) every two seconds and they just like ... suck? I don't know I find them hard to read. I guess I'm the retard but I know I've read some readable yet also scientific articles on the internet somewhere, just can't find them again:(
SwedishFish said:
a good animal behavior text would have a chapter on lions. also see if there are any documentaries at the library. i hate when students rely solely on webpage sources.
Oh I have my sick ass attenborough library that I am referencing, but I need more. I can't only reference attenborough(apparently)

if you must, stick to search terms that differentiate you from a child from the search engine's perspective. type in "sociobiology" instead of "lions". e.o. wilson, ethology, Panthera leo, etc.
i wonder, have you even looked at yet?
No I have not :)
Dr. Lou

Hope this isn't too 'retarded' for you ;)


Lions are the only cats that live in large family groups. Each pride differs in size and formation, but a typical pride consists of two males and seven females and a variable number of cubs. Females are usually sisters and/or cousins that have grown up together. When the pride hunts as a group they employ an ambush that forces large prey into the waiting paws of the males. Females have the speed but lack the body weight to knock down large "family size" prey such as the wildebeast. Despite their tremendous power and adaptive efficiency, lions are more likely to fail than succeed in their attempts to kill.
Subadult males are driven out at 2-1/2 to 3 years of age and may go in a group with other males. Females mature in about two years, males a few years later. All big cats are induced ovulators, i.e. release of the ovum is brought about by the act of mating, which explains the spitting, hitting, and roaring contest during courtship. The period of gestation for the lioness is between 105 and 118 days and usually three or four cubs will be born. Only one in five will survive the first year. When game is scarce the dominance hierarchy based on size and age quickly becomes apparent. The youngest die first.

Life span in the wild is 15-18 years, in captivity 25-30 years.

These are good sites too:

Hope that helps!
Everyone can relax now, I finished my essay :cool:
I referenced attenborough, darwin, spong, longman animal encyclopedia, 'big cat diary'(bbc)... :D
ahhh... no:(
It really wasn't that good. Not much more proffessional than the lame posts I do here. Actually i probably would have taken more pride in it if it was a post for sciforums :p

I just looked at the time I made this thread(which was before I started) and the time I declared I was finished. 50 minutes. And most of that time was spent searching for sources backing up my statements. I just wrote it out of my head and then found "references".
I suck at getting an education so bad, why? No its a serious problem.
For recreation i write about lions here, but then when its for school its like a chore I put off untill the last minute and then rush through. Doesn't make any sense.
Too bad free will doesn't exist or I'd really put some effort in to change my ways.

Again, no you can not read it, when(if) I finish becoming educated I'll let you read a competent paper on the social structure of lions. This one just embarrassingly illustrates that I can't write essays yet.
Also I might get accused of plagiarising myself if my essay is on the internet.
that's ok...

I tend to write up my stories first too and then get data and references afterwards. Totally unethical apparently. And that is not even for writing an essay. That is for writing articles.