Serial Killer is Bible Puncher!

Red Devil

Born Again Athiest
Registered Senior Member
I see the Louisiana Police have arrested a Baton Rouge serial killer/rapist who just happens to be, according to CBS TV, a Bible Puncher. Would some of our American members please care to fill us in with some details?
You're welcome. Yup, I agree it looks that way to me too. Just for
point of interest, here is a quote from an earlier article (May 27)
that mentions the bible part of it. I would add comment but I think
it speaks for itself.

"He wasn't violent-acting. He didn't talk about violence," resident
Brenda Jones said. "He talked about the Bible a lot. Let me tell
you, he knew the Bible."

On Sunday, neighbors said Lee led a Bible study at a birthday
party for Idicalla, during which he also grilled chicken and ribs.

Lee entertained several women in his room, neighbors said. He
would often compliment their hair and offer them drinks.

"He was nice, and he had a pretty woman stay the night," Idicalla
said. "I could not believe it when the police came and said he was
wanted for killing women." [More...]
Indeed, it does appears that way. But that is not just for the bible, I think people hide behind all sorts of things to hide what they are really doing. As the yiddish proverb says: "There is nothing new under the sun---and that's why there remains such a mess."

Here is another story: Church Shocked By Sex Charges Against Reverend [sarcasm on]What shining examples of truth and goodness these people are.[sarcasm off]
Hey, this is nothing new! The Church has been "at it" for hundreds of years............. freudian slip there, first of all I put Crutch instead of Church!!