Separating Men/women in theology


It seems that much of what i had believed before has been perhaps changed.

The concept of isolating the men from women, i thought could have been an old western appeal when it seems the concept was perhaps from Confucius of the 5th century BC.

ie..... islam captured much of its rituals from the zoroaster contributions from the aryans.

Any futher information?
A possible explanation is the evolution of culture has a moral component. And through this moral component fixed within the developing cultures began the practice of separating men from the women. Perhaps Confucius was speaking more to the things he was observing, instead of inventing new policies.
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A possible explanation is the evolution of culture has a moral component. And through this moral component fixed within the developing cultures began the practice of separating men from the women. Perhaps Confucius was speaking more to the things he was observing, instead of inventing new policies.


i was referring to the idea of confucius suggesting the idea that men/women should walk on separate sides of the street.

remember he was a 500 BC local kind of guy

well before any of the western beliefs and definitely Islam.

and since Islam is well rooted in zoroasterism, then find, i am seeking the science of the developed ideology......

What started the division in a society? Reasoning?
What started the division in a society? Reasoning?

Necessity, many thousands of years prior.
A pregnant woman could not possibly go out on a month-long hunting expedition.
Since pregnant women could not go, nursing women could not go and infants could not go, it just developed into women could not go.
However, women did not just cook, clean and wash babies, as many think. Women were in the village most of the time, so they were very involved with politics and other aspects of keeping the village running, such as farming and animal tending.
Men spent much of their time on the hunt.

It was a natural division.
Necessity, many thousands of years prior.
A pregnant woman could not possibly go out on a month-long hunting expedition.

is that the moral or compassion of awareness; you comprehend why 'she can't travel'

perhaps they did too

Since pregnant women could not go, nursing women could not go and infants could not go, it just developed into women could not go.

so division of duties; job description?


However, women did not just cook, clean and wash babies, as many think. Women were in the village most of the time, so they were very involved with politics and other aspects of keeping the village running, such as farming and animal tending.
Men spent much of their time on the hunt.

It was a natural division.

but find most women rules the house (naturally)

what i am inquiring on is why the division in public?

how does women go from being mom and basically the boss of the house, to a possession or even not allowed to walk to the store with a male unaccompanied?

Kind of like what 'theology' has done and i am seaking the wisdom versus the reduction of class based on their work load.