Sent this to my ex-Bible Teacher


Registered Member
It has become clear to me that the concept of religion, though hopeful, is nothing more than a complete lie with a false hope. While I understand back in the day, when science was much less developed, that religion seemed the "logical" thing, now that we have science(even though everything is pretty much considered "theory"(or as far as we know this is how it is)) religion is dead. It is ironic how Christians think they are funny. It is humorous to a majority of them to spin Nietzche's quote "God is dead" to "Nietzche is dead."

I'm not going to drag this on. We should talk about this. I may not be as smart as you, but I have a few good ideas why your god, or any god may not exist. In fact, let me leave on a politically relevant note:

The election is here! Wow! We all know who you are voting for. Did your god tell you that you are voting for the right person? Is god "blessing this country." I find it rather funny when people say "God bless America." Why, what a coincedence. While we were slaughtering innocent people and putting non-Puritans to the death in the name of God, God was blessing our country. Interesting.

To my point-Abortion seems to be a big deal during every election would you not agree? Obviously, economics(something that actually matters) is what the country really cares about right now. Funny how people stop talking about something moral when their own money is going down the drain.

Not even going to look this section up because we've both read it one hundred and thirty-seven and a half times. God kills David's son. The son of Bathsheba. David sleeps with Bathsheba. David pretty much sends Uriah to his grave. David f***s this girl up. She better have been attractive. God tells David he has done wrong in "His" eyes. Rather than punishing David directly, he does it the way he knows best, by killing innocents. This so called-merciful, loving, omnipotent, perfect being that we can never match God kills the son of Bathsheba as a punishment to David. Now really think about that. If you even believe this baloney, I want you to find somewhere in your logic the reason that had to happen. "Oh God can do whatever he wants we'll just accept everything he does as truth and righteous. God can kill whoever he wants and then pretend he loves me so much. He loved all of those people he slaughtered in the Bible for no apparent reason."

My point is, a majority of Christians(more like ignorant, unproductive, and rather annoying homosapiens) believe in no abortions. So, God can kill an innocent child for no reason, but somebody who does not have enough money for a baby can not make her own decision. What happened to the separation of church and state? Imagine a country led by ignorant people like this. The world would be a bloodbath of chaos. Non-Christians would be put to the death. Ignorance would be hailed and questioning would be dangerous.

The Bible is baloney. We should argue about it. There are too many unknowns and things that make no sense. Next topic-the world is millions of years old, whether Christians want to believe in their 5,000-6,000 years of existance. Macroevolution does exist over time. Thirty-plus cases of speciazation have been uncovered. A shark was recently found to have had an asexual birth, the second we've discovered. A possible sign of what will come from them in the future?

Argue with me. Please. I'm begging you.


Your former POW (prisoner of "Word") lolllll\


I'm hoping he actually gets this email.
I agree with your right to not believe in God but they have as much right to believe in God, don't you understand that in this land of freedom of thought? I too do not believe in God but I don't go around telling everyone that I don't or that they are wrong. I think we each should decide ourselves as to what helps each of us get through life the easiest way and to make sense out of life as well. Each of us can choose which belief to take. We have many religions as well as non religions. Why isn't it possible to let others believe in whatever they want if they let you believe in yourself? :confused: :)
My point is to argue with him. Some may say we may never get anywhere. I am fully aware of this. I just wish to debate with him, somebody who claims to know and truly believe(and he does truly believe) in the Bible. That is all. If he is not afraid of questioning his own belief, he should have no problem at all responding and debating me.

If he does respond, I will post his responses and my replies.
I too do not believe in God but I don't go around telling everyone that I don't or that they are wrong.

But the religious proselytise and seek to make their religious moral code that should bind only them law so it binds us all. That must be fought against.

Why isn't it possible to let others believe in whatever they want if they let you believe in yourself? :confused: :)

Ask that of a fundamentalist, or state official where you can't buy booze on a Sunday. Why are atheists bound by laws created on the back of religious belief? Religious types seek to infringe upon our rights. If they choose not do do something because it's against their personal moral code, that fine, but they have a fight on their hands when they try to stop me doing something.

Oh, and interesting how fundies pick and choose what to abstain from. Clinging to portion of the OT that suit them, and ignoring those that don't. Religion is organised hypocrisy, it must be fought, and dismantled.
But the religious proselytise and seek to make their religious moral code that should bind only them law so it binds us all. That must be fought against.

And we must all be diligent to see to it that this fight continues.

Ask that of a fundamentalist, or state official where you can't buy booze on a Sunday. Why are atheists bound by laws created on the back of religious belief? Religious types seek to infringe upon our rights. If they choose not do do something because it's against their personal moral code, that fine, but they have a fight on their hands when they try to stop me doing something.

Where I live you can buy booze on Sunday however I do know places where booze is completly illegal to sell not for religios reasons but for the public safety they say. There are other communities which sell booze that those people can drive over to and purchase if they want so it doesn't really stop people from getting what they want....does it ever??

Oh, and interesting how fundies pick and choose what to abstain from. Clinging to portion of the OT that suit them, and ignoring those that don't. Religion is organised hypocrisy, it must be fought, and dismantled.

Well, isn't that their right as well? They can choose what parts of the Bible they to go by and anyone else can tear them apart like you are doing now. I understand your contempt for the Bible thumpers for many reasons which I agree with but I also believe they have the right to be wrong as well. :)
Well, isn't that their right as well? They can choose what parts of the Bible they to go by and anyone else can tear them apart like you are doing now. I understand your contempt for the Bible thumpers for many reasons which I agree with but I also believe they have the right to be wrong as well. :)

I have the right to not be bothered by religious assholes selling crazy on my doorstep on Sundays.

If they keep their thoughts and morals to themselves, I have no problem, but when they want to make them law, or exclude themselves from being bound by laws (like taxation) well, they have a fight on.
I'm just going to touch up on a few bits that stood out to me.

It has become clear to me that the concept of religion, though hopeful, is nothing more than a complete lie with a false hope. While I understand back in the day, when science was much less developed, that religion seemed the "logical" thing, now that we have science(even though everything is pretty much considered "theory"(or as far as we know this is how it is)) religion is dead.

Theory is not synonymous with hypothesis, it is backed by monumental amounts of evidence in most cases. Also, in case you didn't know, there isn't a hierarchy between scientific law and theory. They both say and do two very different things. There exists a Law of Evolution contrary to what most believe. This is a common mistake, so don't worry about it too much.

To my point-Abortion seems to be a big deal during every election would you not agree? Obviously, economics(something that actually matters) is what the country really cares about right now. Funny how people stop talking about something moral when their own money is going down the drain.

Did you know there was a man on the news channel the other day exclaiming that our bad economy was a result of Americans not praying enough? Can we put these people to death yet, so their genes may not dilute the entire gene pool?

My point is, a majority of Christians(more like ignorant, unproductive, and rather annoying homosapiens) believe in no abortions. So, God can kill an innocent child for no reason, but somebody who does not have enough money for a baby can not make her own decision. What happened to the separation of church and state? Imagine a country led by ignorant people like this. The world would be a bloodbath of chaos. Non-Christians would be put to the death. Ignorance would be hailed and questioning would be dangerous.

The death of all humans is part of Gods plan. Miscarriages, by definition, are abortions. Miscarriages are the largest contributer to the number of abortions as a whole, so God causes the majority of abortions. In fact about 100 God abortions have happened since you started reading my post (about 100 every 30-45 seconds if I remember correctly). So is God pro-life? You decide.

The Bible is baloney. We should argue about it. There are too many unknowns and things that make no sense. Next topic-the world is millions of years old, whether Christians want to believe in their 5,000-6,000 years of existance. Macroevolution does exist over time. Thirty-plus cases of speciazation have been uncovered. A shark was recently found to have had an asexual birth, the second we've discovered. A possible sign of what will come from them in the future?

Argue with me. Please. I'm begging you.


Your former POW (prisoner of "Word") lolllll\


If you're going to debate him here are a few sources for you:



Well, isn't that their right as well? They can choose what parts of the Bible they to go by and anyone else can tear them apart like you are doing now. I understand your contempt for the Bible thumpers for many reasons which I agree with but I also believe they have the right to be wrong as well. :)

They have the right to their stupidity and blatant ignorance, nobody is disputing this. The sad reality is that Democracy is Fascism by consensus and the majority who make up this Democracy are religious morons bent on molding our society and culture into one that bends over back words to fit the standards of a fairy tale creature portrayed in ancient literature. If you don't find this something worth protesting, then you need to re-evaluate your view on religion.
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Did you know there was a man on the news channel the other day exclaiming that our bad economy was a result of Americans not praying enough? Can we put these people to death yet, so their genes may not dilute the entire gene pool?

Genocide has always been a viable option.:rolleyes:
Genocide has always been a viable option.:rolleyes:

Ever heard of dark humor? If not, I suggest you move out of mommy and daddy's shelter they've built for you and visit the real world.
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Ever heard of dark humor? If not, I suggest you move of mommy and daddy's shelter they've built for you and visit the real world.

Sure, I've heard of dark humor.Stalins' and Genghis Khans' boys were big fans of it.
Yes, the real world is my place of preference;)
It has become clear to me that the concept of religion, though hopeful, is nothing more than a complete lie with a false hope. While I understand back in the day, when science was much less developed, that religion seemed the "logical" thing, now that we have science(even though everything is pretty much considered "theory"(or as far as we know this is how it is)) religion is dead. It is ironic how Christians think they are funny. It is humorous to a majority of them to spin Nietzche's quote "God is dead" to "Nietzche is dead."

I'm not going to drag this on. We should talk about this. I may not be as smart as you, but I have a few good ideas why your god, or any god may not exist. In fact, let me leave on a politically relevant note:

The election is here! Wow! We all know who you are voting for. Did your god tell you that you are voting for the right person? Is god "blessing this country." I find it rather funny when people say "God bless America." Why, what a coincedence. While we were slaughtering innocent people and putting non-Puritans to the death in the name of God, God was blessing our country. Interesting.

SB 10.84.13 One who identifies his self as the inert body composed of mucus, bile and air, who assumes his wife and family are permanently his own, who thinks an earthen image or the land of his birth is worshipable, or who sees a place of pilgrimage as merely the water there, but who never identifies himself with, feels kinship with, worships or even visits those who are wise in spiritual truth—such a person is no better than a cow or an ass.

it is religious principles, but a lesser grade, when ideas become intertwined with nationalism, etc

To my point-Abortion seems to be a big deal during every election would you not agree? Obviously, economics(something that actually matters) is what the country really cares about right now. Funny how people stop talking about something moral when their own money is going down the drain.
it is religious principles, but a lesser grade, when ideas of morality are subservient to the pursuit of capital

Not even going to look this section up because we've both read it one hundred and thirty-seven and a half times. God kills David's son. The son of Bathsheba. David sleeps with Bathsheba. David pretty much sends Uriah to his grave. David f***s this girl up. She better have been attractive. God tells David he has done wrong in "His" eyes. Rather than punishing David directly, he does it the way he knows best, by killing innocents. This so called-merciful, loving, omnipotent, perfect being that we can never match God kills the son of Bathsheba as a punishment to David. Now really think about that. If you even believe this baloney, I want you to find somewhere in your logic the reason that had to happen. "Oh God can do whatever he wants we'll just accept everything he does as truth and righteous. God can kill whoever he wants and then pretend he loves me so much. He loved all of those people he slaughtered in the Bible for no apparent reason."
I am not so well versed in christianity, but generally speaking, it is not always appropriate to apply morality to god when it is specifically relevant to us. For instance one reason that it is immoral to kill someone is that we have no capacity to direct them after they leave their body. God does not suffer from that limitation.

My point is, a majority of Christians(more like ignorant, unproductive, and rather annoying homosapiens) believe in no abortions. So, God can kill an innocent child for no reason, but somebody who does not have enough money for a baby can not make her own decision.
so you agree that moral imperatives should be made subservient to the pursuit of capital?

What happened to the separation of church and state? Imagine a country led by ignorant people like this. The world would be a bloodbath of chaos. Non-Christians would be put to the death. Ignorance would be hailed and questioning would be dangerous.
No need to anticipate a world of catastrophe. We have already arrived ...

The Bible is baloney. We should argue about it. There are too many unknowns and things that make no sense. Next topic-the world is millions of years old, whether Christians want to believe in their 5,000-6,000 years of existance. Macroevolution does exist over time. Thirty-plus cases of speciazation have been uncovered. A shark was recently found to have had an asexual birth, the second we've discovered. A possible sign of what will come from them in the future?

Argue with me. Please. I'm begging you.
the big problem with macroevolution is when it is advocated that one genus can eventually give rise to another genus

... anyway, good luck with a career in the music industry
I have the right to not be bothered by religious assholes selling crazy on my doorstep on Sundays.
I have a NO SOLICITING placard on my house hung up right beside my front door. I haven't been bothered since I placed it up. It works for all those jackass, shady door to door salespeople too.
This is my ex-Bible teacher's response so far-just got this e-mail...I'll e-mail him back soon:

We just got back from Camp Eagle last night, and I was up all night grading to finish report cards by today, so I'm exhausted. Therefore, I can't answer this completely right now, but I will in the next several days.

But, a few initial thoughts:

1. If Christianity is a indeed a lie to control me, then who is trying to control me? Who are 'they?'

2. We just talked about the full idea of Nietzsche's "God is dead." (He really had one of his characters say, "God is dead, and we killed him." It was a critique on modernity more than anything (and he was right on that point). Only idiots wear t-shirts that mock, at least they think they mock, that thought with, "Nietzsche is dead." You don't have to take them seriously.

3. I never say "God bless America." Guess that's why I won't be president any time soon.

4. But, here's the big question for me as I read your email, if, as you wrote, "It has become clear" to you, then why would you want to argue? I'm glad to discuss (I don't want to argue), but if you have clarity, then what more is there to say? I don't claim that it's all clear to me, so I can honestly converse. What I'm saying is that we can talk, but we both have to be honest and do this with intellectual integrity. We can't get away from all of our biases, of course, but we can approach this with a respect for both sides, a respect, actually, that both sides have earned. You can't label people who do follow Jesus as fools without making yourself out to be extremely arrogant and, thus, the biggest kind of fool - one who thinks he knows so much more than so many others. Likewise, Christians can't say (and I don't) that all non-followers of Jesus (or any god, for that matter) are hell-bound misfits without making Christians into something that Jesus wouldn't even recognize and, thus, making themselves ridiculously irrelevant.

So, we both approach this with civility and honesty and curiosity and humility - agreed?


A former POW (prisoner of "Ward") lol
Every Teacher in any official capacity is probably under some constraints to stay within a certain pre-proscribed Party Line.

Young Rebels writing their Teachers surly letters probably only tells them what they have long known already. Particularly if it is really obvious.

You probably only bored the poor old bugger.

Oh, unless he was really so stupid that he could go over the same material year after year without ever detecting the slightest discrepancy. In that case, it indicates that he would much prefer to retain his Religion at its face value. He would see any viewpoint to the contrary as just Crazy Talk. It takes Intelligence to Discern Intelligence. Stupid People can learn nothing listening to Smart People... its simply above their level.

You wouldn't be the first to waste his time writing what nobody ever seems to understand, let alone appreciate.

The Age of Reason started most optimistically. But hundreds of years of experience has shown us that communicating good sense and reason might as well be so much fog and obscurity for the good that it actually does. For instance... there have recently been quite a few debates, but nowhere do we see scores of Republicans repenting the errors of their ways and clamouring to join the Democrats.

If it is Smart, well the Smart People know it already. The Stupid People... well, we should watch them carefully to make sure they stay out of trouble and are of minimum harm to themselves. Wall Street would be a good place for that to start.
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It has become clear to me that the concept of religion, though hopeful, is nothing more than a complete lie with a false hope. While I understand back in the day, when science was much less developed, that religion seemed the "logical" thing, now that we have science(even though everything is pretty much considered "theory"(or as far as we know this is how it is)) religion is dead. It is ironic how Christians think they are funny. It is humorous to a majority of them to spin Nietzche's quote "God is dead" to "Nietzche is dead."

I'm not going to drag this on. We should talk about this. I may not be as smart as you, but I have a few good ideas why your god, or any god may not exist. In fact, let me leave on a politically relevant note:

The election is here! Wow! We all know who you are voting for. Did your god tell you that you are voting for the right person? Is god "blessing this country." I find it rather funny when people say "God bless America." Why, what a coincedence. While we were slaughtering innocent people and putting non-Puritans to the death in the name of God, God was blessing our country. Interesting.

To my point-Abortion seems to be a big deal during every election would you not agree? Obviously, economics(something that actually matters) is what the country really cares about right now. Funny how people stop talking about something moral when their own money is going down the drain.

Not even going to look this section up because we've both read it one hundred and thirty-seven and a half times. God kills David's son. The son of Bathsheba. David sleeps with Bathsheba. David pretty much sends Uriah to his grave. David f***s this girl up. She better have been attractive. God tells David he has done wrong in "His" eyes. Rather than punishing David directly, he does it the way he knows best, by killing innocents. This so called-merciful, loving, omnipotent, perfect being that we can never match God kills the son of Bathsheba as a punishment to David. Now really think about that. If you even believe this baloney, I want you to find somewhere in your logic the reason that had to happen. "Oh God can do whatever he wants we'll just accept everything he does as truth and righteous. God can kill whoever he wants and then pretend he loves me so much. He loved all of those people he slaughtered in the Bible for no apparent reason."

My point is, a majority of Christians(more like ignorant, unproductive, and rather annoying homosapiens) believe in no abortions. So, God can kill an innocent child for no reason, but somebody who does not have enough money for a baby can not make her own decision. What happened to the separation of church and state? Imagine a country led by ignorant people like this. The world would be a bloodbath of chaos. Non-Christians would be put to the death. Ignorance would be hailed and questioning would be dangerous.

The Bible is baloney. We should argue about it. There are too many unknowns and things that make no sense. Next topic-the world is millions of years old, whether Christians want to believe in their 5,000-6,000 years of existance. Macroevolution does exist over time. Thirty-plus cases of speciazation have been uncovered. A shark was recently found to have had an asexual birth, the second we've discovered. A possible sign of what will come from them in the future?

Argue with me. Please. I'm begging you.


Your former POW (prisoner of "Word") lolllll\


I'm hoping he actually gets this email.

This is my ex-Bible teacher's response so far-just got this e-mail...I'll e-mail him back soon:

We just got back from Camp Eagle last night, and I was up all night grading to finish report cards by today, so I'm exhausted. Therefore, I can't answer this completely right now, but I will in the next several days.

But, a few initial thoughts:

1. If Christianity is a indeed a lie to control me, then who is trying to control me? Who are 'they?'

2. We just talked about the full idea of Nietzsche's "God is dead." (He really had one of his characters say, "God is dead, and we killed him." It was a critique on modernity more than anything (and he was right on that point). Only idiots wear t-shirts that mock, at least they think they mock, that thought with, "Nietzsche is dead." You don't have to take them seriously.

3. I never say "God bless America." Guess that's why I won't be president any time soon.

4. But, here's the big question for me as I read your email, if, as you wrote, "It has become clear" to you, then why would you want to argue? I'm glad to discuss (I don't want to argue), but if you have clarity, then what more is there to say? I don't claim that it's all clear to me, so I can honestly converse. What I'm saying is that we can talk, but we both have to be honest and do this with intellectual integrity. We can't get away from all of our biases, of course, but we can approach this with a respect for both sides, a respect, actually, that both sides have earned. You can't label people who do follow Jesus as fools without making yourself out to be extremely arrogant and, thus, the biggest kind of fool - one who thinks he knows so much more than so many others. Likewise, Christians can't say (and I don't) that all non-followers of Jesus (or any god, for that matter) are hell-bound misfits without making Christians into something that Jesus wouldn't even recognize and, thus, making themselves ridiculously irrelevant.

So, we both approach this with civility and honesty and curiosity and humility - agreed?


A former POW (prisoner of "Ward") lol

This sounds like it may be an interesting discussion.
Hi rockguitarist89,
Just remember because we don’t believe in god/s or one described by practicing religions doesn’t mean we should forget the underlying message. Even if we conclude that not is all factual, I recon there is still a lot of wisdom in it.

Living life with out belief of god/s, devil/s, heaven/s and hell/s is freeing in a way.
Now we can decipher/interpret the message from the myths with out feeling like it is being preached and with out being told what to believe in.

My point is still be good and show people respect and life/s will be better for it. IMHO.