Sensory Perception and Speciation


OH JOY!!!!
Valued Senior Member
Has this ever happened in humans? Could this be a reason for different races of people?

Red Fish, Blue Fish, One Fish Becomes Two Fish

Beauty, as the saying goes, is in the eye of the beholder--and some fish have taken this idea to the extreme. Cichlids in Lake Victoria prefer males of different colors, which apparently led to separate species of blue and red cichlids. Researchers say the phenomenon provides evidence that differences in sensory perception--not just geography--can spark speciation....
Sexual selection. Fish get really colorful to attract mates, but it's balanced because too colorful and predators will catch you easily.

See it's a water world, where slight glitter of scales through murky water makes a big difference.

This same sort of difference is not really happening to humans... we live in a completely different environment.