Sensational discoveries in the Bible!


Please help me to translate Bibles in your native language (Spain, French, ... Latin ... so on).

You will live up all your life and never had known in what world lived?!

Before nobody compared> 50 "official" bibles of different times and nations.
It's interesting, but religious or atheists have killed interest in you.
You consider the bible boring and far from today. It not so!

Where usually hide? On a open place! In bibles the SUCH is written! About what to you will never speak... Also it is an excellent example of how monstrously distort the facts in the ancient time and today.
99 % of people from weights of culture cannot understand and accept it. But also 1 % "thinking" is necessary a lot of time, memory and heroic honesty before the facts...

The interesting moments from the Bible:

- "The moonshining Law" Moses. Distil 7 times...
- Easter was in the autumn, but we celebrate in the spring!
- "God-send" - malt - sprouting grain
- Catastrophic eruption begins Exodus - 10 "plagues of Egypt" is a volcanic winter
- The sea have passed on ice. The Moses has distributed people, and the pharaon pursued by a heap - they gone down to bottom.
- The leading archeologist and the historian of Israel Finkelstein has proved , - ancient Jews never was in present pseudo-Palestine, Egypt no anywhere nearby (see the Internet )
- ~600 years ago slavs, under leadership of the Moses came from Volga to the Balkans through Crimea.
And much... Many other things...
I apologise, have not time to prepare whole investigation for the forum...

My conclusions are not pleasant? Take a look at comparative chart (only text of bibles) and do the same

- All information - mostly in Russian (download all Bibles free)

I hope in constructive discussion...

Thank you!
Yes! And Jesus had three grandfathers! And there were two Lazaruses!
There's more than meets eye in the Bible!
The inconsistencies within the bible reflect its honesty. As an analogy, say there was an accident and you are in charge of the investigation. We interview witnesses, each with similar yet diverse stories. The most objective way to write this up would be to include all the testimony, even if there are conflicting accounts. Your boss has all the data.

If I instead made an effort to make the account logically consistent and prettier in terms of consistence, I would need to filter out accounts and remove conflicting stories. This may be a better novel but it might not be the truth, since my own bias could eliminate that which I don't like, in favor of that which sells better. The perfect could be dishonest.

The authors of the bible left different accounts in, even though they could see the conflicting testimony, so as to not bias the story in their own way. The entire data set was left as is, so teach generation could draw their own conclusions with all the data. There is honesty in this imperfection. Perfection would have been dishonest.

The bible has been around for centuries with many intelligent people involved with it. They saw the inconsistencies, like we do, but did nothing because that was honest. You don't alter the Mona Lisa because something thinks it should be more colorful. That may sell in the short term but depreciates it in the longer term.
Right you are wellwisher.

So: were they talking about moonshine, or fables?

Or, is it more mythology: Jesus, the Sun of God, had twelve followers (zodiac), who died (equinox) and rose (in the sky) on the third day (of the "death" by equinox), etc., etc.

Or, Adam (translates as clay) was the father (first DNA) of all humans (evolving from the clay) etc.

Or,... (etc.)

Or no, wait - it's the Holy Writ - literal to the plank in your eye, and get behind me devil if you should ever besmirch it!

It's a pretty wide open world, this world of the Bible.
The inconsistencies within the bible reflect its honesty.
Or they just reflect its inconsistencies.

The authors of the bible...
who miraculously went missing from history and left no artifacts

left different accounts in....
even though they apparently never possessed the accounts they left in and the ones they had got left out

...even though they could see the conflicting testimony
Oh, you don't mean authors, you mean copyists, the ones who added errors. made edits, deletions, etc.

so as to not bias the story in their own way.
no they would never experience any bias, just as none of us here today has any bias

They saw the inconsistencies, like we do, but did nothing because that was honest.
Which is why failure to report a crime is, today, a crime
Do you understand this person?
To me it looks like nonsense.

There were two family lines given for Joseph, foster father of Jesus. Thus Jesus has three grandfathers. The comment was directed to the glaring error in the family line of Joseph.

There is a Lazarus who died and rose, and there is a Lazarus who walked with the Lord in Schoel or whatever the actual word was.

There also were two Judases, one who hung himself, another who died from a fall.

The list goes on.
Welcome to the SciForums vasnas. I hope that you enjoy your stay with us here.

This is the wrong forum for this type of thread. :eek:
Or they just reflect its inconsistencies.

who miraculously went missing from history and left no artifacts

even though they apparently never possessed the accounts they left in and the ones they had got left out

Oh, you don't mean authors, you mean copyists, the ones who added errors. made edits, deletions, etc.

no they would never experience any bias, just as none of us here today has any bias

Which is why failure to report a crime is, today, a crime

You were so sure Cern is goung to produce the Higgs particle . You supposed to be so perfect in present science . So please take out the plak of your eye first then look for the dust in some ones eye.
cf. MT 27:5 Judas hanged himself.
AC 1:18 He fell headlong, burst open, and his bowels gushed out.

Try that on a police report and see where it gets you.

After you hang for a few days your body blots and if they cut the rope you fall and you burst .
Apparently you have not seen a dead person after expires 3 or 4 days
There were two family lines given for Joseph, foster father of Jesus. Thus Jesus has three grandfathers. The comment was directed to the glaring error in the family line of Joseph.

There is a Lazarus who died and rose, and there is a Lazarus who walked with the Lord in Schoel or whatever the actual word was.

There also were two Judases, one who hung himself, another who died from a fall.

The list goes on.
Look for the meaning. There is job at the end of the rainbow, a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. What is at the end of the rainbow?:)
The op has been banned as a religious spammer. Might as well just lock the thread and cesspool it.
You were so sure Cern is goung to produce the Higgs particle . You supposed to be so perfect in present science . So please take out the plak of your eye first then look for the dust in some ones eye.

sorry you have me confused with someone else.
I never posted about Cern or Higgs particles.
After you hang for a few days your body blots and if they cut the rope you fall and you burst .
Apparently you have not seen a dead person after expires 3 or 4 days

do you deny the contradictions, if so, why?

explain the two lineages for Joseph the carpenter.