Seneca and Paul



Supposedly, the early Christian visionary and missionary, Paul, corresponded briefly with the Stoic philosopher and adviser to Nero, Seneca the Younger. If anyone knows where I could find a Latin text of this correspondence, I'd be quite thankful if you'd save me the trouble of rummaging about for one myself.
You will find a lot about this issue via Google. But these letters are mostly regarded as forgeries of much later date.

Sorry, I did not notice that you are looking for Latin texts. But I do not think it is worth the effort anyway:

The Correspondence of Paul and Seneca, mentioned by Jerome (De vir. ill. c. 12) and Augustin (Ep. ad Maced. 153, al. 54), and often copied, though with many variations, edited by Fabricius, Cod. Apocr. N. T., and in several editions of Seneca. It consists of eight letters of Seneca and six of Paul. They are very poor in thought and style, full of errors of chronology and history, and undoubtedly a forgery. They arose from the correspondence of the moral maxims of Seneca with those of Paul, which is more apparent than real, and from the desire to recommend the Stoic philosopher to the esteem of the Christians, or to recommend Christianity to the students of Seneca and the Stoic philosophy. Paul was protected at Corinth by Seneca’s brother, Gallio (Acts 18:12–16), and might have become acquainted with the philosopher who committed suicide at Rome in 65, but there is no trace of such acquaintance. Comp. Amédée Fleury: Saint-Paul et Sénèque (Paris, 1853, 2 vols.); C. Aubertin: Étude critique sur les rapports supposé entre Sénèque et Saint-Paul (Par. 1887); F. C. Baur: Seneca und Paulus, 1858 and 1876; Reuss: art. Seneca in Herzog, vol. XIV. 273 sqq.; Lightfoot: Excursus in Com. on Philippians, pp 268–331; art. Paul and Seneca, in "Westminster Review," Lond. 1880, pp. 309 sqq.
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I understand that many specialist have declared them flagrant forgeries, but I've never actually seen a text. I was soliciting aid, you see?
Originally posted by Redoubtable
I was soliciting aid, you see?
Yeah, that's why I edited my post, which has originaly the first line only. Good luck.