Senate passes bill defining fetus' as people.


Valued Senior Member (doesn't the fetus picture here resemble a face hugger from Aliens?)
The US Senate has overwhelmingly passed legislation which makes it a separate offence to harm a foetus during an attack on a pregnant woman
Opponents said they had no objection to increased penalties for attacks on pregnant women.

But the bill's definition of the foetus as "a member of the species homo sapiens at any stage of development who is carried in the womb" has horrified them.

The fact that the bill's sponsors were unwilling to accept an amendment keeping the increased penalties for violence against pregnant women, but removing the offending definition proves that this is not soley(if at all) about protecting pregnant women.
Once Bush signs this bill our laws will be inconsistent, clearly stating that hurting a fetus is murder, and that its legal for doctors to remove and kill them.
Its only a matter of time before this is challenged, with the real possibility of abortion being banned.
If I believed in Bob, I'd be praying that Bush loses the upcoming election.

Maybe then somebody else could rectify this nonsense.