Self-test experiment for spiritual discernment


Cranky old fool
Registered Senior Member
Try out my self-test experiment just for the sake of spiritual discernment:

Picture in your mind that two commanding officers of opposing armies have their own camp. Each camp has loyalists or traitors. Each commanding officer draws a sword in the sand to divide which soldiers belong to their camp.


  • Draw a figure of a sword with a vertical and horizontal axis
  • Imagine that each axis extends into infinity
  • Observe that each axis comprise four quadrants
  • (i.e. Top Left & Right vs. Bottom Left & Right)
  • In the Top Right quadrant write the name Jesus
  • In the Top left quadrant wirte the name Satan
  • Next, move to the bottom half of the quadrant
  • Insert words from a hot or cold list that has diametric meaning
  • Avoid placing any word on both the left and right side

If you find a word that fits on both sides of the bottom half quadrant, then you have made an error. The latter forces an Either/Or answer

Here is the list of hot or cold words to start with. You may modify the list to make it longer or shorter. Create your own spiritual diametrics. It doesn't matter.

  1. good/evil
  2. love/hate
  3. right/wrong
  4. true/false
  5. curse/bless
  6. low/high
  7. reward/punish
  8. conceal/show
  9. condemn/forgive
  10. lost/save
  11. hurt/help
  12. death/life
  13. carnal/spirit
  14. injust/just
  15. prosecute/defend
  16. borrow/lend
  17. bury/resurrect
  18. war/peace
  19. argue/agree
  20. captive/free
  21. give/take
  22. judge/judge not
  23. leaven/unleaven
  24. join/divide
  25. create/destroy
Wow, your experiment worked for me, Jesus and Satan art definitely myths.