Self Defence


is it wrong to defend yourself if somebody attacks your meaning to really seriously injure you?, and im speaking of any form of physical defence, even resulting in killing the other person if its the only way,

Of course it's not wrong! But many mamby-pamby, doo-gooder liberals will claim that it is ...that we should all just stand and bow our heads passively.

Baron Max
Oh yeah, I hear that line from 'em all the time. . . or is it that I hear conservatives saying that they say it all the time? It's hard to tell sometimes.
Baron Max said:
Of course it's not wrong! But many mamby-pamby, doo-gooder liberals will claim that it is ...that we should all just stand and bow our heads passively.

How simple-minded.

As a communist, not even I would think that it is wrong to defend yourself by all means against an assailant. I think you misunderstood our 'mamby-pamby'-ness as the belief that the assailant can be institutionalized in several different ways in attempt to rectify his behavior (assuming a male, of course).
There haven't been a whole lot of cultures on Earth in which self defense was considered wrong. I wonder where you even got this question from.

The martial arts teach techniques that increase your ability to fend off or incapacitate an attacker without using lethal force. Boxing kind of does the same thing. But they also give you means to kill the attacker if it's the only way to stop him from killing or seriously injuring you or someone under your protection.

Civilizations don't last long if they don't allow their citizens to protect themselves against the barbarians. Because, it seems, there are always barbarians.
well fragle if you would read some other threads namely "schools&bullying" and "StrongVsWeak" in free thoughts, and science and society sections, you will find some people claiming to think harming others in self defence is kinda wrong,

I think that if you are able to defend yourself, and others then it is never wrong, even if the result is death.

This problem crops up in my mind often, you hear how many rapes occur a day, you read reports and accounts of young women being raped in broad daylight, on a main street, this i cant understand.

Why doesnt anyone intervene? Is it because they are scared of pain, or the consiquences (possible jail sentence)? If so, then there are many cowards around, something which i find hard to tolerate. :mad:
john smith said:
...young women being raped in broad daylight, on a main street, this i cant understand. .... Why doesnt anyone intervene?

It's all because of the bullshit that modern society has continually spouted at people about being non-voilent, that violence never solves anything, that violence is wrong, etc., etc. We've become brainwashed to the point of not even being willing to help ourselves or our loved ones for fear of being labeled as a violent degenerate!

john smith said:
If so, then there are many cowards around, something which i find hard to tolerate.

Our modern social values breeds cowards by the gazillions! Look at the many threads here at the forums'll see many who claim that violence is never, ever the "right" thing to do ...even in such extreme circumstances.

Baron Max
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i agree with you both, i think people are becoming to pasive, to such an extent that they will let people harm them and others around them,

people seem to have melded self defence with violence, if you defend yourself from an aggressor and they end up hurt or dead, its there own fault in my opinion, i do think things can be solved with words sometimes but alot of the time violence is the only thing that will work,

Baron Max said:
It's all because of the bullshit that modern society has continually spouted at people about being non-voilent, that violence never solves anything, that violence is wrong, etc., etc.

Max! Your completly right. Society is a fucking dump in that respect, sometimes, as EmptyForceOfChi said, violence is the only way out of some situations, talking is all very well and good, but when theres 2 fucking meat heads, waving a knife around, trying to rape some young, unsuspecting women all the fucking 'talking' goes right outa the window!-and it should.

Baron Max said:
We've become brainwashed to the point of not even being willing to help ourselves or our loved ones for fear of being labeled as a violent degenerate!

I know exactly what you mean, would you help, in a violent way if needs be, a loved one? Or would the ' fear of being labeled as a violent degenerate' put you off?

The question is intended simply out of intrest ;)

Baron Max said:
Look at the many threads here at the forums'll see many who claim that violence is never, ever the "right" thing to do ...even in such extreme circumstances.

I know, it makes you sick doesnt it? :m:
john smith said:
**Originally Posted by Baron Max:
Look at the many threads here at the forums'll see many who claim that violence is never, ever the "right" thing to do ...even in such extreme circumstances.**

I know, it makes you sick doesnt it?

No, it does't make me sick ....those people are just idealistic, naive fools, that's all. I.e., all talk and no action ...idealism without consideration for reality ...psycho-babble bullshit to while away their idle time ...or worse, they're "girlie-men" who'd only cringe, cry and whine at the slightest sign of strength and reality.

Baron Max
Baron Max said:
Our modern social values breeds cowards by the gazillions! Look at the many threads here at the forums'll see many who claim that violence is never, ever the "right" thing to do ...even in such extreme circumstances.

Well it also seems to breed an odd strain of chest pounding frothing sheep who can be lead anywhere by the promise of a slaughter - so no harm no foul, right? It's a good mix all around I'd say.

You know you didn't seem to be lamenting the loss of man's savage nature when we were all talking about Katrina, I seem to remember you calling people animals and the like. You can't have it both ways.
Baron Max said:
No, it does't make me sick ....those people are just idealistic, naive fools, that's all. I.e., all talk and no action ...idealism without consideration for reality ...psycho-babble bullshit to while away their idle time ...or worse, they're "girlie-men" who'd only cringe, cry and whine at the slightest sign of strength and reality.

Baron Max

Yes Max, and what youve described above does make me feel sick. BUT im not sure if your completly correct, maybe its idealism that does bring about change, in the long run.Every action has to start with an idea somewhere, however weak or meaningless the idea seems to be. But i suppose idealism without consideration for reality is very different to idealism with consideration for reality...if there is such a thing!
john smith said:
...maybe its idealism that does bring about change, in the long run.Every action has to start with an idea somewhere, however weak or meaningless the idea seems to be.

The problem with "idealism" without consideration to reality and/or human nature can bring about change that is NOT very damned good! I.e., the "idealism" of the atom bomb?! ...the "idealism" of communism, where the reality of it failed to take into account basic human greed, thereby causing major problems in every communistic nation in the world.

Ideals are wonderful things to think and talk about, but when one begins to consider those ideals as anything to be implemented in the real world, much more thoght must go into it or a disaster is likely to happen! Humans are NOT very idealistic ...they're greedy and egocentric ...and without taking that into account when implementing the ideals can be horrendously costly.

I suppose one might say ....idealism can be a wonderful thing, except when it's in the hands of idealists!

Baron Max