Seeking Asylum


Registered Senior Member
What are your thoughts on the streaming influx of asylum seekers entering the UK, both legally and covertly?
I believe that those with a genuine enough case for asylum would be prepared to spend a couple of months being processed than return to their respective former USSR/eastern European countries.
The case of a house of un-approved asylum seekers in Merseyside who refused to be relocated to a dedicated facility.
How bad can it be, where they're coming from if they are prepared to flagrantly disregard the protocols and procedures set up to help them?

It really pisses you off when it's your tax pounds being used to support them if they dont cooperate. I pay over six hundred pounds a month in taxes for what? Better schools? Improvements to the NHS? No. To support stubborn uncooperative ingrates.
The French are laughing their cocks off watching dozens of illegal asylum seekers taking their lives into their hands daily, by passing through the channel tunnel on foot, from France to the UK. They don't do a thing about it. They refuse to guard it, but they wont let us put british troops outside the French end of the tunnel.

In containers on ferries, on lorries. On more than one occasion lorry drivers have been stopped by transport police and their cargo containers found to hold tens of bodies, asylum seekers, asphyxiated and dehydrated from a several day journy in baking conditions.
We now xray much of the road freight as it comes into the country, as much for material- as human contraband.
This was part of the topic of a BBC program called 'I'm not racist, but...'

What were tending towards now is a state where you are almost guaranteed preferential treatment if you are black, asian, oriental, or anything apart from white.

Inverse racism.

As JLP says:
They invade our space and we fall back. NOT AGAIN.
The line must be drawn HERE. This far! No further.

What is the situation in your country? Is there a problem?
Or do you just think that I'm being a little too WASPish?
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Just getting a chip off my shoulders. It's not "inverse racism" or "reverse racism". It's just racism. The term racism does not take into account whether involved parties are of the majority or minority. It's just racism.
The law is blind.

Except as far as that blind old lady The Law is concerned.

(And on asylum seekers: )
I read in the newspapers as we were printing them last night that a brand new 35 million pound facility set up for those asylum seekers who have had their requests for asylum denied was raised as the refugees rioted in the facility yesterday.

This facility had spacious private rooms, well equiped communal areas, a fully stocked shop (I can only assume that they have been given money), a gymnasium that surpasses the facilities to which I have access.

This facility is now a smouldering ruin.

The two hundred or so persons housed there have absconded into the community, presumably to live off crime.

The money that has been wasted on them could have built a medium sized hospital, or employed about a thousand junior doctors or police officers, or a couple of thousand nurses.

The headline in the paper?

This is how they thank us.

I wonder how the home secretary will thank them for this?

If the criminal justice system is anything to go by, they'll be off on safari to Kenya, or bought state of the art entertainment equipment.

I'm starting to rant, probably because I've been up for almost 24 hours now. What can I say?

It's a good thing that you feel safe to use the boards to voice things you feel strongly about. It is certainly the case that the world just seems to have got it all wrong.

The measures we (The civilised world, ha ha) take to redress the worlds problems rely heavily on charirty, ,and Sting. If we all just sat down and thought about it for a while there is enough of everything to sustain us all for a very long time.

Much just wants more and that's what makes the world go round.

On the one hand I agree with you. There are people in the world who only wish to take. On the other, there are people who have taken all they can.

Fear makes us do many things we wouldn't always think to do.

Relish in your anger. It creates change. We should all be as angry. It could change the world.

Peace my friend.