Seeing Underwater OK But Shortsighted On Land?


Bicho Voador & Bicho Sugador
Valued Senior Member
When I was on vacation in the Bahamas some years ago, I had a profound experience: when swimming in the river one morning, I didn't have my contact lenses in because my eyes were sore. I still wanted my morning swim with the fishes and so was absolutely amazed when I realised that I could see underwater! If I lifted my head and took off my goggles then everything was blurred, as expected due to my shortsightedness. But when submerged, I could even see the tread of a tyre that was in the middle of the river, which I couldn't see earlier with my contact lenses. It was if I could see better than before, even though I didn't think it should be possible. Is this a throwback to early evolution? Did the aquatic ape evolve to see underwater, so that fruits and seeds could more easily detected? Has anyone else ever heard of this before? (btw I don't think I'm the man from Atlantis (lol)).

Edit - check out this circumstantial evidence: Sea gypsies have twice the vision underwater