Seeing future and feeling relatives within my dreams


I have long suspected I had a gift to see the future, but now I am sure of it, I cannot control what I want to see of the future, it reveals itself to me in my dreams. I also feel my relatives very strongly when they are in danger, thus I have seen in my dreams the death of my grandfather the year before, on the month when he died, and only after half year after he died was I told of his death and realized what it is I have seen. In my dreams the characters, my relatives identities are fuzzy, I cannot exactly make out who it is that suffers or is to die, I always think of my mom and protecting her.
Last month my grandmother died, I was only told of her death when I came home for the thanksgiving. I communicate with my mother thru email, and tell her of my dreams, and exactly on that week when my grandmother died I have seen a dream and told of it to my mother...I did not tell her the dream exactly as I was too hurt by what I saw, and I saw my mother dying and my father cry and change from once strong man to almost nothing. I was afraid I saw my mother...but it turned out to be my grandmother who died.
As for the future...I saw my own future, I was alone, but reached my goal in life, I also saw other things...but wish not tell others, as I do not know if they will happen.
One thing I am for certain is that my mother is in danger, although she jogs every day and eats sorta healthy food, she has a thyroid gland problem and some sort of problem with pancreas. She is not doing enough to solve this problem, and I am afraid she will end up just like my grandmother, who just died. I saw in my dream what can happen, however I know I can change it, I can protect my father's future and my momther's health. Both of my parents are so close together, that if one died the other would not be able to recover. However I am afraid to tell my mother of the dream I saw, because it is far too serious of a reality and scornfull, however I need to do something before it is too late. I was able to change my other grandma (on my mom's side) to make her health better, by making sure she ate her veggies and gave her vitamin pills and I also bought her pinhole glasses which allowed her to see without need for glasses. I know I can change my mom, but how should I approach the situation? Should I just tell her of my dream?
.... Should I just tell her of my dream?

Absolutely you should, and without the slightest hesitation or reservation. From what you describe, she genuinely does need to know of your concerns. Moreover, from your own point of view, you really need to let her know of your concerns for your own sake.

Tell, feel slightly foolish doing it - jump the crap all over that particular sense of feeling such a way discussing this so openly with your mother beforehand - and simply do it.

At the end of the day, concerns regarding premonitions aside - you need to do this so do. Seriously.
Better to regret seeming foolish by telling her than regret not telling her after her death (IF she does die) for the rest of your life.
I'm sort of confused by what you've said Dragon. I don't want to seem disbelieving, but I thought these sorts of dreams were quite common. I mean the sort where someone we love is in danger, or is dying, or is dead. They just reflect our worries. You say your mother's health is not so good - naturally you worry about her. Anyone would. It is equaly natural that those worries should come out in your dreams. They don't seem to me - againn I don't want to be rude - but they don't seem to be really predicitve. You said yourself that the identities of the people in your dreams are 'fuzzy'.
I'm sort of reluctant to give advice to someone I don;t know, but I do feel that you are perhaps being given bad advice. I don;t mean you shouldn't talk to your mother about your conceerns, but do this directly. Don't hide behind the tale of a dream. Tell her directly you love her, you want her to live as long as possible, a long healthy life, and you want her to take better care of herself because she means so much to you and to your father. I think that will be more likely to help her change than telling her a dream story that she could easily choose to reject.
Anyways, take care.
Hipparchia...I will give you 3 cases of were I felt my relatives and how they felt.

in number (1) is what I have seen in my dream, what is in parenthesis is what actually happened/happens

1) I felt my grandmother (she is 5000 miles away from me on another continent...last time I have seen her is 3 years ago and since than I did not speak with her on telephone) and I saw a dream as a revelation of indirect change. I saw my parents and my father (it is his mother who has died) sleeping and crying below a pine tree. I came to him and he has lifted himself...and I saw tears in his eyes so I told him to accept the change and told him that all is for the better now and that she is not suffering. He than smiled and ran away and went with normal life. Than my mother came back...and I realized that I was wrong to think that she was allright and that it was my father's mother who has died. (A month mother comes to my campus and tells me that a month ago on the exact day I had this dream my grandmother has died)

I cant even tell you how I felt...I thought I was going insane, I though it was my mother who was dying...and here she told me it was my grandmother. I felt relieved and I felt pain inside me as well...because I loved my grandmother

2) Once my father was gone working part time job moving steel beams on his work. My mother had started worrying hard about him and just as everyday I told her that everything was allright and that he will come back tonight and that she not worry. However as the 11pm passed and he has not come...she started *sobbing* a bit...crying from time to time. Well thing is even though I told her he was allright two hours before 11pm I knew something has happened to him but he was alive. I felt it within me. And guess what at 12:45 he comes back and says that he was almost hit by a passing motorcycle when he was getting out of the bus...the motorcycle scratched him but he was not hurt major.

3) I have seen many....many revelation of the such detail that there is no questioning as to whether I have seen it from somewhere or not. I have seen an event (of which I cannot speak of to you) that has happened and of which I have told my mother 6 months before it happened. And I described to her it entirely...because some dreams I have stand out from the rest...they are sooooo real.
You are out of your mind. You can't see the future. If it makes you feel better, though, you might as well fess up your crazy nonsense to your mother.
You are out of your mind. You can't see the future. If it makes you feel better, though, you might as well fess up your crazy nonsense to your mother.

Why?....I have seen the has happened exactly like I have seen it. At first I did not believe it...but when it repeated and my visions had told me so, I believed it.
Well, take a little test. Have a dream and write down what future event it foretells. Then, date the writing and put it in a drawer. Take it out when the event occurs (if ever). Do this, and you will see that you cannot foretell the future.
Well, take a little test. Have a dream and write down what future event it foretells. Then, date the writing and put it in a drawer. Take it out when the event occurs (if ever). Do this, and you will see that you cannot foretell the future.

I already did it, I wrote an email to my parent 6 months ago telling them of a dream I have seen...and it happened exactly like I have seen it.

Why? ... I am no longer questioning this as whether I actually can see future or not. I have seen enough proof to know that indeed what I have seen was future. God on the other a concept I have no proof many other things.