Secular Coalition for America


In search of Immortality
Valued Senior Member
With the Christian Coalition of America having its own TV shows and advocating assasination of foreign leaders I thought it only fair that the other side has some free advertising. So here is the latest news for the SECULAR Coalition for America.

Just one lobbyist, but a start, and compared to the Christian lobyist power this is but a drop in the ocean.

As it was in the past, when religion ruled the world, we are in danger of the USA going that same direction unless religion's opponents begin gaining some political might - a tough call.


August 25, 2005
Meet YOUR new lobbyist
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Dear Secular Coalition activist,

With great pleasure and excitement, we announce the appointment of former Nevada
State Senator Lori Lipman Brown as the Coalition's first director and Congressional
lobbyist. Starting on Sept. 19, you'll have your very own advocate in Washington,

In addition to her political background, Brown is an attorney, an educator, and a
frequent media commentator. She is also a long-time activist with experience in the
constitutional and cultural challenges that face America's secular community. She's
ready to take on those challenges for us now, starting right on Capitol Hill.

Please visit our site today to learn more about Lori Lipman Brown:

And please forward our good news along to your friends: the nation's first secular
Congressional lobbyist is on her way to D.C. to represent the interests of America's
atheists, humanists, and other freethinkers!

Best wishes,

The Secular Coalition for America

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The Secular Coalition for America is the nation's first and only lobbying
organization for nontheists. Our mission is to increase the visibility and
respectability of nontheistic viewpoints within the larger culture and to protect
and strengthen secular government as the best guarantee of freedom for all.

We need your help now more than ever! Support our future:
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