Secrets hidden


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Is the day when the scientists are able to know what the man is thinking of and what he is hiding from people coming? This is what the scientists hope but what is the truth? Let us read?

Scientists from Britain, Germany and Japan finally managed to read the mind and what the person think of! They have used imaging device using magnetic resonance, (Magnetic Resonance Imaging MRI) after doing many amazing experiments.

They have asked a person a question which has the answer of either yes or no, and the MRI always showed the area of the brain related to the question. If the answer is yes, a specific area in the brain will be activated and the device will immediately detect this activation, whereas if the answer is no, another area of the brain will be activated and consequently detected by the device.

A real photo of the brain taken by MRI showing the activation of specific areas of the brain during thinking of a certain matter, each area is specialized with one type of ideas. When a man is asked a question like, do you love this person or not?, The device detects the area responsible for yes or no answer before the man answers, as soon as thinking starts, the device will detect the answer and show on a computer monitor the glowing area of the brain from which the answer can be detected!! Surely using software specialized for this purpose.

Therefore, this device is used to tell you what you think of!! But the experiment still in the primary stage and the question is: can scientists one day reach to know all things the men think of?

Professor, Colin Blakemore says "we should not be very optimist at this stage, because experiments are at the start of the way. However, other scientists say that we could read people's mind and intentions and know their passion and plans.

Anyway, dear reader, I do not think that these experiments will develop on large scale, as Allah the Almighty says: "Allâh knows the fraud of the eyes, and all that the breasts conceal" (19: Gafir). this noble verse confirms that hidden things of the person is known by nobody except Allah, the Almighty, but techniques may develop and enable scientists from reading some of the person's mind through the brain but will not be able to know for example the person's tenet.
the purpose of this thread is

allah alone
Any person

In what to think

allah says in the Quran
34. Verily, Allah! With Him (Alone) is the knowledge of the Hour, He sends
down the rain, and knows that which is in the wombs. No person knows what he will earn tomorrow, and no person knows in what land he will die. Verily, Allah is All-Knower, All-Aware (of things).

59. And with Him are the keys of the Ghaib (all that is hidden), none
knows them but He. And He knows whatever there is in (or on) the earth and in the sea; not a leaf falls, but he knows it. There is not a grain in the darkness of the earth nor anything fresh or dry, but is written in a Clear Record.

60. It is He, Who takes your souls by night (when you are asleep), and has knowledge of all that you have done by day, then he raises (wakes) you up again that a term appointed (your life period) be fulfilled, then in the end unto Him will be your return. Then He will inform you what you used to do.
Neuroscience is still in its infancy, but I wouldn't be all that surprised if in a century or so some of the things we consider science fiction become a reality. It wouldn't be the first time.

In any case, betting against scientific progress based on holy writ is a sure way to lose your money.
Is the day when the scientists are able to know what the man is thinking of and what he is hiding from people coming? This is what the scientists hope but what is the truth?

Maybe it's theoretically possible, but I don't think that it's going to be practical for a long time. Perhaps never.

Scientists from Britain, Germany and Japan finally managed to read the mind and what the person think of! They have used imaging device using magnetic resonance, (Magnetic Resonance Imaging MRI) after doing many amazing experiments.

They have asked a person a question which has the answer of either yes or no, and the MRI always showed the area of the brain related to the question. If the answer is yes, a specific area in the brain will be activated and the device will immediately detect this activation, whereas if the answer is no, another area of the brain will be activated and consequently detected by the device.

People often kind of sub-vocalize when they are thinking, especially when they are preparing to say something. The English language words 'yes' and 'no' require use of different muscles in th mouth and pharynx. I wonder if they would get the same results with people that speak different languages. I suppose that their device could be easily recalibrated to take care of that possible difficulty.

A more serious question is whether the machine will produce a reading if the test subject is specifically told not to answer, but only to read the question. It's still possible that the brain will kind of prepare itself to answer, even if there's been no decision to actually do so.

That brings up the lie-detector problem. If the machine registers an unspoken 'no', does the 'no' represent what the subject believes to be the truth, or the subject's intention to lie by falsely saying 'no'? That's a critical question if anyone proposes to use this thing practically.

If the machine can produce an answer even if the test subject isn't intending to voice the answer out loud, and if the answer always corresponds to what the subject believes to be true (which is highly questionable), then this device might conceivably prove very useful to intelligence agencies like the CIA who are interrogating people. Just ask the subjects a series of increasingly pointed 'yes-no' questions: Is your organization planning to do this? Was so-and-so in the room with you? Is your weapons cache hidden here? The subject wouldn't be able to remain silent and wouldn't be able to lie, and all of this information could be extracted from the person without torturing them in any way. (I bet that Langley and MI-6 are paying very close attention to this research.)
Can this machine possibly tell any emotion mankind shares? including deception?

I know things about people. Secrets. Awful things. Then again, would you believe me?

If this machine tells thoughts, I can. I pick up yes' and no's. Anyone can tell any emotion just looking at a mans face. Imagine holding conversations telepathically with multiple people, it gets to be more than coincidence watching them all react unknowing to anyone around but to the guy in front of them, me.

Think of the different reactions to the liar, from the happy. Why is he happy?
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(The provisions of Ramadan)

Things do not invalidate the fast:
• wet dream during fasting does not break the fast, the lack of willful intent and agreement of the scholars.
• It got him to vomit without choosing him when he was fasting, but did not break his fast, his fast is valid for saying peace be upon him: (from help vomiting - the drop and oppression - do not eliminate it).

• What is included in the throat without the choice of dust or flies, and other things that can not be avoided, it does not invalidate the fast, the lack of intent. Did not mean that the unthinking, heedless, and is costly to the verse: God Punish us not if we forget or fall. And saying peace be upon him: (pardoned for my error and what they forget it).

• bleeding from unintentionally: bleeding and the wound, and so on, does not break the fast, does not invalidate the fast, the lack of choice.

• from eating or drinking by mistake meaning it to him, for saying peace be upon him: (pardoned for my error and what they forget it). And saying peace be upon him: (forgets that he is fasting and eats or drinks, let him complete his fast for it is fed and drink).

• Shaka from eating at dawn his fast is valid, do not eliminate it, because the basic survival of the night.
• It became the side of a wet dream or intercourse, and fed him the time, it is fast and may delay the ghusl until after the fast, and dawn, and his fast is not it properly spent. What is in the correct: that the Prophet (peace be upon him was becoming side of intercourse, then washed and fast). In Saheeh Muslim,