
Registered Member
A secret world government probably does not exist today because the technology needed to organize something of that complexity is has not begun to arrive. But there could be a secret government in the EU, or USA, and easily one for Russia. China has a secret government exept for the fact that its not so secret.

But here is how a secret world government could be organized. At the top of the government you have a council of say, sixteen people. Each of these people has a contact in every large city in thier domain. Each member has his or her domian, there are sixteen in the world. Only the high council knows what is really going on, the contacts know just enough that they can perform thier duties.

Everyone under the initial contacts belives they are working for a crime orginization. First you have your "captians" and under them you have your "seargents" and then you have your "privates", privates being the basic street scum of the Earth. All of them belive they are working for crime. What they really do is collect information for the contacts, so the contacts can make sure that nothing is happening in thier city that needs taking care of.

In order to keep the crime under control, the street scum does fake crimes, althought they belive they are doing the real thing. Thus since the intentions are the same they are convicted of the same charges and dealt with accordingly thought being set up by the contacts so the police do the rest or if that dosen't work, having thier court rigged. In this way the concil controls both sides of the system, crime and government. The agressive feelings in the world are taken out on a silent war between crime and police. What both sides don't know is that they have the same general, the council.
Have you ever heard of the Club of Rome? There is all ready a secret goverment.

Hey, man. Support the Shadow Government. We may not know what they're doing, but at least they're doing something! (jk)
It's here now and it's called the U.N. If you only knew the things they do and are trying to do.

Peace Be With You,
I think that in every major country there are interwined layers of multi secret governments, each with their own agenda to take care of.
And so, as the world gets smaller and 'friendlier' it is only natural that segments of the said secret governments mingle with their international counterparts and establish new international layers, who, over time will overlap and criss cross the planet to such a degree that a relatively small group of people could actually attain control the world, very efficiently, very speedily and to the n'th degree.

I don't know what IsDaMan is reffering to when he mentions the U.N, but it would be quite feasible for it to be implicated in devious subterfuge, given it's sprawling enormity and unparalleled international access. But there are many, many other types of world bodies and secret organizations that are also in very powerful positions to prod the world eg. the IMF and my guess is that they would all eventually work in tandem.
Makes you shudder.
What is the Club of Rome?

"ET phone home!"
"Uh, hello Satan?"
"Hey, your plan worked great! They all think I'm cute!"

Ok it's a bit of a tangled web, but I will try to put this across as clearly as I can. :)

The Club of Rome seems to be the controling faction. They have also been refered to as The Olympians and The Committee of the 300.

The UN is basicly the military arm of the NWO, But they also serve other purposes, which includes the IMF. While the CFR (Concile of Forgien Relations) and RIIA (Royal Institute of International Affairs), the CFR's sister orginization in Europe appears to be the administrative arm which is in direct contact with the indivual nations's goverments. The Club of Rome appears to be the ones coordinating the movements and actions of the above. I don't have a whole lot of information on the Club of Rome as of yet. The further I try to research this the harder it gets to find information. The people closer to the top are much more elusive and are not in the every day press. I can quote you names, past actions, and current plans for the future of the UN, CFR , etc, but I have only begun to research the Club of Rome. It has all ways seemed to me that the actions of the CFR, RIIA, UN, and other agencys have been coordinated, but by whom has all ways been the question. I could be barking up the wrong tree. If any one has anything to add please do!

My life could have been black and white, but I had to color it.

Check out my earlier topic called "Secret Societies", which links to a page that lists many secret societies, including the Committee of 300, of which the Club of Rome is apparently a subset.

I was wondering something. I mean about this Y2K stuff going around. Are any of these secret societies aka secret governments going to do something when the clocks turn to y2k?
Nah...too predictable. Too many paranoid nutbars are going to on their toes with their fingers on the trigger.

Of course, an apology is in line here. After all, Paul Revere and a few others were just paranoid enough and on their toes when we needed them most. Sorry, guys.
>A secret world government probably does not exist today because the technology needed to organize something of that complexity is has not begun to arrive.<

Actually, the technology does exist. They are already testing a tracking system on pets. A microchip is placed just under the skin near the base of the neck and they can track the animal anywhere it goes. There is also a computer in the works that will be able to do over 10 trillion calculations per second and soon they will have one that will be able to do 100 trillion calculations per second. With global positioning and these new computers, every human being on earth will be able to be tracked.

Can you say "number of the Beast"? (No offense 666). I also know that at the last Bilderburger meeting, they talked about the final phases of... Ack! I've got to go!!! They're at my door! Aaaaaahhhhh!
"I've got to go!!! They're at my door! Aaaaaahhhhh!"

"666" Doesn't that have a biblical translation? I believe it's a biblical code that translates into the Roman letters: IRS, DEA, or some other acronym.

It's all very large.
I don't think the Romans had a DEA. Anyway, I saw a couple of buttons on a guy's jacket that I thought were funny. Alongside one that read "666: Number of the Beast" were the following:

"665: Neighbor of the Beast"
"333: Eric the Half-Beast"

Okay... I've heard that the Hebrews once had a number system which they used for representing sounds and words in their language. 666 was for the Roman Emperor of that time (Caesar I believe) whose armies ruled over the region. I was told that the code was created for the purpose of helping the Hebrews hide from their Roman masters the true meaning of what was being written in the Bible--stuff like, "Caesar is the Devil."

Eh, it's just a little trivia that I picked up years ago. It's probably wrong, but it sounds interesting.

It's all very large.

[This message has been edited by Bowser (edited January 13, 2000).]