Secret Base in Cornwall


Registered Member
Bert Buttock may be referring to what I have heard decribed as a secret technology centre located near Newquey in North Corwall. Whether or not these "Wurst" shaped objects originated from here during the eclispe is possible as it would have been almost due west from my viewing point.

I have also heard of the rescue of the fishermen around the 1946 period. The rescue services responded quickly however when they arrived the site was already cleared. What you may not be aware of is that it was rumoured at the time that many strangers appeared in the small fishing village of Padstow before disappearing again before. Fearing foul play the villagers searched for the strangers but none of them were ever found. What id interesting is that this incident occured on the same night as the Trelawney was sunk. Reports stated that the strangers appeared normal except for their strange behaviour.

I have also read about this. There was a fire at the Padstow radio station killing the daughter of the owner. I am not sure if this occured on the same night, but I am sure it was late 1946 / early 1947. Spooky. Maybe on to something?

Don't forget there was also that famous Harlin sighting / landing / incident on december 28th!! I have mailed you the newspaper cutting, dude.

Accept it.
Cornwall is a strange place and has been host to a number of different kinds of sightings over the years. I am not aware of any bases or "sausage" type objects but I was there last summer and was witness to some strange lights hovering over the sea to the North of stepper point.

This may or may not be linked.

Bert (not the evil one)
Good to see that people are not forgetting, what is one of the most prolific UFO and 'weird happenings' hotspots in England!

I too, have seen what can only be described as sausage shaped flying saucers (or SSFS,as I have heard Jasper Milligan, the ufologist, refer to them

I had just bought some chips (french fries) in Mevegissey, and I saw two of them overhead, before they dived into the sea. Later, that day I blacked out and awoke after a while on grass. I am trying hypnotherapy to get some more details, but no luck, as yet.

Cheesemonster/Bert, Have you ever been to Port Isaac? The people there have a very odd attitude to strangers! They get annoyed if you go near the beaches. Very Weird.

Chris F.
Farquarrson-Maybe you guys should organize a big beach party and have a get-together out there. I don't know what your laws are like, but if they're freaking out just because a non-local wants to go to the beach, it might be worth seeing.

(Then again, the people of Santa Cruz, California tend to freak out when "valley people", as they call residents of the Santa Clara Valley, come to the Santa Cruz beach. They start chanting "Valley go home" until we remind them that the materials used to build their precious boardwalk came from the valley, and if we left we were taking it back with us.)

It just sounds worth checking out.
Great idea oxygen.
What do you think cheese and bert?
o, and what do you think farq, heck I'll even come.


Interesting? ever thought of giving the one armed shuffle a miss and going out and finding a friend or maybe 2? That may be a bit patronising - you do understand the word patronising don't you?

Accept it.

The only people who call me farq are farq-wits. What you seem to not understand is the simple concept of misdirection that is portrayed to the general public at all costs whether it has anything to do with ET and the paranormal or not. I agree that for many of these concepts it is up to the individual to either question or believe with all their heart and you, my friend, seem to take everything at face value. I believe that you are one of these god-fearing evangelists with little brain and understanding, whose only mission in life is to convert people with little faith into your 'posse'.
I am sorry that you are unable to unlock the full potential of your brain.

Go with the thought processes that you mistake for thinking, and understand all that you are told....question nothing. It is the only hope for your government.

Chris F.

Keep it real!
Farquarrson, are you serious? That's cool! What did they look like? (detailed) Approximately how long after this encounter did you black out? Did you have any thoughts outside of normal after this incident? How close were they?

By the way, let's take it easy on Dude alright? We can keep this civil. Besides, Christians are not brainless. I have an i.q. of 163 and can hold my own in physics or any logical arguement. There is a reality that you conceive that is made of the intangible laws that govern it. If you or I don't fully understand these laws, then how can you criticize or condemn those who pursue the higher realms of thought which coincides with spirit? Yes, I said spirit. If you want a debate on religion, take it to the religious thread.

P.S. Bert, or is it Burt? Is your wife's name Incontinental? Wait, her last name is Buttocks, not Buttock. LOL! :D

There is no such thing as subjective truth.
Farty, Like your nickname? :p :D


For rael I'm more than you can handle, I'm Roman Cathlic :)


Ok, I know how to make THIS face :D but how d'you make the animated green one and the devilish red one? are there more cool faces we can make?
Oh ya man ther are tons of faces. Check out these:

When you post a reply go to the smilies legend onthe left hand side of the gray box.
Prety niftay aren't they?


Here's one just for you, Dude!



[This message has been edited by Dave (edited December 23, 1999).]

Do you know how to use html code? Inside the "less than/greater than" (<>) brackets, type the following picture location (or any location that has a picture you would like to post):

img src=""

(and don't forget those brackets!)

Give it a try and let's see what happens. :cool:

It's true.... thats my personal web site address....when I feel the need to draw a particular .gif or supply a piccie...I stick it in there and refer to the url using html format on this board....but it applies to anything - anywhere in the web!
If you want a particular .gif face done give us a hoi via e-mail...I love the humour behind it..( although sometimes I'm a bit slow as to recognising humour on this board...Doh!! )

Here's a personal one I just knocked up fer U Tab...

You said you were a chef, right?
i dont mean to be the 'un-educated' one here, but were and what exactly is cornwall???