Second plane on 9/11 starts to explode Before impact with tower!

Oh God, it is from "Loose Change". The douchebag narrator's 20-something year old voice is all ready grating on my ears...

The documentary "Why the Towers Fell" video, actually shows the plane hitting and the explosion at the same time. It is the angle in the first, amateur shot, that makes it appear as if the plane hit the building a fraction of a second after the explosion, when in fact, it hit it simulteneous to the explosion.

There is also no "bump" on it at all.
There is no fuel storage in the very front of the plane where the flash is starting to become visible to my knowledge, theres nothing there that would explode(once the fuel cells are shattered yes but the tip of the plane?) highly doubtfull imo.
Why would a conspiracy cause the plane to explode at all, when the impact alone was going to cause such devastation?

Wouldn't they rely on impact fuses instead of radio remote?
Perhaps the explosion from the fuel alone wouldnt look destructive enough(the towers were supposedly to fall from impact and the fire alone) in the official story anyway. So they added explosives for a bigger visual effects to make it more believable. Could be another or other reasons as well, im guessing but from the looks of it the plane exploded before impact.
Course, it really helps that it's a flash video rather than something higher quality, especially if video evidence is what we are to consider.
Yay! Another 9/11 conspiracy! I bet it was Bush who pushed the detination button for the explosion!
Yay! Another 9/11 conspiracy! I bet it was Bush who pushed the detination button for the explosion!

Its been basically the same since day one. Dont think much has changed as far as what people who didnt believe the official story believe(some new information has been added but same basics). Well it might be considered that theres 3 theories(to my knowledge at least)
1... 19 arabs crashed the planes(9 of which have showed up in various countries)

2... parts of the government had advanced knowledge of 9/11 and allowed it to happen

3... parts of the government and a direct hand in 9/11(i have seen many motives for them to do this and it fits the evidence best imo)


Do you know the kinetic energy a 150 ton plane going 600 mph has?

Also, I will note: We New Yorkers (who were most impacted) really thin the 9-11 Truth Movement is just trying to fuck us over.
If on the fence about the fire looking thing on the side of the plane being the beginning of the explosion. It could be a light reflection, but im very skeptical about the tip of a plane exploding upon impact(its just electrical stuff and various metals/plastic)
I do not understand how it would affect you NYers that way,care to explain a bit? Very much energy behind a plane but thats impact energy not explosive energy(at least not till the fuel tanks are ruptured)

You do realize the plane is pretty must crushed at impact, yes?

Anyway, the reason we NYers are pissed about the 9-11 Truth Movement is that they purposefully distort the facts in orde r to satisfy a pathological urge for conspiracy. Life is too sucky for them, so they make fantasies to make it seem less horrendous that *gasp* people hate America enough to attack it!
I can understand why other people would hate America. Its very materialistic, to more religious or spiritual country or people some would see this as bad and not want this mindset to spread.

Personally i see alot in the official story which doesnt add up for me. Alot these conspiracy theorists say does from my vantage point(i should add that at first i believed the official story, even though it felt intuitively wrong looking back. I felt it even then but didnt understand it untill i started looking at all the info).
Pseudoscience forum? this was a world effecting event. I dont see posts about other events in history that are being questioned being moved here? Bah with all the crap major media propaganda threads which the thread starters dont even comment on that stay there? I counted earlier and there was 11 threads by one person on the 1st world events section page(and they were mostly cut &paste jobs no comments worth mentioning. Im disapointed in the world events forum mod hehe. Oh well.
What parts of the official story?

Hmm lots dont know if they will all come hither from the depths of my subconscious.
A short list of as few(its getting late and im tired)

The molten metal still way hotter than a uncontrolled fire can burn without something like thermate to assist(someone gave me a unconvincing argument about the buildings falling energy being equivalent to a small nuclear bomb) The beams and fracturing concrete may generate some heat when they break but not enough to melt steel. The rest of the energy is just falling momentum. A uncontrolled fire can only get so hot with the materials available in the towers. The jet fuel burned off fairly quickly(and doesnt burn hot enough to melt steel), after that there was just the buildings materials which burn at low temperatures. The only likely scenario which would leave the steel at those many thousands of degrees still after several days would be something like thermate(explosive which burns through steel like a hot knife through butter).
There was crews of people allowed into the towers before 9/11, they had access while power was down(no security cams on with no power) they were the most likely people to have placed the charges.

A different point is that people in the basement got injured before the towers came down when explosions were heard and the marble walls shattered inwards busting up people(badly injured face, broken legs etc). It was as though the charges were behind the walls attached to pillers and the blast wave was enough to swell the marble walls shattering them forcefully. And theres all the witnesses reports of concusion noises and the shattered windows on the bottom floor of the structures.
I ll think on more things while i sleep tonight.

Do you know what the sort of kinetic energy is released in a building collapse that has tremendous amounts of snapping steel? When metal is rapidly twisted it can even melt from the strain. Steel bending mills can show you that.

You do also realize that the biulding had snapping supports that could have easily blasted open the marble and other such things, yes?

Do you know what the sort of kinetic energy is released in a building collapse that has tremendous amounts of snapping steel? When metal is rapidly twisted it can even melt from the strain. Steel bending mills can show you that.

You do also realize that the biulding had snapping supports that could have easily blasted open the marble and other such things, yes?

It may be as you say, but if thats the case, why do regularly demolished buildings not have molten steel in or under the rubble pile? I have never heard of a building where this has happened.

Planned collapses have charges set everywhere. The building essentially comes down all at once in pieces, rather than breaking itself constantly as it falls down.

Here's an example:

If you press down on an acordion, it easily folds, yes?

Try causing the same compression on something not rigged to fold up. See how much more energy is needed?