Sea serpents caught on video

This proves the UFOs are in contact with the Sea Monsters - they have shared their technology for causing cameras to go out of focus and jiggle around.

We also occasionally get porpoises or seals etc coming up the estuary. The Thames is tidal right through London These pictures come from around Greenwich, which is a long way down river and close to the sea.
The Thames is tidal right through London These pictures come from around Greenwich, which is a long way down river and close to the sea.
I found this interesting...
London - The Coastal City
The River Thames runs through the heart of London. But where does the coast stop and the River Thames begin?
The Ordinance Survey defines what counts as coast as everywhere that has a tidal range - so how far does that extend?.... ...He finds that even the House of Parliament are coastal.

And, this WW2 American ship is still in the Thames waiting to blow...
The SS Richard Montgomery is an American cargo ship fully laden with explosives. It safely crossed the Atlantic but when it entered Sheerness a storm was starting and the ship drifted onto a sand bank. When the tide fell the weight of its 4,000 tonnes of bombs broke the vessel in half. It is now lying in two pieces, full of its eroding cargo
Both quotes from...
I found this interesting...

And, this WW2 American ship is still in the Thames waiting to blow...

Both quotes from...
Yes the "tideway", as we who have rowed on it call it, extends up river to Teddington, which is allegedly a corruption of tide end town. Teddington is the location of the last fixed weir on the river to control its level, though there is a movable half-tidal barrage at Richmond, which comes down and prevents the river emptying more than half way as the tide drops, since it would otherwise become almost un-navigable in the uppermost stretch at low tide.

The story about the ship full of bombs is true. But WW II has left a lot of explosives everywhere in the N Sea. When we were in the Hague we visited a minesweeper that was used to clear the shipping lanes to Rotterdam and Amsterdam and were told that only the shipping lanes had been cleared. All over the seabed there are German mines, to this day! Fishing trawlers occasionally snag one.
This proves the UFOs are in contact with the Sea Monsters - they have shared their technology for causing cameras to go out of focus and jiggle around.

They also don't hang around long

Are these the only two videos available?

No time to call a television crew to rush over with a reporter and decent cameras?
