SCSPL protocomputation as used in the CTMU


According to the Telic Principle, which states that the universe must provide itself with the means to do this, it must make and realize its own "choice to exist"; by reason of its absolute priority, this act of choice is identical to that which is chosen, i.e. the universe itself, and thus reflexive. I.e., "existence is everywhere the choice to exist." Accordingly, the universe must adopt a reflexive form in which it can "select itself" for self-defined existence, with the selection function identical to that which is selected. This means that it must take a certain general or "initial" form, the MU form, which contains all of the requisites for generating the contents of reality. Due to hology, whereby the self-contained universe has nothing but itself of which to consist, this form is self-distributed.
I love it when people throw together a hotch-potch collection of pseudoscience terms and buzzwords to produce a paragraph that is utterly meaningless. It’s so funny! :D

For comparison, here is a paragraph that was generated from a random sentence generator on the internet. Is it any less understandable? Only just…..

Reality worships the cycle throughout a downright. Existence shares the inner office. With the tax vanishes a discipline. Can the delightful vowel trek? A preface laughs opposite a filter! How does Telic Principle buck past universe? The known farewell initiates universe without the freedom. Universe accommodates Telic Principle. His microcomputer suspects? How can reflexive form attend past the gross headache? Reflexive form shifts a bastard. A jury dashes beside reflexive form. How does the fiscal alcohol chair hology? After a continental advertises hology. Your hardship wrongs the MU form after the tutorial. How can self-defined existence stray opposite the MU form? Self-defined existence flies above the MU form. Self-defined existence wishes the MU form on top of a desert feat. The MU form sponsors self-defined existence. An axiom locates the foam.