Scribes and scribblers -- whom do we believe?


Jesus: Mythstory--Not History!
Valued Senior Member
M*W: We've heard many times how the victors were the ones who wrote history. Well, let's face it, women's history was primarily taught as myths, legends, and old wives' tales that turned into lore for her us as her granddaughters as it trickled down the evolutionary pathway. And, the peasants? What about the peasants? Glad you asked! Well, the peasants couldn't read or write anyway, so I don't recall ever hearing that the peasant class had any scribes at all. Their history probably became woven into women's lore. But, can we trust the scribes who wrote about the victors? Well, no. The history of the victors was kind of embellished, to say the least. After all, the scribes were "paid" to write their victory stories!

Had women been able to get a break from the little cave babies to create a language (which they did in spite of their responsibilities), we would probably still be talking in "goog al umph goo goo." But, thanks to our foremothers (yes, that is a word, let's sound it out, fore-moth-ers), we have the ancient and truthful history of women who were the real victors.

When their cavemen husbands (or significant others, whichever the case may be) went out on the big mammoth hunt, most of them never returned. So the cave mommies put their cave babies on their backs and set out to pick roots, weeds, and kill small animals so their babies to eat. Otherwise, our species would have died out along with the Neanderthal!

We've read of wars upon wars and the maleficient history the wars wrote. But, in women's history, there were no wars -- only peaceful cohabitation. The communal village raised each baby, and that baby lived to see a long life and had a better chance for survival because of his female relatives! Had it not been for our cave grandmothers, well, I wouldn't be sitting here writing this.

So, who do we believe after all is said and done? Do we believe the somewhat pumped up version of the victors, or do we believe the grandmother's trickled down lore? I vote for granny. In the greater picture of life, who do you think helpd us to survive this life on Planet Earth?
Certainly you are correct in pointing out the role that the woman has played throughout history, but to look at either sex as the saviour of mankind is absurd. Without a diet supplemented by game supplied by the men, or the rational-focused minds of the men, we'd also have been wiped out. Similarly, it is through the male violence that society and civilization has progressed and without which it is doubtful that humanity would be anything but a cave dwelling near-animal now.

It is fruitful to always remember the duality of the Sky God and the Earth Goddess. There is a reason for there to be two, and not one, principle. Neither could rightfully survive nor thrive without the other.