Screw Free Thought


Doctorate of Yiffology
Registered Senior Member
We should revoke free thought and revive communism. Free thought causes nothing but problems. Obey the doctrine of yiff. Viva la Yiff.
Originally posted by SpyFox_the_KMeson
We should revoke free thought and revive communism. Free thought causes nothing but problems. Obey the doctrine of yiff. Viva la Yiff.

free thoughts solve all problems that free thought causes. you can't say the same about communism.
SpyFox_the_KMeson ...

Surely you can't be advocating that each of us be fitted with coin
collectors and deposit the requisite amount each time we think?

Although it might be a unique way to balance the budget, would
all thought cost the same? If I wanted to think about what I did
last night would I have to pay the same as someone contemplating
the meaning of life?

As to the implication that communism limits 'free thought' I'd have
to agree. Early christian communal living certainly did limit free thought
... but not nearly to the degree that later organized religion did.

So, are you advocating the imposition of atheism?

Oh no, that wouldn't work ... Supposedly atheists are 'free' thinkers.

Would you care to elaborate and deconfuse this old codger?

Or were you just 'trolling' when you posted what you did?

Take care :rolleyes:
Free thought is GOOD!!! that's all there is to say about it. The irony here is that you posted this thread under free thoughts.:bugeye:
Oh no, that wouldn't work ... Supposedly atheists are 'free' thinkers.

We think for free, but charge money to share our thoughts. That will be $8,500. ;)

It's, umm, a joke. You haven't heard of 'yiff' yet....
If thoughts weren't "free"

Frankly I'm quite tired of being charged and overcharged for everything....damn, now I can't even THINK for free! What next, revoke free will? Oh, never mind....going into communism answers that question.

If thoughts weren't "free" then would some thoughts "cost" more than others? I mean, if we contemplate the meaning of life, as many of us do from time to time, would that cost us more than pondering what's for dinner? :bugeye: :rolleyes:

Anyhoot, JOEMAN, you brought up an excellent point.
Free Thought has officialy been revoked from now on everyone shall pay me $500 (or its equivelent) for each thought. Those not paying the apropriate costs will be promptly be hunted down and executed.

Obey the Illuminatus
Ewige Bluumenkraft
Ewige Schlangenkraft

I just posted this because a day or two ago, Mech_the_Muon mentioned that it would be ironic to post a thread about abolishing free thought under a free thought forum, so I did. :)
In the spirit of people and governments claiming that this or that is "theirs," i hereby claim the word "the" to belong to me. It is now officially copyrighted. Every time you say it, sensors will pick this up and your bank account will be charged $0.10 cents. Every time you think the word "the," this will be telepathically detected and your bank account will be charged $0.05 cents.

Thank you, have a nice day. :)
Alright in the spirit of free market economics I have decided to sell stock in my monoploy on thoughts. I of course will keep a 51% controling ownership of the company.

I am also pressing charges against Lykan for stealing the word the. And ive just contracted OJ team so you don't have a chance.
Originally posted by Lykan
In the spirit of people and governments claiming that this or that is "theirs," i hereby claim the word "the" to belong to me. It is now officially copyrighted. Every time you say it, sensors will pick this up and your bank account will be charged $0.10 cents. Every time you think the word "the," this will be telepathically detected and your bank account will be charged $0.05 cents.

Thank you, have a nice day. :)

Fine. I claim: " , . ; : '

Pay up, monkeyboy! :p
Then I get " " (that's right, it's just a space) I'll be rich! Rich I tell you! And by the way, Adam, that post just cost you $20... :D

If thoughts weren't "free" then would some thoughts "cost" more than others? I mean, if we contemplate the meaning of life, as many of us do from time to time, would that cost us more than pondering what's for dinner?

Well: I guess if you considder that when people ponder upon life all the time,...people would be less productive, so in that matter you could say that thinking 'tout-court' is costing money,...

Time is money, if you spend your time pondering instead of doing whatever mind-job you do, costs you money,....

Now,...the catch here is : that people have aproximately only some 75-80 years to live, much time are you wasting?

But what kind of toughts would you considder NOT to be usefull,...for yourselfenlightenment,...welbeign,,...personal or social toughts,....could really be benificial,....

If there where to be mind-control in the sense that everybody on this world would have an implant,..and every tought that was not directed towards the sociaty,...was to be punished with some, I don't know what kind of torture,....there wouldn't be any Einsteins either,...nor gandhy's nor,....any other persons,...who could take humanity to a higher level,....
