Scott Peterson Fan Club

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"You also improve humanity. Do we need to breed more silly girls like Laci Peterson, or lying business partners? When the blood cools, you've taken something broken out of the gene pool and let something healthier take its place. Murder is not only appealing, but in the case of fools and whores, it might be the right thing to do."

By God, I don't see why a man should die for killing. It's not like the dumb bitch had earned the right to live in the first place.
Xev - you are a moderator. Should we not expect a certain standard to be achieved by your posts. This is an international forum. I have no idea who Scott Peterson is, nor have I any intention of 'googling' to find out. A simple one paragraph explanation would have been adequate.
This is ridiculous

There are six billion people on this planet, and if we wanted to not trash the place, that number would be under a half-billion. So there are 5.5 billion ecologically imperative murders just waiting to happen.

Last I heard, the earth can support 50 billion people. Its not the number of people that makes most the earth a shithole, its the lopsided distribution of wealth and painful transition of industrialization.

Every one of us has a 'Prince' inside who can take responsibility for a bad situation and turn it to his advantage. But most are idiots like Scott Peterson (assuming he did kill her as the thread presumes.)
Then don't respond. Especially as you are a complete moron who could not extrapolate the character of Scott Peterson from the information provided in the linked website.

How very Jewish. Feminine-minded solutions such as "making everyone equal" and "avoiding ouchies" are your first response.
By this measure Scot Peterson should still be killed. He's irritating, egotistical, pathetically weak, and unbelievably stupid. Okay, so he eliminated another worthless member of society from the gene pool, this does not increase his worth. Come on Scot, have the cahones to admit that you did what was necessary or intelligent enough to not get caught so easily. Hanibal Lecter you are not. Killing Scot just eliminates another useless fuckwit; it's not only just, it's a god-damn imperative.

Moreover, these mewling, pathetic, little sycophants who stand in support of this looser are in serious need of extermination. The most they can muster is a lame rally of support for this ass-wipe. "Go Scot! Rah!" I mean, fuck, have the decency to support someone able to whack more than one defenseless, whiney, pregnant bitch before getting caught. Better yet, do it yourself.

How about idolizing John Gacy (who killed over 30 people across 7 years before getting caught and whose last words before he died of lethal injection were "kiss my ass") or Charles Whitman (who killed 15 people and injured dozens from long distances in just 96 minutes, including one shot of over 500 yards). These were men. Scot is worm smegma in comparison.

If you're going to stand up for someone cleaning out the gene pool at least have the decency to stand up for someone worthwhile.

There is a difference between allowing for equal opportunities and 'making everyone equal' by Robin Hood tactics. Would you call Napoleons universal education reform feminine? Thats far too simpleminded an approach, seeing things in black and white like that.
Mod Hat - Closure

Mod Hat - Closure

The Scott Peterson Fan Club website was determined in October, 2004, by Sciforums moderators, to advocate felonious violence. Thus, according to section VII of the December, 2004 update of EM&J forum rules, and according to standing site policy, this topic is hereby closed.

Additionally, the topic falls under the precedent of "No point to discussion", as no real purpose of consideration was offered in the topic post. It would be best if the SPFC website did not make another appearance here without a damn fine reason. And please do be aware: because of the history of this website in Sciforums discussion, topics pertaining to the SPFC will receive considerably greater scrutiny and considerably less sympathy under review.
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