Scissors Get Girl in Legal Trouble


Back from the Dead!!!!!
Registered Senior Member
A 10-year-old fourth-grade girl at Holme Elementary School in the Far Northeast was pulled out of class, handcuffed, and taken to the local police station in the back of a police wagon earlier this week after a pair of 8-inch scissors were found in her book bag, according to authorities and her angry mother.

School district and police officials said yesterday that they were following state law and procedures in dealing with students who have weapons on school property. They say that those rules demand police be called and that procedures call for handcuffing suspects regardless of age or crime.

Porsche Brown's mother, Rose Jackson, was outraged.
The USA is such a load of bollox these days.
Land of the Free my arse.
By your standarts people in prisons are free too.
1984 aproaching. Hope my country remains sane. :eek:
Hey combine... actually I had accidentally stabbed myself with a pen back in elementary school. Put that as a supporting proof ^_^
(don't worry, I only wounded my palm...) of my friend had some gluesticks that smelt godawful. They said 'Made in North Korea'. Coincidence?
There seems to be alot of stuipid stuff coming from america these days
i find pencils very dangerous too.
And lets not forget about Food, one can choke on it. Maybe the kitchen staff should be thrown in jail.
hahah everything the the whole school is dangerous, mud is one.
Knifes and fork
America is getting more and more like the America in the "Escape From..." movies. It's getting kinda sad.
Think of it this way, at the rate this is going, pretty soon your whole existance on American soil will become a crime ... whether you're a from a foreign country or from the state of Texas.
That is really, really ridiculous. So ridiculous in fact, that I was a little skeptical before reading the full article, which then made things even more ridiculous.

They called the police before they called the little girls' mother!

I wonder if the girls was black, and the school was being rascist or something. Seriously, who handcuffs a fourth grader?
Yeah i agree it is very stuipid, they could have confiscated them and give them to the parents
Depends at what age you start to go to school really.
I started at the age of 7 (1st grade) and I was in the 4th grade too when I was 10 (didn't go to school the 2nd half of the 1st year because of revolution and my father deep in that mess).
I started to read when I was 2 years and 1 month old and I'm currently one of the best students at my faculty at the uni. Hardly a held back person.