Sciforums Quotes Thread


Self ******.
Registered Senior Member
Put favorite quotes by sciforums members here! Anything you thought was of good quality, no other requirements.

Off the top of my head I can only think of something I saw today. A typically well written point by Tiassa about the controversy surrounding Obama's pastor.

Tiassa said:
Well, okay: conservatives looking to score cheap rhetorical points would pretend to take them seriously, but only to go on with that finger-wagging, "How dare you!" routine which we can only wish they could carry out with deliberate and poisonous irony.

Whole post at:
Funny how almost everyday Orleander reminds us about how she has me and draqon on ignore. If she was truly ignoring us don't you think she would stop mentioning it! :rolleyes:

There were so many great quotes, I just don't have time to find them.
Some of the funniest ones were posted by Baron Max, who I do wish would return soon.
All my favorite quotes are by redarmy11, that delicious little commie.

Oh, it's fairly easy when you're John99, the human 404 error. Life motto: "Page not found."

There are worse things on Google's "dead kitten" search.

Ohhh, brothers, much worse. Believe me.

Once again this year I shall be hoping and praying that some kind person buys me a KissMammal 2000. No-one ever does though. :(

He means thankyou for sharing. I know he made it sound rude, but you'll have to forgive him for that. You see, he's from Lancashire.

Just slop a load of cow milk in it. For maximum freshness just connect a rubber tube to the udder and suck.

Yes - or, would they mind him squatting in their yard? That, to me, is his one minor error - failure to obtain prior permission.

And his final missive:

And hi you too. I come in search of enlightenment and entertainment. I leave unenlightened, unentertained.

But I see that darksidZz is back. So I'm sure there's light at the end of the tunnel.

RedArmy11 wrote some of the most hilarious posts ever. I can't find my favorites though T_T

I have a high IQ as well. It's nowhere near 210 but it's high. I agree with some of what this guy says should happen but I think it should go further. I don't think anyone with an IQ below 100 should be allowed to reproduce or get a drivers license. If some of these ideas were adopted most of the world's problems would disappear in about two generations. Before you laugh consider that modern bio-technonogy is gearing up to move in exactly that direction. No self-respecting genetic scientist is going to waste time cloning stupid people. Eugenics was the best idea but it was never properly implemented. Now as the future approaches at high speed Eugenics will be a mandatory policy guiding genetic reasearch.

And voila! No more truck drivers. It's fine. We'll all knit our own muesli and sleep on the floor.
I really like how Ripley describes not wanting to die :)

Try imagining that you are being erased against your will. Then try imagining the universe without your participation. Then try imagining that it is inevitable. Then try imagining the universe not blinking.